RIGGED [against you]

The FED lowers Interest Rates and Inflation...Gets...Worse?

Terry Sacka, AAMS Season 2 Episode 109

Last broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS gaves us an inside-look at the wars that are escalating within a system that is rigged against you. Prepare now for the financial impact they will have on your future standard of living. 

In today's broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS explains to us how it's possible for the Fed to lower interest rates and yet inflation continues to get worse. Are there some other forces in play here?

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Terry Sacka, AAMS
is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.

RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.

RIGGED [against you]:

I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].

Terry Sacka AAMS:

Today we're gonna be discussing about the rates being cut by the Federal Reserve, but this gets a little bit deeper than just rate cuts. This is actually about the survival of banks, and it's, there's a real damned if you do, damned if you don't moment . So before we get going, please hit the subscribe button. Let's start sharing this program. We are now going into social media , um, but we are getting into it. So we do appreciate you subscribing. Uh, hit that bell and notifications. So as we start to get into more updates on this, there'll be a lot more programming and sometimes just short programs, but we'll start putting a lot more content out. But this one is very interesting because what I'm realizing, and I had this discussion with a friend , uh, just the other day, the media is not telling us what is really going on behind the scenes. I'm actually blown away at how stagnant our media is. And I, I know I've talked about this in the past. I even have about 10 different headlines of Fox News on my phone right now. I was going to read, I'm not gonna do that today, but just to show you just the absurdity of what they're sharing. Like our world is this Disneyland type of information, and they're not giving us like what's really going on in the world. It is so hard to find it. And so what that tells me is most people are completely unaware that we are at a catastrophic end to so many different things, not just the dollar. Um, so much is going on with our, our country, our culture, our government. And it's getting to the point where as I kept contending all through my podcast, something has to come, something is coming. Not sure what that something is, whether it's another, you know, scam, demic or some type of a , a cyber attack or something to deal with the financial system or something to go into World War III scenarios. Maybe not kinetic, but something else. But something is coming because the system is extremely fragile. And I mean the financial system. And it gets down to these rates and the rates dealing with not just the , um, interest rates of course, but how that impacts the banks. So Peter Schiff has been hammering this pretty good as well. And if you really get into the details of it, think about 2008 when the banks actually got into a major, we called it almost like a , a depression, right? Uh, the, in 2009, they had about 140 banks fail. And now a recent report , uh, from a financial consulting firm, Clara's Group, says that hundreds of banks right now are at risk of going under this year. Now mind you, this is at the same time we are doing a reissuance of US treasury debt to the tune of $10 trillion. That's 700 billion a month. Who's going to buy them? And if our banks are already strapped because of the debt that we had forced them to buy us treasuries, who else can buy 'em ? They're gonna have to monetize. You wanna talk about monetization, meaning printing money? The government is going to print trillions of dollars this year to just get out of this debt trap that we're in on this reissuance because the banks can't do it. And what I'm gonna explain here briefly about the banks and the interest rates, you'll understand why. So they talk about trillions and trillions of dollars that have to be probably monetized and printed. You think inflation's bad? Now wait , we're just getting started. So they're talking about this clearance group is saying that there's hundreds of banks at risk. Now, mind you, only 140 banks failed in 2009. And we're talking two to three times that this year. And look what happened in the financial crisis back in 2008, 2009. Now this is very interesting because it gets into , um, more of the smaller banks, and that's what I find interesting here. It's about the assets of these banks. Now, most at risk firms in the small banks are representing under $10 billion. Handful of 'em are larger regional banks. Some may be able to avoid closing by halting the expansion plans and offering fewer services. But we're still dealing with an extraordinary number of banks. And the question is, are you part of that bank or not? And that's the hard part because we always thought that the small, the community bank would be the safest place. Unfortunately, they are large holders of treasuries as well. So we're dealing with a situation where the Fed is in a damned if you do, damned if you don't position, if they raise the interest rates from here, which they almost have to because inflation is raging, you're being lied to about the inflation numbers. And if you go to shadow statistics, it's a , these are all government data forms and files and, and charts, but we are still in double digit inflation. So if you're sitting in cash in a bank, you lost for every a hundred thousand dollars, you lost $12,000 last year just on inflation. And the year before that it was $15,000. So for people that have been sitting in cash for the last few years, you've probably lost 50 to $60,000 just on inflation on that cash. So here we have these banks that are now just overloaded with US treasuries and bonds. They have to reissue 10 trillion more back into the system at higher interest rates is why Bank of America Hornet came out and said that we are going to hit the interest expense of $1.6 trillion by the end of this year when they were just six months ago saying it would take 10 years. So as you can see, we're going into a parabolic phase here. So the inflation is raging. They're going to have to print trillions and trillions of dollars, monetize it, which means it dilutes your buying power in the cash you're sitting on is going to be worth far less. It's why I'd be given cornerstone asset Metals a call get the gold and silver in the vault outside the system right now. If you understood the depths of what was behind the scenes, you would not be messing around with this. But the, the inflation is gonna continue. It will rage it , it will increase more. They're gonna try their best to manipulate it, but they can't stop it. What they need to do is raise interest rates. Well, the problem is if they raise interest rates, the banks are going to start collapsing. And we're already at a place where hundreds of banks are on the chop block already. So if they raise the rates like they're supposed to, because inflation is gonna continue to rise, these banks start collapsing if they lower the interest rates. You hear chatter. And right now I know a lot of the market system is gambling that they're going to lower the rates. They're , if they lower the interest rates, it's done for political reasons to try to keep the stock market up. But if they lower interest rates you along with the printing and monetization of trillions of dollars, you are going to see inflation rage like you have never seen. And this is the damned if you do, damned if you don't moment. So in order to prevent a banking crisis, they're looking like they have to cut interest rates. So this is a very, very serious position the Federal Reserve is in. They can't raise interest rates, is what they're supposed to do right now with the inflation indicators because the banks will start collapsing and we already have hundreds on the block. If they actually cut the interest rates, which they need to do in order to save these banks from collapsing, you are going to accelerate inflation like we have not seen. So I do encourage you, if you have not bought certain items that you think you would like to get, I would encourage you to get them. If you study Venezuela and other nations that go through extreme inflation, these prices are going to rise. Food is gonna continue to rise. And if you do not, I would be having emergency food. You just better have it. I can't believe how many churches and organizations don't have rooms full of it, but I'd be given Heaven's Harvest a call. Um, they're very solid people and the prices will be right, but they're just good people to do. But I would be getting my food if you do not have it because of this situation. They need to save the banks in order to save them. They're gonna cut the interest rates now, it'll make it look like the market's going okay, but it is not. They're going to be printing trillions and trillions of dollars monetizing it, causing your cash that is sitting in the bank to be worth less and less and less. And you have to understand, if you have $400,000 sitting in a bank, you just see the word 400,000, you think you're okay. But that 400,000 is really worth 3 50, 3 43 20 because of the inflation that has been eating it over these years. So this is a really huge time right now in our, in our culture. I think it , like I said, it goes into that fourth turning . We'll get into a lot more, but this is a big moment here of what they're going to do with interest rates. And it is truly a damned if you do, damned if you don't. But we, the people better be prepared for that and get our assets properly protected. We are just now entering the bull market into the gold and silver area. You are going to see prices like you've never seen before and people will be shocked when silver breaks 50, how high it goes. It's not even about what you're making in the precious metals, it's about what you're protecting and preserving. So until next time, God bless you.

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