RIGGED [against you]

$1.9 Trillion of Americans Savings Are Gone

Terry Sacka, AAMS Season 2 Episode 110

Last broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS explained to us how it's possible for the Fed to lower interest rates and yet inflation continues to get worse. Are there some other forces in play here? 

In today's broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS speaks with Josh Peck of The Sharpening Report revealing to us that $1.9 Trillion of American savings are completely gone. Where did it go and is this the sign of a much greater problem?

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Terry Sacka, AAMS
is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.

RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.

RIGGED [against you]:

I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].

Josh Peck:

Concerning the economically unstable times that we live in, it is a great idea to convert some of your savings into real money. Now, there is a big difference between real money and what we call money, which is actually just currency. So our dollar is currency, which fluctuates real money. On the other hand, like silver, for example, is a store of value over time. The best way to think of it is like this. If you had saved $1,000 in cash back in the late sixties, the late 1960s, that $1,000 would still be $1,000 technically, but it would buy you significantly less today due to inflation. Now, if you had saved that same $1,000 in silver back in the 1960s, today, it would be worth around $28,000. So one of the best ways to protect your purchasing power is in real money. More specifically silver. You can buy and have the metal shipped discreetly to your door. And what most people don't know is that you can actually convert your IRA or even a 401k into physical silver rather than having all of your life savings tied up in the paper Fiat system, which is subject to hyperinflation. Go to daily renegade.com and click on the Cornerstone Assets Metals banner. This is the only company that I personally trust with this kind of thing. Click on that and sign up to get your free silver report today. One of the financial experts will speak with you to find out the best way to protect your savings going forward in these uncertain times. Hello and welcome to the sharpening report. I am your host, Josh Peck. Tonight we have a very special returning guest with an incredibly important message that you really need to hear. The economy is in rough shape. The country is in rough shape, and we know prophetically these things are to be expected, but it's probably gonna get a lot worse before it gets any better. But there are practical things. We as Christians, especially if we know the scripture, especially if we know prophecy, there are things we can do. And our guest is here to talk about just that. Terry Saka , A A MS is chief strategist and founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals Wealth Transfer News, television, and the podcast rigged. He , uh, formerly was a financial advisor for AG Edwards and a strategist in Commodity Options and Futures. Using his global travel and US Army military experience , Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework. Terry , it's so good to have you back on the show. How are you doing?

Terry Sacka AAMS:

Good to see you, Josh. I'm doing well, thank you.

Josh Peck:

Yeah, absolutely. Let's jump right into this because I know most people, they know who you are. They know your story 'cause you've been on a lot of times, and that's, that's great. And this is so important. I don't wanna, I don't wanna waste any time. We have a 10 trillion , uh, dollar in bond reissuance coming up this year. Now , uh, to a lot of people like me, when they hear a sentence like that, they don't exactly know what it means. But it sounds really important and really daunting, and I know it is . Uh, can you explain what that means and what that might possibly mean for our near future and even us as individuals? Yeah,

Terry Sacka AAMS:

