RIGGED [against you]
RIGGED [against you]
The Dollar Is Done, Silver Gold Rhodium or Palladium Now?
Last broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS spoke with Pastor Stan of the Prophecy with Stan podcast about food shortages, supply chain issues, money problems for Americans and the coming world currency. Will you be prepared for the next Great Wealth Transfer?
In today's broadcast on a previously recorded episode, Terry Sacka, AAMS talks with Pastor Stan of the Prophecy with Stan on an ongoing topic of the continuous decline of the dollar and whether silver, gold, rhodium or palladium are smart assets to invest in now.
I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].
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Terry Sacka, AAMS is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.
RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.
I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].
Pastor Stan:Welcome to the Prophecy Club. We are gonna be talking about our finances today. As you recall, Shane Warren, he said in 2011, he says he was watching television, it turned into a vision of the future. He said he saw a weather broadcast appear, and the anchor said The most amazing thing is going on. I'm gonna summarize this here a little bit. Normally hurricanes hit on the coastlines, but I see this hurricane all across America, coast to coast, border border. The scene changed to a news reporter on the eye of the storm. The wind is blowing violently. And he said, this is amazing. This is not a natural storm. This isn't normal. It's raining. He says, reach down, picked up a fist full of dollars. It says it's raining dollar bills. It's almost like they're worthless. They're worthless. It was raining, worthless dollars. Now I have on the phone with me today, Terry Sacka of Cornerstone Asset Metals. He is a , is a four licenses as a financial advisor, 13 precious metals, 10 years in the precious metals business. So Terry, how could it be that we could be seeing worthless dollars blowing in the wind, worthless as leaves?
Terry Sacka AAMS:I think that's really fascinating, Stan, that he put it that way because when we, we can't really say how would that be or what , what could cause that? And I think we can go back to when all this thing started. You know, just about a year ago, conveniently, the banking system was collapsing and to the tune of hundreds and hundreds of billions in the repo market. But then all of a sudden, this Chinese virus shows up and they were able to use, or at least take advantage of it anyway, to completely shut down the global system. In doing that, governments around the world have had to print currencies and print, print , print and bail out and bail out . And in America, not only did we bail out the banks to the tune of trillions, right now the Federal Reserve is , uh, bailing out 120 billion , uh, a week. They're just going crazy on, on bailing out the banking system. But it's in the stimulus they just announced the other day, the $1.9 trillion stimulus they are saying for the American people. Well, that's 1.9 trillion is not money we have, it's not there. They're going to print that out of thin air. And the saddest part out of nearly $2 trillion stimulus, they're doing only 200 billion is going to the American people. The other 1.8 trillion is literally slush fund , uh, projects that really are not going to do anything for the American people, which is shocking. But how does that happen? Is because we're printing because of this episode, or you could say this, this moment in time with the virus, they now, the global economy will not be able to recover any way pre covid. We're, we're done. This whole, this whole financial system as we have it today will change. Now I know that evolves into the great reset and concept, but they're going to continue to print money over the next two years minimum at least 7 trillion easy here in the United States. And what a lot of folks don't realize is if you add up all the money the US has ever printed , now think about this. Ever printed , over 40% of it was printed in 2020 alone. I mean, that's a staggering statement. In three months, in 2020, the US increased its deficit by more than it had during the past five recessions combined. And that's just in three months, mind you. And so now we have our, our , uh, treasury secretary and , uh, the Fed chair Powell, he's out there buying six in just six weeks now. He has bought more treasuries in six weeks than it did in 10 years combined. And then what that does is all this money printing dilutes the dollar, it dilutes its ability to buy. And what we're starting to see now is tremendous inflation. You know, agriculture, commodity prices are up nearly 40% corn and , and such. These prices are doubling. And then the commodity research index is up 75%. I mean, just copper alone, a a simple metal, it's, it's already at a 10 year high and nickel is at a six year high. And lumber for the first time ever in history is a thousand dollars per thousand board foot. Now what they're gonna do is keep printing money and it's the printing of that money out of thin air dilutes its ability to buy and especially dilutes our savings in the future. Our ability to have an inheritance to our children's children and a standard of living we think we have because the paper dollar is going down in value and it's designed to crash it to zero. And I find it fascinating because here's Shane Warren's talking about this, you know, years past. It's this very action since last year that will not stop. And when I say will not stop, they will do more print uh, printing. They this 2 trillion stimulus they're doing now, that's nothing. They're gonna do another multi-trillion stimulus and infrastructure, which that may actually help to some extent, but they're gonna continue to print and print, but it will fail by design. And when that happens within the next two years. Now we don't know when the trigger point's going to happen. Stan, there a lot of this money printing. People think that there's this euphoria in the stock market and we'll see a big boost in the stock market. To some extent we will. But when you start looking at the bonds and the 10 year treasury and what's happening, that's the only reason gold and silver prices are down a little bit right now because of the 10 year treasury. But that's getting ready to collapse. And now that they're doing the stimulus, and you're going to see a big rally in gold and silver coming up, mainly because the dollar itself isn't buying us what it used to and what I just listed on some of the commodity prices, food prices, wait until we start to see the inflation on goods and services. It's going to be extraordinary.
