RIGGED [against you]

The Wars Are Escalating But They're All RIGGED [against you]

May 10, 2024 Terry Sacka, AAMS Season 2 Episode 108
The Wars Are Escalating But They're All RIGGED [against you]
RIGGED [against you]
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RIGGED [against you]
The Wars Are Escalating But They're All RIGGED [against you]
May 10, 2024 Season 2 Episode 108
Terry Sacka, AAMS

Last broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS took us back to the Dec 22nd, 2012 issue of The Economist depicting a war between Hamas and Israel over ten years prior to the events that currently led to the war between the two today. But what else does this cover artwork tell us?  

In today's broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS gives us an inside-look at the wars that are escalating within a system that is rigged against you. Prepare now for the financial impact they will have on your future standard of living.

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Terry Sacka, AAMS
is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.

RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.

Show Notes Transcript

Last broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS took us back to the Dec 22nd, 2012 issue of The Economist depicting a war between Hamas and Israel over ten years prior to the events that currently led to the war between the two today. But what else does this cover artwork tell us?  

In today's broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS gives us an inside-look at the wars that are escalating within a system that is rigged against you. Prepare now for the financial impact they will have on your future standard of living.

 Watch the Video Broadcast with Visual Aids and Charts on RUMBLE

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RIGGED [against you] on Spotify

Terry Sacka, AAMS
is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.

RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.

RIGGED [against you]:

I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].

Terry Sacka AAMS:

