RIGGED [against you]

How to Survive The Coming Great Reset

Terry Sacka, AAMS Season 2 Episode 90

Last episode, Terry Sacka, AAMS   posed the question, What is the problem with FIAT currency and what can we do about it? How is the American economy destined to fail?

In this previously aired episode, Terry Sacka, AAMS answers the question, "What is the agenda of the dreaded Great Reset we've been hearing about and how can we survive it?"

I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].

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Terry Sacka, AAMS
is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.

RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.

RIGGED [against you]:

I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].

Terry Sacka AAMS:

The wealth transfer goes into the Book of Job, job 27. It's talking about the wealth of the wicked being transferred to that of the innocent. And I can contend as Job 27 talks that the, the wicked pile up silver like dust, but now they're piling up currency like dust. Because you see back in the day this was always money biblically. But then now the wicked pile up this and even worse, they're piling up cryptos, which though very word crypt ought to tell you something. Please be aware, yes, there's money to be made there, but it's a psych warfare on you to get ready for digital money. Central Bank Digital money. So our program is really about getting people prepared with knowledge to get ready for the transfer when these currencies collapse by design. Now who's doing it by design, we're gonna get right into it. There's some really good information today. You're going to wanna see it. It's wonderful. Um , also encourage you go to Rigged Against You. You can find that right there at Cornerstone Asset Metals website Podcast has been doubling in listenership , uh, week over week. Uh, the word just happens to be the word of the day. Pretty much everything is rigged today. But the design of the podcast is really to help you understand how the system is rigging the system for the power elites against you and me and us, we the people and how we can tactfully get around that. And that's really the goal. So I wanna get right into this because when we talk about the big bubble, the , the , you know, the great reset, they , so concept that was going on, they're printing trillions and trillions of dollars right now, I believe Congress is discussing a $1.9 trillion stimulus package. And then they're talking about ready for this, giving $3,000 to every single child and $300 a month payments, not that I'll be applying for. So please don't knock on my door. I don't want your money, even though you steal from us. I don't want anything from the government. But what is happening folks? They're getting, who's not going to want that? I know a lot of people that have, you know, two, three kids, four kids. That's a lot of money. What is it going to do? It's going to psychologically make you a slave to the government system. Socialism, communism, Marxism, all the isms that are extremely bad for freedom to we the people. And when I say we, the people, I'm really talking about the Christian community. Oh God bless the secular, we should be preaching to 'em . But there's some pretty evil people out there. But it's designed to get you to be reliant on the system. It's the most dangerous thing ever proposed. I understand the concept, but believe me, America, we will be in deep trouble if we drink the Kool-Aid of that kind of corruption. The money seems good until you are in shackles and then you're not gonna like it until they then tell you you have to do one, two, and three with your child. You're not going to like it. Now, who's behind all of this? You say, no , it's not just a brilliant mind of Barack Obama, which I contend is brilliant because he outsmarted all the patriots when they completely rigged this election in fraudulent aspects. But he's brilliant. Gotta give it to 'em . They know how to play the game, they know how to set it up. And I, I just, I, you know what, whether it's evil or not, whether I call it, you know, anti-Christ, very evil. It's not the point they're winning. And I keep hearing from Christians, well that's just the way it's going to be. We're going to lose in the end and we're supposed to be persecuted. And John was hung and this was happening. Head's cut off and you know, boiled in oil and it just, that's what's gonna happen to us too. Well I happen to think a little bit different. I know it's true, but I also think we are here to take a stand and I think we are here to have power over the enemy, as Jesus said. And our battle's not fleshing bud , but power's in principalities. So that's where a lot of Christians are going wrong. 'cause they're fighting in the flesh where we need to be fighting in the spirit. But who's behind all of this? Who are the the anti-Christ, which I call really the Lucifer behind it. Take a look at this guy. He is a Yahoo of em . All this yahoo's name is Klaus. I ain't gonna go any more than that. He doesn't deserve it. But he is a real , uh, a major leader in the World Economic Forum and in Davos 21, the global elites try to rehab the concept of the great reset. I just had to pull this title off because it was brilliant. They are, they know it's a problem. They say, we know it sounds like nefarious plan for world domination, but please trust us. And then they put it in a video. Trust us. Right ? Come on When they're talking like that, when they're dangling the $3,000 when they're doing this, believe me, coming behind that will be such an extraordinary amount of intrusion into your freedom, into your sovereignty, into your choices. They're already killing free speech . Social media have proven to be the communist. They are. They're already killing anything that breaks the narrative. God forbid you don't get behind the vaccine, even though it's not a vaccine. By definition, it breaks the narrative. You see, real definitions don't matter anymore . Real economic definitions don't matter anymore. Real truth doesn't matter. You notice that truth is all of a sudden becoming the lie and the lie is becoming truthful. What does that sound like? We've better get ready now what Klaus and his, his yahoos over there at the economic forum and these major power elites , they're just trying to say, Hey we, this is, this is a time we have to remake the system. There's something wrong. This whole plant deck , I mean pandemic that came from an animal, I mean a biolab hazard bio weapon from China. This has given us an opportunity where we can redo this to make it a better world. Just trust us. You know what I mean? We have to get a grip America that there is no trust in this. And I'm gonna show you, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna take an early break 'cause I'm gonna show you the details of what this means. Now this is all part of the bubble because these people are behind the bubble. They've been printing trillions and trillions. The central bank systems are behind it because the central bank, now they're not ready. But China's leading the way as I just showed, I believe last program. The central banks are coming in to where they will be a central bank digital currency and they'll be give loans out and take money away at whim. If you become a non-compliant, if you don't tow the rope of the lies, the deceptions, the corruption, the fraud, the molestation, the pedophilia, if you don't tow the ru the line, then you're noncompliant and they're gonna just cut you off. And many people think that this is just from the movies, but it's right in front of us, the evidence. So I'm gonna show you a list of what they propose because this is part of the narrative of getting this great reset in place because the bubble was created to collapse at an astronomical way to give them the reason to usher it in to fool you. But we're not fooled because we have sermons. So take a look, take it right back.