Pastor Stan:And there's no one in Washington now that is at the wheel that is guiding and trying to stop a ship that is going full speed about to crashing into the pier.
Terry Sacka AAMS:As a matter of fact, what's even more shocking is they're actually steering it into the pier. This is all by design and it goes into the great reset. That's a whole nother conversation, but it's by design that they, they they need to destroy the final element of the American dollar. And no, they're not even considering . I mean , think about it. We just did $1.9 trillion stimulus package where it could have provided $6,000 for every man, woman, and child in this country. Yet they're going to give $1,400 to only certain people. And the other 1.8 trillion is just going right out the door as payoffs, kickbacks to cities. It is just gonna be wasted.
Pastor Stan:Okay? So they are intentionally trying to destroy the nation, right?
Terry Sacka AAMS:The dollar, yes.
Pastor Stan:Why
Terry Sacka AAMS:They wanna usher in globally a central bank digital currency system, cashless society. China's already started, Russia started slightly, they're using China as the test pilot right now with their digital currency because they want to get rid of cash because it is the ultimate control over the people. If you become a non-compliant and we're in a digital system, they can just turn you off like a credit card being denied
Pastor Stan:So that no one can buy or sell. Say you had the mark,
Terry Sacka AAMS:It sounds pretty creepy, but yep . Isn't that amazing? And so they want to destroy the last semblance of a currency system that we have now. And so in doing that, they , they're just blowing up all this money printing and , and taking care of their buddies and friends. Why we the American people suffer . That's why it's so vital that right now in history, we recognize that they're going to continue to do this and do it probably over the next two years. Our central bank probably is not ready for the digital currency for at least three years, but it , they're working on it. And so in doing that, leading us to that digital currency, they're, they're just printing out of thin air, making it up and spending it on their wishlist and not benefiting we the people.
Pastor Stan:So you're saying that the dollar is in some deep trouble and it's probably not gonna recover. It's probably not gonna get outta this. So the boat is heading at full speed to crash into the pier, but how much longer do we have before it hits the pier?
Terry Sacka AAMS:Well, we're going , boy , that's a tough one too because we could see the stock market go up 20%. We could see a crash 50% right now there are so many variables because the variables we have in front of us that we have to expect to take place. This is all the fallout. This is stuff that the media's not talking about. You're gonna have major wave of bankruptcies, small business bankruptcies, bankruptcies and travel, hospitality, tourism, restaurants, massive downsizing. Wave is taking place. Corporate credit ratings, you know, you're getting into solvency versus liquidity problems type of thing. Housing and real estate in , in forbearance shock. There's commercial real estate, unbelievable defaults in commercial real estate.
Pastor Stan:There was a bank that is on the same parking lot with the racketball place and there was always like four or five cars just enough out there for their employees. But I noticed four or five months ago that all of a sudden now there's six, there's 10, they're 15. And then one day I saw a car carrier there loading them up and the next day I saw another car carrier loading them up. And I was just there here a couple of days ago and there's close to 40 cars sitting up there, no license plates. Some of 'em are all dinged up and beat up. And obviously what is happening is mass repossessions of cars. Now if it's happening at that bank, it's happening at almost every bank all across America. So we're seeing mass repos of cars. And I know that to be a fact. I can see that what is happening with all the other things. And that's what you're saying, right? In other words, the crash of the dollar is in progress now.