Today we're gonna be discussing the escalation of the war. And I know the question will be which one, but it's basically all of them . Um, but wait until you hear the details. I'm gonna connect a few dots to give you some information that you're not getting outta mainstream media. Um , this system is definitely rigged against we the people, and you're gonna find out why. And so I wanna get into what that means, but before I do, please hit the subscribe button and share this, this podcast with others. We've decided to go full blown into the social media internet space. I haven't done that for quite some time. I just was not a social media fan. I really liked my privacy. But at the same time, this is really important and it's time to get out there and provide the information that we, the people need to hear. And so today I was kind of a little blown away that well should have known this was gonna happen, but they are now passing in the house. Speaker Johnson is going to pass with the help of Democrats $95 billion foreign aid package. And this is a big deal because it's going to provide about $60 billion for Ukraine, 26 billion for Israel, and 8 billion for Taiwan. So do you see the angle here? Setting up Now, I won't say World War iii, but you kind of get the picture here of what's setting up here. 60 billion for Ukraine. We have decided to escalate the war. Now wait until I tell you a little bit more detail about Ukraine. You're gonna be surprised because it's actually our allies that are saying it. But I'm not a fan of that war. I know we started it. It goes back to World War. I just, when many say that Germany started the war, it wasn't, it was actually England that provoked and forced Germany to, to invade and start it. We did the same thing here in 2014. It was the United States and NATO that allowed and provoked and instigated the coup in Ukraine. We went in , overthrow the government and then installed neo-Nazis. I mean whenever we're Nazis, okay? And yet we're using them at our , our behest. And now we are not only putting in the neo-Nazis, we put in all sorts of military equipment and start training them . Now this is against all the treaties that Russia had with Europe that NATO and NATO would never go east by the way. They've gone as far as they could and Ukraine would always remain neutral. Instead, they were secretly training up the armies in Ukraine to get ready. And it wasn't that they were technically going to invade Russia, although it was Ukraine that was terrorizing the Russian people in the eastern half of Ukraine. He's a Russian speaking Russian passport carrying people. And just like in World War I , Russia had no choice. They asked for a peace treaty. Even the English prime minister got involved. And this was done with the Putin Tucker Carlson interview, which if you haven't seen it, you really should. It's about a two hour interview. I was a nerd. I watched it three, four times. I was astounded at the intelligence of Putin. And I'm not saying Putin's this great guy, but listen, who's the one starting a lot of these wars and it just so happens to be we in nato, in America. Uh , but during that time they were talking about how uh, this had, this Ukraine territory just had to remain neutral. And all we want is a guarantee. Russia just wanted to guarantee no military equipment on their border, no weapons on their border. Would we allow weapons on the Canadian border? Would we allow weapons on the Mexican border? No, of course not. But that's what we did to Russia. We basically forced Russia and we were flying B 52 bomber runs around the border in the north of Russia around Poland. We forced this to happen. Russia had no choice but to invade. And here we are today. Now Ukraine is terribly losing that war. And I'm thinking, okay, you know, I get why we're trying to do it. I thought until more details started coming out. Now there's a three-prong issue here. One, they wanted to keep Russia from going to China and forming the bricks. So ever since the bricks have come, we have now become a multipolar world. We were a unipolar world where the United States dollar and the United States was supreme. That is no longer the case. We are now a multipolar world where almost two thirds of the world's population is moving away from NATO in the west and their form , their own currency in the bricks block. And they're using commodities and gold to back it up, which is very interesting. So one, we wanted to stop that from happening. Two, we thought we would get in, get this war going, use Ukraine people as a proxy, which I think is outrageous. Hundreds of thousands of people have died. It just seems so evil. But that's another conversation. And then we would wear down Russia. We would destroy their currency. I remember seeing, you know, sloppy Joe get out and say, yeah, look at the Russian currency. It's collapsing. Well that lasted about a day and that currency went right back up. The Russian economy is doing very well and they have pivoted away from the west. We even blew up the Nord stream pipelines hurting our allies, mind you. So they couldn't get the natural gas from Russia forcing them to buy our very expensive liquid natural gas. So we made sure that our friends and allies couldn't benefit or change their mind. And we tried to bankrupt Russia. Well instead they're sending those resources east. They're working with India, they're working with China, and the Russian economy is doing great. They even have a bigger and better military today than they did before the Ukraine war started. Where are we in the west? We're depleted. Ammunitions. It's unbelievable. That didn't work. Talk about backfire then. We freeze $300 billion of Russian reserves. Now mind you, that belongs to Russia. And the NATO and United States have been talking about trying to find ways of taking that money away from Russia. Now that's just flat out illegal and you international law, you just can't do it. But we're trying. That is absolutely acts of war like you can't even imagine. But we're doing everything we can to provoke and it's not working. And then three, we thought we would get in there force Russia to uh , collapse their economy, break Russia up into individual regions, keep them from going to China, and then get our corporate goons in there to control the $70 trillion of natural resources that Russia has. See, that's the difference. Russia has unbelievable amount of natural resources. They are very, very wealthy in natural resources. Way more than the Americans. And way more than most of, oh definitely more than most in nato. And none of that has worked. And you saw not only are you seeing the Ukraine situation collapse, Russia is advancing Now NATO is saying, we're gonna send troops and it's going to be a direct western NATO war with Russia. Extremely bad idea. An escalation poking a bear that actually has nuclear weapons. I wouldn't think that's a good idea. They even have nuclears hypersonic submarine torpedoes for Pete's sake. I mean, this is not a good idea. And so then conveniently, as I showed in the last podcast , uh, things that they're not telling us, it's almost seems as if the Hamas Israeli thing was allowed to happen. It was almost as if it was forecasted because the Ukrainian war wasn't going well. So they pivoted to start this deal in Israel. You cannot get into Israel. There's no way you could have