RIGGED [against you]

Where are Gold, Silver, Gas Prices & Inflation Going From Here?

April 05, 2024 Terry Sacka, AAMS Season 2 Episode 103

Last broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS  explained how U.S. Debt has spiraled out of control and over the next few years interest and Medicare are going to cost $1.6 trillion per year each.  Is the dollar's declining global value going to crush Medicare, Social Security and all of our other benefits we've enjoyed for so long? 

In today's broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS  speaks to Josh Peck of the Sharpening Report to give us insight on where gold, silver, gas prices and inflation may be going and how to benefit from the ripple effect it will create.

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Terry Sacka, AAMS
is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.

RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.

RIGGED [against you]:

I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].

Josh Peck:

Hello and welcome to the sharpening report. I am your host Josh Peck . We have a very important and special episode for you today. We welcome back to the show financial expert, Terry Sacka, AAMS of Cornerstone Asset Metals, to discuss with us the state of the world economy, its prophetic significance and how that affects every single one of us today.

Terry Sacka, AAMS :

So as I'm studying this, all of a sudden I'm like, oh my gosh, this is Revelation six, five and six. The dark horse comes in, he has scales, and it's , it goes on to where you say, in a court of wait for a denarius and a three quarters of barley for a denarius . And the revelation 6, 5, 6 of that dark horse is referring to the period of, of darkness in the end time where there'll be extraordinary deflation and potential hyperinflation because the money system we're using, as I put it, you know, God says very clearly , uh, Proverbs 16, three and others, dishonest weight measure is an abomination vomit you out of my mouth type. Honest scales are a delight . Silver is 31.1 grams. It is God's money. It's always been biblical money because it's honest. You can't fake it. You can't make it. We've now become a fiat printing of this currency at will dishonest weight and measure rigging the scales. And that is not good. Our currency system is extremely dishonest. And we're going into, especially if these bricks do this, which they are doing it. So it's not a matter of if I, I know they're doing it 'cause they have the gold to do it. We are going to experience absolute times where could be the Revelation 6, 5, 6 , uh, timeframe. But the good news is, I believe if we stand up as people take this country back, we may be going through this bit as a , you know , the one scripture says, you know, I , although I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, which is where we're getting ready to go, you don't have to look too far to just look at our social issues to know that, right? Yeah. But I fear no evil 'cause I robbed th staff . They comfort me. We have all authority in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. We have authority over the enemy. So way I look at it is we may be going through that valley of the shadow of death with what's coming to our dollar in our economy by design, by the way, because they need America's prosperity to take a hit. But I believe if we stand and take this country back, we can recreate our currency with a, a sort of a gold back commodity backed setup and deal with it that way. Now, what that'll end up doing course is gold would be 20, 25,000 an ounce because it would offset the debts that we have. Um, and that's what a lot of insiders tell me is gonna end up happening. And then of course, silver will be thousands of dollars probably at that point, but we would have to take back our currency system and this country, right ? That's probably gotta be done, you know, in the form of Ephesians. Our battles not flesh and blood, but powers and principalities. And , but we need to take it serious in that respect because for us to achieve this, we're going to need God's help. There's no way we're doing it on our own.

Josh Peck:

Amen. I'm, I'm glad that you brought that up because my next question was gonna be how should Christians specifically be viewing these , uh, recent events? And I think that's a great answer. It says so in Ephesians, you know, it's, it's we battle , uh, you know, against spiritual darkness. Yes . That drives the natural darkness. So, so well ,

Terry Sacka, AAMS :

You just look at our social issues. It's pretty obvious, huh? Yeah . I mean, shoot , I mean we're , we got like walking demons all over the place now, and we have to battle that we have to stand firm on the spiritual side of it because otherwise we're not doing it in the flesh right now. That's what makes us think we're gonna do in the future.

Josh Peck:

Yeah, exactly. So, so beyond , uh, you know , prayer petitioning Jesus, getting people saved, doing all the Christian things that we're supposed to do, what else can we do? Like what's the solution for our assets, for our money? How can we protect our assets from this coming financial calamity? Should, should , uh, should we not be successful in our attempt to , uh, you know, to turn the country around? If, if God is saying, you know, now is the time for this, I'm gonna allow it, you know, basically the evil people are getting what they deserve. How do we as Christians protect our assets from , uh, from this coming financial , uh, calamity?