Terry Sacka AAMS:Yes. And it , commercial real estate's really big. You're seeing millions of people that are , uh, teetering on foreclosure, millions of people that are teetering on eviction. And these are things that are very real to the American people. And yet in the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill, only 200 billion goes to help the people. It's astounding that they're doing this. So it's that money printing and all of these issues that are getting degraded to come like a tidal wave, these bankruptcies and, and defaults. They're gonna have to continue to print more money to help subsidize or try to offset the impact of that as they keep printing this money, the dollar will eventually just collapse in value. And that's exactly what Shane Warren saw coming because it , they're not stopping it. You cannot, a lot of people think, oh, we'll get through this. We will, but we will get through it at the tail end when it converts into central bank digital currency. Our system is cashless and we're in serious trouble with, you know, dictatorship and tyranny.
Pastor Stan:Okay, let's talk about that cashless part of it. Of course, revelation 13 says, and he caused a all , both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond receive a mark in the right hand or in their forehead. And that no man might by himself say he had the mark of the name of the beast or the number of his name meaning for that to happen, they have to be able to control every purchase, every purchase, every sale around the globe and get in the middle between the purchaser and the seller. And the only way I can think of doing that is having a global digital system, which of course, final wakeup call info is talked about with a quantum financial computer. Your comment?
Terry Sacka AAMS:Yes, absolutely. What they'll end up doing is having central banks around the world use their own digital currency and then those digital currencies are gonna come together under one global digital currency system. And what's gonna be unique about it, not get too deep in the rabbit hole of the , that patent in the international patent office, WWO 20 20 0 6 0 6 0 6 alpha one , where the technology is it already in place where it will be inserted into the human body of some form, I guess a nano chipp and it will integrate with our cell phones , 5G technology, cell phones . And in doing that, they will literally have 100% control over what we're buying, where we're going, who we're seeing and what we're doing. And that's what, that's what everyone's seeing happen . Now, we could almost call that the mark. I I think personally it's going to be extremely close now when that ship comes in place to the human body that the patent talks about how it interacts with the human body and digital money. So how that's going to be done, we're not sure, my guess it's a nano chip , but that is very, very real and it's already being implemented in China. And there are , they're attaching in China already, facial recognition, biomatrix to every single cell phone to every person to the money.
Pastor Stan:Yes, we, I've , I've got several emails that where people are trying to say that there is a nano chip inside the vaccine. I have not researched it and probably won't research it enough. And you know, I'm not a doctor, I , that's medical, that's not my thing. So maybe there is, maybe there isn't. But as I look at it, the current cell phone could be upgraded to the next generation cell phone so that the surface, both the front and the back surface is always reading our fingerprints. The camera is always on reading our facial recognition and the microphone is always on. So it's always detecting the fingerprints, the face and the voice of those people using the phone. So they , it wouldn't really, in my opinion, have to have a, some kind of a computer chip into the person. And Ken Peters in his dream said he saw no computer chip, he only saw people get the tattoo in the right hand of the forehead.
Terry Sacka AAMS:They're doing it right now in China. Russia is getting ready to start. We're not ready in the western world. I'd say about two, three years. In the meantime, over the next two years, they're gonna continue to print money. But the problem with printing trillions and trillions of money out of thin air is you have a thing called diminishing return. There was a time where we could print a dollar out of thin air and get a dollar value for the government and it would stimulate the economy. Today we print a dollar and we barely even get a penny's worth of value. It literally isn't doing anything. The diminishing return is , is there we are getting ready to cross over into an epic collapse of dollar currency value as they continue to print, print, print, print to try to bail it out and save it. But it is not designed to do that. They're , they're, they're going to over the next two years, eventually end up collapsing the system, the dollar to usher in the new currency. The problem is right now, rate this very minute. We're at an epic decision as a , as a people, as we the people, because we're watching this in real time . The fact he did a $2 trillion stimulus and they're bailing out the banks at just trillions a year should tell us that that paper dollar we're holding is going to lose tremendous value, literally on its way down towards zero. And I think that's where all this comes in, where Shane Warren's talking about. And that's why silver to me is, is so, so important. Most of these other metals are so expensive, they've all increased dramatically. Silver's been manipulated because of the supply chain is in trouble and they're , right now they're, they're facing the delivery of almost a hundred million ounces in the futures market. They don't have. So they had to go into the SLV and steal their silver or they called it borrow, but the physical silver is not there. So eventually what we're going to see is the physical silver as it gets the quality of it and the quantity of it as it diminishes, the value will just explode because it'll be just pure supply demand. It'll overrun the manipulation.