attacked Israel like that. I believe just my personal opinion, it was allowed to give them the ability to go to war and destroy Hamas and take over that territory. It's not going well. But here we want to escalate that war. You have Yemen down in the peninsula. You have the Israeli Hamas, Hezbollah, you have the Ukraine, Russia, you now have Armenia, Arza , Bajan. And now you have Taiwan and China. China's getting Taiwan. Whether the Americans think so or not, they're going to take Taiwan eventually. Now that's a problem for the West because the Taiwans uh, basically control the uh , semiconductor chip and microchip type of business for the world. So that is a big deal. But the fact that we are putting this much money towards these wars, escalating these wars, instead of trying to talk peace is just going to annihilate our supply chain. If you think we have problems with inflation, now you haven't even begun to see it because it's not about the concerns of deflation. We can't have deflation either because the dollar doesn't buy anything. This is about the dollar and what it will allow us to buy. And it doesn't buy us anything because they have printed trillions and trillions of it. Now, this is where I say it's coming into the angle of why we're doing it twofold here. And I'm gonna get into a Ukraine here because the Polish president laid out his reasoning. We are at the end of a cycle in America. I contend it's a fourth turning. We're going one way or the other. We're going Bolshevik , Marxist socialism or we the people who are gonna maintain our freedom period. And we do not wanna go the other angle. If we elect this, this administration, again, you will see taxes increase in such a crazy way. It will destroy every , they will control everything we do. It will be horrific. And I'm not gonna get into those details now, but this is not even a question. They're gonna take away our freedom. They're gonna take away our currencies, they're gonna force us into digital IDs. They're gonna censor everything and they're gonna force us into a digital money where they can turn off and program. If you become non-compliant, just like the Chinese do with their social credit system, all you gotta do is look to Canada because they're passing laws right now to put your social credit system tied to your bank account. So I see us as an empire at the end of a cycle. And we're trying to hang on to this hegemony, this world dominant control. I don't know if we were just stupid or if we screwed it up on purpose because we, we messed this up more than we could have ever messed it up. And if we, if our goal was to be superior, there were so many other ways we could have done it. And we're doing it to the supply chain. Vast majority of our supplies, let alone our pharmaceutical drugs come from China and all these people, oh well the Chinese need us too. Yeah, well the Chinese are in war economy. Other nations are in war economy. They're prepping. And I don't think people are just missing the boat here. They're good at two sides of the fence, but at the end they're done with America. America is becoming isolated. Ever since we sanctioned Russia, we showed the world you can't trust our debt. It has changed drastically. And we've now told China, if they help Russia with this war effort, we will put sanctions on China. And you think China is gonna listen. I mean we sent over Janet Yellen, our treasury secretary, to have a conversation with China and she tells them, stop making solar panels, which they controlled 90% of the market. Stop making electric vehicles and stop buying silver. Why would she say that? Because America is running out of silver. Most of our silver came out of Mexico. We couldn't even supply our physical demand. And so we were sending exchange for physical demands out of the futures market for physical silver to London. Well , London was getting most of its physical silver from Russia now with sanctions that not , that is not happening. And most of that is now going to the east. So we've lost our supply of silver and we're losing control. I contend if they don't watch it. We've got about two weeks of supply of physical silver industrially in the Comex . And I contend they probably or could possibly go to a force majeure, which would of course destroy our markets, destroy our credibility. But they're gonna force people in the industrial side to take these contracts in cash instead of physical silver. The silver is going to the east and the Chinese don't care. They will dominate these industrial products and they will take this physical supply off the system. They didn't care what Yellen said. As soon as she left, they basically kicked her to the curb, laughed at her, and then met with Russia the next day. We are no longer respected. We're done on the international stage. Yeah, we may have a decent military, although I don't know with all the wokeness going in the military how effective we are. But we still got some real good military people there. So that's one positive thing for us. But we're on the wrong side of history here. We are in what I call an inflationary depression. And I know you don't believe it 'cause you think everything's okay. The markets look fine, but it's just not. There is a reason the banks are doubling down this year on buying gold. There is no way out of this inflationary depression. No way. The banks are in a damned if you do, damned if you don't moment. They can't raise interest rates. They'll destroy the banking system, the collapse of banks, if they lower rates, they'll accelerate inflation. The banks are in a really bad spot because the government have forced the banks to own US treasuries. And remember, we have 10 trillion in US treasuries to reissue this year, 700 billion a month starting right now in April. Who is going to buy 'em ? Nobody because they're going to monetize that debt, which if you think inflation's bad now wait until we start monetizing that debt. That's called basically printing money out of thin air. The trust is eroding all over the world and all things America trust in our banking system. Look at New York, what they're doing. Look at the law fair . Look at how they're going after President Trump and all these outrageous claims. Would , would you do business in New York? You couldn't trust them. We're losing the credibility and the excellence of a nation. Our culture is destroyed. I mean this whole woke angle of culture is unbelievable what it's doing to the fabric of we the people, our politics, our dollar. Nobody trusts it anymore. And so here the Polish president came out and revealed that the foreign companies own most of Ukraine's industrial agriculture. Now this gets to the other part while I say maybe one of the bigger reasons why we liked the idea of the war. So here we're taking hundreds of billions of dollars of American taxpayer money. That would be three, let's just say $3 billion for every state in our union. We could have given to the states and they could have increased the roads and, and built the electrical grid up and rebuilt bridges and can imagine the jobs and the improvement to our infrastructure we could have done with this money. Instead, we go to war. Well , the Polish president's saying, wait a minute, something's wrong. Foreign companies are coming in AKA BlackRock and America, and they own all of the Ukrainian grade A farmland. Doah , which