And I know, I understand this may be a little dry, but it's actually, I'll try to make it kind of real clean because this is mind blowing . You know, and it reminds me, I did this conference one time , uh, it was in Gettysburg, and I'll never forget, I, I did a kind of a speech on outlining like 10 or 12 behaviors that took place , um, as this empire was coming towards the end. And all of them sounded just like the United States where they started allowing all these, these aliens into the nation. They didn't , uh, force, you know, assimilation of language. They started doling out more welfare than they could just to keep people from overthrowing. And it just goes on and on and on. And at the very end, I just kind of waited and asked who people thought that would be. And it turned out that was actually the Roman Empire when it finally collapsed. But yet the parallels of what led grown to collapse, we in America are following those very similar footsteps. So , uh, it's very, very interesting from that point of view because , uh, I do believe, you know, as Solomon said, nothing new under the sun. Right? And there are these cycles of, of time, and we as an empire are no doubt. Now, I'm not saying we're collapsing right now, but I'll tell you, we are definitely at a time and season and a point in history, and where I do understand why that fourth turning is being discussed. You know, every 80 years we have this dramatic cycle of things happening. And here we are at a precipice of going towards a Marxist communist world, losing our freedom, or we, the people have a reprieve and, and can try to fix it. But as we see our culture, you know, completely collapsing internally , um, everything is happening. Just like, you know, I was talking about you before the show, like in Enoch, how he was talking about, you know, changing DNA and how the perversions come in and we're doing all of this stuff. So prophetically they were talking about these are things you better watch out for. And even Jude, how he started saying, this is what you watch out for in the end time. And here we are, and we are almost in what I believe days of Noah as a culture. But now in the financial why I think it's so important for us to get more than anything, not that we should fear it, but we should be aware so we are properly protecting our assets. Um, why I think, you know, gold and silver outside the financial system at this time in history is important, but 10 trillion. Now, we, I think when we say a trillion, we're kind of getting numb to that <laugh> . We don't think, oh, I got a trillion dollars. But that's a very serious amount of money. And what's happening is we as a government, and the Rand Paul, Senator Rand Paul said it the best we're, we're printing money and borrowing money from now almost our enemies borrowing money by issuing bonds to then take that very same money and sending it to countries like Ukraine and, and around the world. And when we have so many problems here in the United States, it just doesn't make sense to borrow money from countries to then send it out. Although most countries are now ditching their US treasuries and bonds because we've lost that petrol dollar . And what's interesting right now is this 10 trillion in bond reissuance coming this year is so important because it really means is we first issued these bonds, when is interest rates were like 2%, 3%, you know, when they were really low. Now we have interest rates at 7% and 8% on certain index. We have higher interest rates. And so we have all of this 10 trillion coming do that. We have to reissue as debt because we can't afford just to pay it. We as a nation don't have the money. So when we issue a bond, it's basically an IOU. And so we say, okay, we'll give you this bond. If it's a two year bond or a 30 year bond or a 10 year bond, we will pay you back in 10 years and we'll give you this much interest. Well, once that bond is, is expired, and we have to either pay it all back or we need to resell another bond, and that's the reissue, we can't afford to pay it back because of course, we're almost three 4 trillion every year negative. So we can't afford to, to pay off the debt, we have to reissue the debt. So we gotta go back out into the world and say, can you buy our bonds again? Well , the world's not buying our bonds anymore. Matter of fact , they're dumping 'em , especially with the bricks , China and that whole alliance. And so what we've been doing is our intergovernment agencies have been buying bonds. So we're giving, let's say social security, and then these numbers aren't exactly accurate, but let's just tell you social security, we give 'em a hundred billion dollars a year, they will take a portion of that and buy bonds. So it makes no sense. The government is printing money, and then the very government agencies, they give money to turn around and buy the money. We just print it . So it's a, it's a really smoke and mirror situation, but we have to reissue $10 trillion in one year. That's basically $700 billion a month in refunding. And it's absolutely impossible. Not only is the world not buying it, but then we have to reissue it in extremely high interest rates. So it's gonna make our debt explode. And this is a very, very unique situation, and I don't see really anyone in the mainstream talking about this. Maybe they don't wanna mention it because it's potentially catastrophic. This is how Rome got to a point where they collapsed because they used to bring in their gold coins and then they would shave 'em down, shave 'em down, and then mix in copper, mix in copper to the point where all of a sudden the gold coin was just copper and covered over with gold to make it still look like gold. But it was worthless. And so they no longer had money to pay, you know, the , the troops. And then of course, you know, they stormed down from the north, destroyed Rome, and they collapsed. And we're getting at that point where our finances, we are so indebted as a