Pastor Stan:Well that's another thing that Shane Warren saw. He said he heard the audible voice of God say that silver is going to skyrocket far more than gold. Now I have to give you a disclaimer. We're not telling you to go and buy anything. We're not giving any financial advice. We are simply discussing Bible prophecy. Now if a listener <laugh> doesn't wanna lose their , their wherewithal , their holdings, their their wealth, if they don't wanna lose that, you're saying silver is one of the best things to do, then
Terry Sacka AAMS:Yeah, it's the sleeper. Um, right now we're getting ready to set up if the 10 year treasury has been forcing the prices down, which is really just a gift, but gold is gonna start making a rally towards 2300 , um, which is gonna be a really nice move. It'd be about a 30% move in the same timeframe. Silver going to the high of 50 will be a hundred percent moved from here. So there's just a real difference of value and and return on the investment to hold physical silver. And I think it really goes back to job 27 when he says it wicked polyp silver like dust. But in the end it's distributed to the innocent because they're no longer hoarding the physical silver. They're hoarding these fiat currency nodes and as this fiat currency collapses, silver will skyrocket in value only because the supply in the demand will, will be warped. The demand is ferocious right now and they don't have the supply to meet that right now. They don't. It's very, very difficult and it's getting complicated out there, Stan, right now, to, to find certain products. You just can't get it.
Pastor Stan:So let me go back to my boat analogy. So the boat is heading high, speed is heading toward the dock and you're saying it doesn't have too long before it's gonna smash into the dock. Somebody is saying, well I wanna grab a parachute <laugh> , I want to grab some kind of a hang glider or something to get me from the boat over so safely to the land. And you're sort of saying that silver is that best kind of a hang glider. Okay, so tell us about the silver.
Terry Sacka AAMS:Yeah, because it's liquid. Um, one thing nice about silver is you can always buy and sell it, whereas land and other tangible assets are not as easy to sell. And because the demand is so strong right now, the supply being so tight that eventually there's gonna be a rubber band snap and we're gonna start to see a major rally and it just, we're just going to get a bigger bang for the dollar bill that we exchange. It is very important, especially in these retirement accounts where a lot of folks are in the stock market and they're hoping to get another 20% increase where you could be seeing a hundred percent in silver where you can roll over portions of that IRA into a physical silver and actually own the real physical not paper. Right now in history, it is extremely important to actually own physical real assets. You can put your hands on because I believe the paper system getting ready to usher in this global digital system is going to implode. And so a lot of assets on paper will all of a sudden lose tremendous value outta nowhere.
Pastor Stan:So a person gets a bunch of silver a month or two down the road, they need to sell that silver, it's in some kind of a a , a great problem in their life. How do they go about getting their money back outta the silver? And is that easy?
Terry Sacka AAMS:It's very easy if you, if you want to, you can do it locally at any type of coin store or you just really go to the, go back to the source. You know, at Cornerstone Asset Metals we will always buy that silver back. And so once you ship it back to us, we could then lock you in and then wire you the funds or send you a check for the currency you need because we have people do it all the time. And you would think everybody would be buying right now, but there's still people that sell from time to time, just like what you said, things in their life happen . And so they sell some of the silver. I just had a lady for instance, sell a major chunk of silver 'cause she was buying a house and she had a pretty big inheritance that she put in silver in a vault, but she sold some of it just so she could buy this, this house in Tennessee. And I said, now that's really smart, you know, because you're buying, well , you're exchanging for another tangible asset. The nice part about silvers is extremely liquid, meaning you can buy and sell it very easy and it will have value always and that that's the asset value there because land is beautiful, but yet land is not always easy to sell. And so there's other tangible assets too, other metals, but most of the other metals, everything from copper rhodium on , they're all extremely overvalue. Well I wouldn't say overvalued, but they've already begun the inflationary process, let alone like corn. I mean corn prices are doubling and, and soybeans are doubling and they have already begun the massive inflation wait until we see the, the food prices going up. When you hold physical silver, sometimes people look at it as I'm going to profit from it then yes you will. But what it really will do is sustain your buying power. It'll allow you to still pay 50 cents for a gallon of gas instead of $4 because as the silver price goes up and you resell it for for more currency than you bought it for, you were able to continue buying these goods and services at a cheaper price. So you just kind of look at it that way. It maintains your ability to have a standard of living. You're hoping for.