Speaker 3:

The world is at a tipping point. Our fragile food supply is being destroyed by locusts and fires. A global viral pandemic is collapsing the economic supply chain impacting financial markets all around the world, leaving you and your finances more vulnerable than ever. Now is the time to protect and preserve your assets. Cornerstone asset Metals is here to help you protect and preserve what you've worked so hard to gain. Whether you have IRAs to protect 4 0 1 Ks to preserve or cash in the bank, our asset specialists are here to support you. Call now and we'll send you urgent information regarding changes to the dollar and the challenges to our economy that you need to be prepared for. Learn how easy it is to roll over your current IRA of 401k into a physical precious metals IRA. We can even arrange to have your precious metals stored in a private vault or send it directly to your home. Do not delay. Call 8 8 8 7 4 7 3 3 0 9 today. That's 8 8 8 7 4 7 3 3 0 9. Invest in precious metals and create security in your future today. Call now.

Terry Sacka AAMS:

Welcome back. So I do encourage you folks call Cornerstone, get registered, you may wanna get on board . These uh, premiums on the physical metals are, are very high. The physical metals are disappearing. Uh, it's going to be very interesting because price has nothing to do with it. It has it to do with the fact that you own it, whether it's in your IRA in a vault or if it's in your home buried somewhere in the backyard. <laugh> . But what does this mean? What are these yahoos saying now? Just trust us. They say, and anyone, the name Klaus already rings my bell because these Europeans, these Belgians and all of them, they're, they're technocrats and they're not elected by people and they're not good people at all. They're very deep luciferians. But take a look at the list. This is a little long so I'm gonna say it, but this is incredible stuff. So sit back on this one. This is unbelievable. Listen to this. More than a foil for bigger events and a proxy for more nefarious people. ak his presence signals that the great reset agenda is fully green lit . This agenda has a pretty obvious set of goals, many of them openly admitting in the World Economic Forum and some of them strongly implied by the extreme political left in the media. And they include perpetual pandemic, lockdowns economic controls until the population submits to medical tyranny. Number two, medical passports and contact tracing as a part of everyday life. Number three, the censorship and de platforming of all the voices that oppose the agenda. You're hearing that right? Number four, greatly reduce economic activity in the name of stopping climate change. Number five, greatly increased poverty in the loss of private property. Number six, the introduction of universal basic income in which the government becomes then all powerful welfare provider and nursemaid to a generation of dependent and desperate people. Number seven, a cashless society and digital currency system where privacy and trade is completely erased except for the elites. Of course. Number eight, creation of a shared economy in which no one will own anything and independent production is outlawed. Communism number nine, the deletion of national borders and the end of sovereignty and self-determination. Number 10, the centralization of global political power into the hands of a select few elites . That is creepy. What's creepy about it is if you notice out of those 10 points, half of them are actually actively being employed right now. And who was pushing for the one where the basic income besides a OC in New York, Mitt Romney, who was supposedly a Republican. You see, it's all spiritual folks. These people are evil and they, and I get the idea because there is a problem in our society and in the world. We are breaking down in the ability to produce and have jobs because we're spreading it out all over the world and we're destroying a sovereign nation's ability to produce. So what do we do? The people, what do we do? And I can get that. I really do. I think it's tragic. I just know the amount of freedom we're gonna give up and the tyranny that's gonna come upon us. So you see it's about the censorship and the concept. But see, all this is completely anti-American and anybody who believes it, they're either really super evil or just really, really ignorant, which is just ignoring the truth. Especially if you're wrapped into social media. You're brainwashed because you're able to get snippets of ideas, but they're not based off of any facts. The truth shall set you free. Nothing shall be hidden , everything comes to light. You can't do that if it's censorship, right? So you see there's a, there's a real problem with this concept because they're creating a bubble. They're creating a magnitude bubble economically so they can allow it to collapse on us. Now, who knows that this is coming. I'll take a look at this and you'll find out. Well the US mint knows because total gold eagles sales from 2018 to 2020 versus January 25th of this year. Look at that astronomical change from an average of 50,000 ounces, 50, 60,000 ounces to 200,000 ounces. That really puts it in perspective. Now here's another image of that US min total eagle sales from 2021 versus 2009 to 2020. Mind you, this is all this time. We've had the rally look at the difference in one year in demand for gold over all of the last 10 years. Wow . Now people know this . I say we, the people know it. That's why they're doing it . People that are seeing what these elitist are trying to do and destroy not just our nation but the world to get us ready for what they call the one world order, which I call the fourth rike . And if you do your homework, you'll understand that that's very real. 