nation, we're now reissuing this debt back into a world that's really not interested. And we have to do it at a tune of 700 billion a month. And it's just not possible to do. This is going to start, and I'm not a timestamp, but this is actually like data. The bonds are coming due and it, this will start at the end of March. So at the end of March, and by June watch out, there's gonna be fireworks in the bond market. And I don't know how they'll get around it. I have a , uh, a dear friend, he's a bond dealer, and he told me, this was two years ago, three years ago, he said the bond warehouses are basically imploding. Like they're, they're, they're issuing the stuff so much. They're buying so much, it's just they're, they're blowing out the windows, you know, they're just nowhere to put 'em. Like we can't buy more bonds and stick 'em somewhere. There's nowhere to put 'em. So we're forcing our banks to buy the treasuries and bonds. We've taken over the money market account system. People don't know their money. Market accounts are no longer cash. Actually, in a fine print, if you read it, it says a US cash reserve account, which if you read the def definition of that, it is 98% US treasuries. So when you think you're sitting in cash in a money market, you're really buying US treasuries. So they've done that to the tune of trillions. There's nowhere else to put it. We forced our banks to buy the bonds. We forced our allies in the European banks to buy the bonds, and all of a sudden we've issued so much debt, we're at a point we can't really do it anymore. And this is a big deal. And why I think it's coming to a precipice beyond the fact that everybody knows, I mean, Putin laid it out in the interview, but everybody knows it was America that blew up the Nord Stream pipeline and, you know, minus the ecological complete damage we're with the left on that one. But we did that harm to our allies. Like we were willing to blow up that Nord stream pipeline to harm Germany and our allies and force them to buy our liquid natural gas. Unbelievable. So here we're strong arming our allies and friends. And here's why that's interesting. European banks, it's called the Eurodollar and the Euro dollar are basically US treasuries bonds that the European banks bought that are held in European banks. Well, normally that's not a big deal, right? They have made it. Now you can't do it. They made it not real illegal per se, but you can't, they will not allow European banks to deposit those treasuries into American banks. Now, basically, that's an act of war. Mm-Hmm , <affirmative> , because we issued this debt and we're saying, sorry, you're stuck with the debt. You can no, you can't bring it back to America. That is going to infuriate these European banks, let alone the hundreds and hundreds that allow trillions, right? Because we have 10 trillion that they're going to get stuck with. And this is a big deal because now Europe is stuck with our bonds that we are no longer standing behind. And that's not a good situation, number one for relations. But two, it shows that America is getting at the point of Rome, where we are having trouble paying our debt and bills in a serious way. So this bond crisis is gonna look like a default, but it's not gonna be described as a default. It will be phrased as like a haircut. You'll get back less. Basically you'll get back like maybe 60 cents on the dollar. So all these banks that bought these bonds and these entities that bought these bonds, the government will say, okay, I tell you what, we'll take the bomb back. But instead of giving you a full dollar for your dollar, we'll give you half. You see, that's not gonna go over well. Now I say the banks will . So here's where this could be good news or bad news. I'm not sure the banks that are gonna have to write this offer , you're talking hundreds and hundreds of billions, if not trillions of loss , will they allow them to write those losses off to their gains and they'll somehow make the debt just disappear? I'm not sure how this is going to play out. All I know is it's unprecedented that we are telling European banks you cannot bring those bonds over to American banks. I mean, it's an act of war. I mean, in the old days, these would , this would be an act of war. So they're gonna make this crisis look like a haircut. You're just gonna get back less, but it'll be okay. But will it, we're talking trillions of dollars. This will be called a crisis, of course. Mm-Hmm . It's going to ha and it's starting, this is common , like I said, by the end of March into June. This is a cycle of reissuing debt. The debt's coming due and something has to be done. And so it's not like we can just make it disappear because it's an IOU. It's like, if I owed you a hundred dollars and then come around next week when I'm supposed to pay you, I say, well, I tell you what, you know it , it's the same. You know what I mean? It just doesn't work. But here's what they're gonna be doing, and this is why we have to pay attention. We think that as the media tells us inflation is getting better, complete lie, the inflation is still double digits. And wait until I explain in a few minutes where this really goes. People are not gonna believe it, but inflation is still extremely real. And what's gonna happen is they're gonna call us a crisis and they will start printing trillions more in currency. So we're at the end of this cycle of American power and dominance, financially is a dollar. And we're, we're doing what we call a blow off . Like we have no choice but to just print, print, print, print, just like the Romans did when they started turning the gold coins into copper. We're at that point right now. And so what will that do? Massive inflation. So inflation is gonna rage higher once they start printing these trillions of dollars more just to keep the economy going and wait until the rest of this interview goes, because it all ties into p what our daily lives are dealing with. And we're gonna be like, you gotta be kidding. Yeah. The inflation is going to be this real because we cannot print that amount of money, which is really currency of course, right? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> and put it into the system. And that's what inflation is. Too much currency chasing too few goods. And so we're gonna be forced in this crisis to print trillions more. And that's why I'm almost thinking they may almost want Donald Trump, although I know they don't, but they sure would love to blame all this, you know, collapse on him. So I , I can see where they'll set it up if he does win, where he takes the fall for this . Because honestly, I don't care if you're Trump or who you are, I don't see how you get out of this. Yeah, we have debt we can't pay, and they're raising taxes there. There's more revenue coming in than there ever was, but the debt is just exploding exponentially. Even the interest we pay on our debt is now over a trillion a year. Mm-Hmm . Extraordinary number. And so the equation kind of works out like this. We are now, basically, it's about $10 of debt we are taking on as a nation for every $1 of growth. Mm-Hmm . Now why that's bad. In the old days they always call this inflation all it's normal financial cycle. But in the old days we were doing three, maybe $4 of debt for every $1 of growth. And that was even bad. But now up to $10 of debt for a dollar of growth, meaning we're printing all this money, we're putting it into the system, it's not doing anything, we're basically like spinning wheels in mud and we're not going anywhere. Our economy is not what people think. And the problem is what we think was going on isn't because number one, well, let me put it this way, let me back up and go. When we see the GDP number now, you know, that's where this gets kind of dry. But here's where it's, you know how they say on a , on the financial news, they'll say, oh, our GDP is 2%, or we're producing 3%. And they try to say, the economy's doing okay, we're moving along, we're producing this, we're producing 2%, we're producing three, the actual GDP, these are the real numbers. And you can go to shadow statistics.com. And you know, they, they explain it in real terms of what we're, how we're rigging the system. But our actual GDP, and this has gone on for the last three or four years, is actually negative 7%. Hmm . That's extreme inflationary. And it's, we're going backwards. So when they tell us for the last few years, they're saying , oh , we did 2% growth. We've grow , we grew 3% this year. When they say we did 2% growth , we actually had a minus 5% growth. That has not been good. Now, this is the last three years this has been going on. So as the media has been telling us, oh, things are getting better, and they're trying to say, oh , Biden's like, yo Biden omics is working. I'm like, we are negative 5%, 7%. It's not going anywhere. Why does it seem like it's moving? Well, the trillions that the government was printing is, has been because of government spending. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . So 90% of economic growth that has happened was all because of government. And that's always a bad mix. A real economy is from we, the people on the ground and the bakery shops and the mechanic shops and everywhere else where we spend money, circulate money, move it around, and then move it through the system. That's an economy when we produce goods and service. But the government, 90% is not, it's only empowering the very top half a percent, you know, with military spending and these, these power elites. But the other factor of the money growth, which is interesting, 90% has been from government spending. This is the part that gets me and why I know the media is winning. The argument , covid locked us down pretty hard, completely illegal of course. And I'm amazed the second amendment didn't take hold that time because talk about tyranny, but we, the people saved upwards to $1.9 trillion during the lockdown because we were not spending money, right? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> . And so we ended up saving money once 2023 came around, Americans were spending almost 200 billion a month of their savings. So all that 1.9 trillion in savings that we had has been exhausted. We, we blew through it. So a lot of people, instead of save , keeping their savings or investing it or paying down debt, they were spending it. And I don't know, you know, I get it. We were locked down, you know, we were all, we were going crazy. So we went out and we going to the movies, we're buying a new TV or whatever people were doing, they were blown off. Like, let's go have some fun. And I get it because I did the same thing, but we were spending savings. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> when we should have been holding onto it. So now here we are in 2024, the savings are , the savings rate is zero. Like we're down now and we've depleted it. So between the government spending and the American people, we, the people spending our savings, it gave an illusion that the economy was okay or getting better, if anything. But it wasn't, it was an illusion because real economic growth is different as I explained, you know, from the ground up. And so I get when, I don't know if many people saw it, if they didn't, they really should seek it out. But that interview that took a carlson did with Putin of Russia. Wow. I watched it four times. It's two hours long, but four times. And I, I couldn't believe how calm and how in intellectual that guy is. And I know there's gonna be people getting all mad. Oh , you support Russia. I'm saying, listen, America, we're, we're nothing. We're nothing like people think we are the boogeyman in so many ways. And I do believe we have to make Russia the boogeyman, as you listen to Putin explain the history, they never, they needed it because they took, they needed a boogeyman and Russia had to be it in order to justify all the military spending. That's kind of my take from it. But he laid out something very interesting and he said, I don't understand why the American people don't see this. Why you don't see how your government is weaponizing the dollar. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> , we took hundreds of billions of Russia's money, we're weaponizing our currency. That act alone is what completely destroyed the confidence in the American dollar. What allowed bricks to rise. So you got the, you know, China, the Russia angle now developing a new commodity backed currency, and we did it. And he even said it that way, you're doing it to yourself like you're , you're with your own hands, you're destroying your own currency. And I'm kind of thinking to myself, why did we, why are we doing that? Are we trying to self-destruct? If we think about the world order, right? We the be we the American people need to self-destruct and order for the one world order to walk in with their tyranny, you know, with their world economic forum, you know , um, what they call the great reset stuff where yeah , we're all gonna have nothing and we're gonna like it. And you know , so on and so forth. I think personally they're failing. I think many people are waking up. That's why this is important to know. Uh, but weaponizing the dollar was a very dangerous thing. And so here we have 10 trillion in bonds, we need to sell back to who, when the rest of the world goes, I don't trust you because you just showed you're weaponizing the dollar in a way . Now I don't wanna put my, put our money or our reserves into your dollar. And that's a huge situation. And all of this went south, starting in the fall of 2019. So it was, you know , I won't get into that too much, but what was interesting is in the fall of 2019 , it was a repo market, which basically means banks go to the Federal Reserve to borrow money when they're desperate, when they're ready to, you know, implode. And that repo market was going nuts. It was going up like hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars in a day. Banks were in a panic. Our economy was getting ready to completely collapse, and then conveniently this virus showed up, this pandemic. I thought the timing was really interesting. Then the government was justified in spending trillions of dollars, 6 trillion, I believe they printed through that pandemic. And this set us way into , um, down into the pit . So now they reissued, they reissued all this debt, they printed all this money, and now if you ever hear the phrase , um, we're at the end of the road, or they're kicking the can down, or we're on the edge of a cliff, you know, you hear all these cliches, we're there like, we're at the edge of the cliff. The can can no longer really be kicked. And we're going to start to see that in this bond market when they have to reissue all of this debt. And the question is, who has $10 trillion to buy it? So that's why I believe we're seeing a lot of the geopolitics global setup . If I have to guess, and this is totally my guess, now mind you is , but I'm probably gonna be close to one of these. This situation is so serious. Something has to be done as a distraction because if it just plays out, the American people can be , people are gonna be like government and banks, like, what were you doing? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> . And they won't, they don't wanna blame the malfeasance of the bankers, like it was their fault. They , they won't wanna do that, of course. And I won't get into the fact they changed all the bankruptcy laws that no one realizes over the last 20 years. And every dollar in the bank, every stock you own, all of it actually can be taken from you 100%. And they think, oh, FDIC insurance read the fine print when if the system collapses entirely, they can literally take everything you own that's in the system like that and it's gonna be issued to the worldwide banks, the global banks. It's, and , and I had people go, well, they can't do that. I said, no, it's in the law. Like they've done it. That's why I believe trial swab that that Nazi in the World Economic forum, that trilateral baby , uh, that's why he says we are going to have nothing and like it, because I think this is an orchestrated event where if they do end up collapsing the system or it doesn't end up collapsing in that manner, they will just take everything. That's why having wealth outside of the paper system is so valuable and important right now, and we're right on that precipice. And so how we know this may be difficult to fix and why I'm a little more concerned in a , what we call a time and season event and why I think that fourth turning is so unusual. Uh , the timing of it is just, it almost makes your hair stand up. You know? Yeah . The , the global Dollar Revolt is real de dollarization, meaning countries are getting away from the American dollar rapidly. They're selling off treasuries. They're not buying 'em anymore. The reason they bought our bonds and treasuries was because of the petrol dollar deal, because they would use those treasuries to buy oil. Well, now they don't need to do that because now they're buying oil and energy in different currencies. So we've blown the whole deal up. The reason we've been doing this for 50 years was people did, ah , you know, I got an extra trillion dollars in my country's bank. I tell you what, let's put it in treasuries, get a few interest points, and we'll use those treasuries to just buy the oil because they had to, back then, all energy had to be bought in the US dollar and treasuries were the same thing. But that's not the case anymore. So now you have countries no longer, and we're talking two thirds of the world. Even our allies are going into the bricks, and two thirds of the world are saying, we don't trust you anymore. And we have 10 trillion that we have to contend with. It literally is just like the Romans

Speaker 5:

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