Pastor Stan:Well, is there a possibility that it's gone down and we actually lost money on the silver
Terry Sacka AAMS:If at the time you sold it and it was down? Yeah, just like anything else, it's like house values is like anything that goes up and down, these prices definitely move. They go up, they come down, they go up, they come down. If the timing was like that, yeah, you could actually register a loss. If you're doing it for a, a certain period of time, if it's midterm, like I'm talking over the next one, two years, three years holding this, you are going to see tremendous return on that investment because of what's being designed in the economy. All the money printing and the collapsing of the currencies and this, they cannot stop Stan. Yeah , there's a lot of people think everything's just gonna be okay. Unfortunately it is going to be well i it will be okay for us in the kingdom , the way I look at it, you know, we're on fire in Jesus man, he'll be the layup onto our feet and I'm all good with that part of it, but we better heed the warning from the watchmen that see this stuff coming because it's by design. And if we're not on the right side of the fence, we will lose tremendous amount of our wealth. Yet if we're on the right side, we would actually transfer that wealth. So instead of losing it, it'll come to us as silver prices rise.
Pastor Stan:Oh , okay. Now let me also give a disclaimer here. We cannot guarantee any in terms of profits, okay, so this is not financial probe , we're just talking about a prophecy. Since you offer gold, silver, rhodium and palladium, why is it that silver seems to be better than the other three?
Terry Sacka AAMS:Well, because a lot of, especially rhodium and the others, they're , they're extremely expensive. I mean they even palladium, they, they both started at just a couple of few hundred dollars and now rhodium is like 25,000 in Palladium's, like 2,500. They've already had tremendous value, increases silver because of the manipulation, because of the massive industrial demand for silver as well. I mean we need silver in everything. From solar cells to technology, cell phones , computers, everything, medical to hospitals, the need silver, the supply's not there. We barely have maybe a billion ounces in the world of physical silver and yet we're, we're consuming it rapidly. So silver has the better return on the investment at the price it is now. I'm thankful that it's being manipulated and held down a little bit. I really am. I think it gives more people an opportunity to accumulate before this whole thing blows up because it's, you are right, it's not about a guarantee. It's not about saying, Hey, here's a profit that's not at all what even Cornerstone always talked about. It was the fact that we knew there was a wealth transfer coming, there was a shift that was taking place and when people like Shane Warren and them said it, I go, I know, I know. Like I know what you're talking about because I'm an analyst in the the system and I can see it coming. And now with this $2 trillion stimulus they just passed, that's just the beginning. Wait until you see what they're gonna do over the next two years. As they continue to do that, that paper dollar will lose so much value literally down to almost near zero eventually before they convert it to a new currency. It's during that cycle phase is why we're going to see gold and silver go so high. If they
Pastor Stan:Wanna reach you, how do they go about
Terry Sacka AAMS:Reaching you? They go to cornerstone asset metals.com. I know on your website there is a banner there as well for Cornerstone that can link 'em to it. I would also call, you know, an 8 8 8 7 4 7 3 3 0 9. They can talk to a representative, especially when it deals with IRAs , uh, because sometimes that gets complicated. But we have tremendous Onfi spiritual professionals. We all went to Bible school together, so it's a pretty good team. Uh , but they, they can guide you through some of those decisions and how to approach it because I think protecting these assets now not only benefits us individually as that wealth transfer takes place in the future, but then we have resources. And this is where God downloaded me when this whole thing started, when the dreams happened and he said, get my people ready. It wasn't so that we can actually sit around eating flam and young and being happy while everybody's suffering. Although God probably won't mind if we flame and young . It's that we will have resources in the church to then support the ministries, support those around us, and they're gonna say, well, how are you doing so well? And we can then open up the door to the gospel. And so I think having a sustained resources protecting what God has already given us to entrusted us with is so important right now. Because if we in the church lose what we've been given, what good are we going to be when this happens,
Pastor Stan:Terry? So of Cornerstone Asset Metals is a prophecy student reads his King James Bible and wants to help Prophecy Club win solds even if it means he loses money. I think that's the right attitude when someone values winning solds more than making money and he's doing so by sponsoring Prophecy Club on Radio. So if you'd like to help win solds the next time you need goals , who are playdium rhodium bars or coins? Contact cornerstone asset metals.com. They can help you roll over your IRA 401k. So just tell Cornerstone asset metals.com . Prophecy Club sent you
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