'cause all that really means is national socialist order. And they do want it centralized by technocrats people that are not elected, people that are evil to the core. Probably pedophiles and Satan ritual type people. I mean it's insane how evil these people are. But there in America, we were always sheltered from that. We knew it was there, but we didn't really pay attention 'cause we still kind of had our Aussie Harriet lifestyle. Well that's changed completely as you're seeing now . Wait till they start bringing in refugees from around the world, dumping 'em into small towns, completely destroying the harmony through chaos. And they're saying it's compassionate. It's not compassionate to drop some jihad off and some small town. It's just, there's zero compassion there. You're talking oil and water. You're talking a a rabbit to a lion. I mean it doesn't make sense. There is no compassion there. Put 'em in a big city where everyone's blending together fine. So people see it, they know it's coming. That's why they're buying these types of tangible assets because it's real wealth. It doesn't matter what the price is, it's because it's a storage of value over time and will produce that. So how do they know going forward now that the election's over, how do people know going forward that this is coming or they're feeling more comfortable, that the dollar's going to be destroyed, inflation's on its way. Well take a look at this great headline Now, beyond the fact that he signed like 60 executive orders like a tyrant King Biden headline is Biden is following in the same economic footsteps as Jimmy Carter Inflation. Here we come. Look at the image. There's Biden right there. Look at that face standing with Jimmy Carter. When Jimmy Carter came in, the power inflation was 5%. By the time Jimmy Carter left, inflation doubled to 13%. And Joe Biden appears to be going down the same track. Now it's not just the executive orders, it's the, it's the money printing that they're going to do. They're gonna print literally trillions to bail out the blue cities and the blue states that tyrannical destroyed their people's lives and and so they didn't get the tax money from it. And this is why they're going down the exact same path by design. That's why they're destroying jobs, that's why they're destroying economics in certain regions of the country. They're getting people ready to become a slave dependent on a state ran welfare system. And it's just the way it is. It's the timing of it. I don't even believe Joe Biden even knows what he is doing. I really think the handlers, which would be mainly Susan Rice, is the one mainly behind it. These people are brilliant, man. I just gotta give it to 'em . Not that I agree, but how do we know that they're in the same place as Jimmy Carter was when this whole thing started? 'cause remember Jimmy Carter started when this new dollar came in. You see that's the difference. This is when it started. How convenient it will be a Democrat when it started to be a Democrat when it ends. That's pretty interesting. But take a look at this. This is money supply and this is why we know the inflation's going to rage, your buying power is going to drop and why precious metals are so important. This is just a straight up image of the M two money supply in the billions, which as you can see has now reached trillions and look at the escalation of money supply in the last 10, 15 years. That's what we have to pay attention to. That's what we need to notice because what's coming will be a complete erosion of our currency system. They're creating these ultimate bubbles through all of this money printing. And they're doing it because they need to blow out the last remnant of this, our jobs, our middle class , our freedom, our society, in order to usher in the great reset concept, which is total world control tyranny. A lot of people in the kingdom, you know, I'm speaking to the ministries on this one. They're talking now about the great reset. We've been talking about this for years and people said we were insane and now they realize it's, it's here. They're talking about it, but they're not talking about the solution and they're not talking about what's going on right now that's setting the condition for why this is coming. That's what we do here at Rigged Against You and Wealth Transfer. So why do we know it's happening now? This just happens to be the US 10 year treasury note. And as you can see going back to 1980, how high it used to pay in interest to where we're at today at near zero to negative. Now what you have to understand, well most of you do because in this audience, most of you are definitely nearing retirement or you are used to the concept of bonds or you hear the term bonds. So the price of bonds are higher right now because these rates are so low. But that's extremely unhealthy. And a