is the president of Poland, says that , uh, he represents what's widely considered to be one of the most pro-American anti governments at any time in history. So he can't really be accused of being a pushin Kremlin propaganda guy. And yet he's coming out, wait a minute, because the Ukrainian grain and farmland is producing far cheaper than the polish. And these , they're destroying the polish farmers. And so they came out with , uh, the Oakland Institute came out, published a , a detailed report in February of 23. They titled it War and Theft, the Takeover of Ukraine's Agricultural Land. Now this exposed how foreign firms have clandestinely taking control of significant share of Ukrainian farmland by exploiting a law of inclusion with local oligarchs. Their findings were , uh, made waves around the world, of course, and at the time be eventually receded from the public's attention because our media like USA today came out and kind of did a bogus fact check saying, oh , that's not true, but it is. So we, the people are taking hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to finance a war we should never have gone to, to allow these mega corporations to then own the farmland. Hmm . So they can then give cheaper grains to Europe instead of sending it to Africa. At the same time, the Europeans are going after their farmers by close , closing 'em down, shutting 'em down, saying it's global warming, climate change, whatever word they're using today and it's fertilizer. And yet they're doing it, I believe as a world economic forum angle, great reset angle to control the food because Ukraine is the one of the bread baskets of the world. And this is how the World Economic Forum, United Nations will control the food supply. And you control the food, you can submit the people. And so Duda came out from Poland and said, wait a minute, this isn't cool. What's going on? And then they turn around and the speaker of the house just said, oh yeah, these loans were giving Ukraine will be forgiven. So we the taxpayers, instead of redoing our infrastructure and putting it towards we, the people and our communities and our poor, we're giving it to them, we're making the loans go away and allowing the mega corporations and then take over and control the food supply. Sound like a good angle, huh? For war, we're basically growth by deficit spending. And this is what is known as at the end of an empire when the confidence of a dollar of a currency gets lost, that is the seventh stage of a collapse of an empire. And I believe we're on the verge of that right now as trust is eroding in everything America. We have been tapping now what we call the exchange stabilization fund. And I'm gonna get deeper into that at some other time. But basically it consists of three types of assets. US dollars printed out of thin air foreign currencies that were basically taking without permission and special drawing rights, which basically are international reserve assets created by the International Monetary Fund. Saudi Arabia wants their money back. It's been six years and we've taken it out through this exchange stabilization fund. That's how we've been surviving. We are doing everything we can, taking from places we shouldn't be taking. They've even taken it from the money market system. If you notice you have in the back in the day, a money market account was your currency, your money. It's not money but currency sitting in a bank for you. But that's not the case a few years ago. Look at every one of your bank statements and brokerage statements. A money market account is now 98% US treasuries. So what they were able to go in and take trillions of dollars out of the money market system. You are now sitting in US treasuries and if you trust us bonds and treasuries right now, more power to you . I find it incredibly dangerous. I'd be highly diversifying out of the system. So many people are sitting with money in the banks. They have no idea the bankruptcy laws and what is coming . And if they did, they wouldn't be doing it. The China Chinese know they're on the side of the Russians, they're on the side of the Iranians. India is playing both sides. You are seeing the setup of world war scenario. Now, I don't think it goes kinetic personally. I could see skirmishes, but kinetic makes no sense. This is going to be an infiltration to our culture. That's why Chinese in the fentanyl angle to our communities promoting the angle of destroying our nuclear family in our church. And it's, it's being done as a , uh, not just a clouded vin , but an internal chaos into our culture to destroy us from within. And then financially we are at that precipice. $10 trillion have to be reissued. Who do you think is going to buy it? They're not. They will monetize it. And if you think it's inflation now, wait. Why? If you think this is expensive, so many people are selling gold and silver right now. It's hilarious. If you sell your silver at 32, you're going to regret it. When silver hits 50, it skyrockets above. You're gonna look back and go, oh my gosh, I could have been double tripling my money. If you wanna protect and preserve your assets, you get outside that system with gold and silver in a vault, private depository through your IRA and be cautious of these big gold companies. If they got the word gold in their name, 98% of 'em are going to gug you like you can't believe. And c charge charge you stratospheric level of premiums unnecessary to buy new mathmatic fancy coins because in the end, 31.1 grams is gonna be 31.1 grams. You wanna get as many ounces as you can. And that's why I love Cornerstone Asset Metals because they're here to serve the people's needs and not just be there to take all the money for themselves and profit and wait until you try to sell those coins back to the big gold companies. They charge you another outrageous premium. Stay away. And if you're going to do it, give Cornerstone a call and start consulting there. But in the meantime, this escalation of war is very real. And to add this much money into the theaters of war on three angles, not counting the Houthis down by Saudi Arabia and over in the Armenia region as well with ajani, it , this is a big deal. The escalation is real. And if you pay attention to world Wars, this is how they get started. The the chess pieces are getting laid out. Will we have prevailing heads? It doesn't seem so. It seems like we in our Congress are bent on trying to break Russia, which will not happen. And we are gonna escalate this. And the the question becomes when or when does it go too far? And all I know is I would hate to have many of you wake up and not be prepared properly, not have emergency food, not have your debts paid down, not have your community relationships understood. Just be at peace about it. But no , this is not a normal time in history. We are either going to a digital id, digital currency. Biden signed it into executive action. Trump made it clear he will not allow that to happen. I think our choice is really clear right now. We don't have to like the guy, but we sure in the hell will like his policies. And I know he can do a better job of rebuilding this country and our economy than anyone on the left will do because they are hell bent on destroying this system. So until next time, God bless each and every one of you with

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