lot of people think that they could just raise the rates when things turn around, but they can't because we're in too much debt. This cycle's over, they're gonna keep printing money, these rates are going to go negative. This is the bubble of bubbles. I'm not talk about bubble. That bond market's going to absolutely implode because we're, we're broke or a lot of our nations in the west are broke, we're insolvent. Just about every bank you're talking to is insolvent folks, they just are. They're leveraged 25 or 40 to one. So every dollar that comes into the bank, they loan out 30, it's insolvent, they're not there. If you go to get your money, it's not there. So the bubble, not just in the bond market, but in the stock market. But these interest rates are really important because we're going negative soon and people don't understand the concept of it, except that it's this. If you buy a bond that's supposed to at maturity, give you $10,000, but instead it gives you 9,000, you lose money. Why are you buying the bond? Or if you put this in a bank and this is coming, when you put this in a bank and it sits there, they normally paid you interest, but they don't anymore. But that's how they got away from it folks. Because remember, when this is sitting in a bank, it's not your money. That's called an unsecured creditor, meaning you just gave the bank a loan. So when you put this in a bank, you've given them a loan and they have an obligation to pay you back. So instead you put a thousand dollars in the bank, if you don't spend it next month will probably be 950 because they're going to tax you. They're gonna put fees on you because the negative interest rate and they're gonna force you to spend your money. That's the whole idea of central bank digital currency force you to spend your money when they need it and force you not to spend your money when they don't want you to. I mean, talk about lack of freedom, right? So these interest rates are really important because it helps you visualize the end of a cycle. This is the bubble of all bubbles within the bond market, the stock market, the debt cycle. And yes, there may be a little bump into the market system because the trillions of monies being printed and monies on the sidelines that'll go into the system. But I contend there's gonna be some very different happening and it's not going to be healthy. There won't be this massive boom. There's economic opportunity and everybody's gonna be blessed at even close 'cause it's not part of the plan. They need more misery, they're gonna need the virus to mutate into another magical virus that you can't even see that doesn't even exist. But just because they tell you it exists, it does. Right? Then they're gonna put all these tyrannical mandates on you more and more and more. You'll see. So it's important that we position ourselves for those who have it. For those that are older, it's for your standard of living for the future. It's for your inheritance to your children's children. We have people that call up and they're, they're buying this stuff and they're saying, it's not really for me, it's gonna be for my children or grandchildren. 'cause they're not really born again and they're going to need it. And for people who don't think that this is going to be money in the end times, you're kidding yourself because you're either gonna get, you know, the stamp, the chip, or you're gonna have an underground currency and you know, there's always, it has to be something of value. So interest rates are paramount to this. And we can go back really far in interest rates to take a look at that and let's do that. Let's take one more look at this before we go. This is kind of hard to read, but I'm just gonna kind of paraphrase for you. This goes all the way back to the 14 hundreds on the left where the Dutch started a perpetual bond movement. And then of course things collapse down to zero and then they collapse , they lose control. Then the United Kingdom comes in and they start the perpetual bond movement through the 17 hundreds, 18 hundreds. And then the Dutch collapse and then the English come in and then the 19 hundreds and then the English and the United States start coming in. Then as you can see now, on the right side, the boom of 1970s became the, the blunt of the eighties. There is the bust of it because now if you look on the right side, we're right down at the bottom to zero. It's getting ready to blow up like every nation, every reserve currency, all through history. It can't retrace itself, not with these conditions. And here's one more indicator for those who actually believe in Warren Buffett. Take a look. This goes back to 1990. The red line at the top is an extreme bubble. The bottom green is opportunity. And as you can see, in 2000 we hit extreme bubble, we collapsed. We had a great opportunity at the OA collapse . Look where we're at today, way above at 80 percentile on the extreme overbought value of the system, meaning it's gone. Meaning we are in such high levels of bubble territory. It's setting up exactly what the power elite need, and that's our desperation. So we say thank you heavenly Father, for the power of Jesus Christ in our life, that we may be set free. Stay focused. We'll see you next week

Speaker 4:

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