Terry Sacka, AAMS :

Well, Josh, that's the, that's the hardest part for me because I've actually been planning that way. Um, I'm trying to have hope that we're not done, that maybe we'll get one more little love, but you know, from, from God. But at the same time, you know, we've walked away and in many, many ways, even the church has, they've kind of ignored things we shouldn't have been ignoring. So in that respect, you need to prepare as Christians, you need to make sure you have emergency food. I mean, I'm being serious about that. Like, you better have some emergency food and those 25 year shelf life foods stashed away in the house to have a few months worth because there could be some serious instability and , and rioting and, and discourse, but also for your assets. We are at a crossroad. I cannot emphasize how big this crossroad is. No one alive today probably remembers the last time we've been through something like this. All people alive today predominantly remember a prosperous America coming out of Vietnam in the seventies when they changed us off the gold standard. Those would be the last who could remember any change. But even then they probably didn't because the Vietnam War had really distracted us. We are at a period where our dollar is getting ready to take a serious, serious punch right through the middle of the eyeballs, and we must be prepared. And what that means is being out of the paper system, all paper, stocks, bonds , uh, mutual funds, all of that is paper susceptible to the system. And if we have assets outside the system like land gold, silver especially, that's gonna be dynamic. Gold is a tier one asset. So I do have to say gold is a little bit different because it , a few years ago, they kind of snuck it in and made it tier one, which means it's equal to currency and equal to treasuries. So I can see them technically take gold in the future, although they'll probably do it when it's a lot higher in price. So we'll benefit from it. Silver's industrial, it's no longer tier one, no longer money. Silver is absolutely essential. We need an everything electronic solar cell systems, electric car vehicles. Elon Musk needs millions of ounces of silver. So it is such a finite commodity we've run out of it. We had about 12 billion ounces above ground back in the day today. If I asked my main refinery, which I did, if I had a big ministry come in and they wanted to buy all the silver they could, how much could I get today? I would be lucky to probably get 250, 300 million ounces. Oh, wow. So it's, it's getting a very difficult to actually acquire large quantities. So to me, physical silver , like in the IRA's retirement accounts, you can easily roll over to a physical silver IRA where you can put it in a vault. It's not in the banking system. You can't get it stolen like for the banks can on a bank holiday. Um , people need to know that the banks have bail ins now. So it is literally in law they can bail in, meaning you in the bank and your brokerage mind you stock accounts, you are an unsecured creditor. I know that makes no sense, but when you put money in a brokerage firm in a bank, you've given them a loan. Mm-Hmm . They just have an obligation to pay you back. And many people say, oh, I got FDIC insurance. I say , well here's the fine print on FDIC insurance. Number one, they only have 25 billion in the kitty around. So we'd have to seriously bail it out. They have a pecking order. Now, if the banks or the brokerages fail, derivative holders get paid back first, I hate to tell you, there are hundreds of trillions of derivatives then secured creditors get paid back. That's none of us. Third is the unsecured creditors. We the people. And I can guarantee, well I can't guarantee a whole lot in this world, but I'll tell you under that scenario, and I shouldn't even be laughing, but it's just so horrible under that scenario, we would literally be getting pennies on the dollar out of our brokerage or our bank. So I highly recommend having a good diversified plan by having a minimum of a third of your portfolio in tangible assets like gold and silver outside the system. And then if you still wanna keep two thirds in, just try to be very smart about your diversification because what's coming is gonna probably happen overnight. By the time you make that move, it probably could be too later . You're gonna pay a lot more money for these assets. So it's very important as Christians, we prepare and be ready. And I, you know, I talked to , um, Sid Roth numerous times about this. He's just such a wonderful man and he's had only three audible voices of God. And one of them , he told him to buy physical silver. And it was kind of humorous because he really doesn't care for silver. 'cause it doesn't, the price doesn't go up and <laugh> . So we kind of came across mutually and he's been talking to me from time to time about what's going on. And I told him, I said, you know, if every Christian just owned 10 ounces of silver in this country, we would control the silver supply. Wow. It's amazing. We would control it . And so I said, you know, think about this. In Job 27, oldest book in the Bible, it says that the wicked will pile up silver like dust. 'cause silver was the money. Today the wicked are piling up currency like dust, they're hoarding the currency. Then that scripture goes on to say, but in the end it will be distributed to the innocent Mm-Hmm . Which I believe references the Christian. If we stick with what God had as an honest scale , honest measurement of money, which is silver, when that currency system collapses, widget's coming, I don't care what anybody says, I'm on the same page as these financial advisors. I'm just free. I'm not being told what to do by the brokerage firm manager. And that currency system collapses. Silver is the recipient. That's a wealth transfer from the wicked to the innocent. As the banking system loses value, we the people gain the value and have the ability to then support the ministries, our friends and neighbors and be there for the future instead of be a slave to the system.

Josh Peck:

Yeah, absolutely. And you know, that's what I really love about Cornerstone, because I'm not a financial expert at all. But Cornerstone does make it really simple. And it's , uh, for me personally, it's the only, and by the way , Terry did not tell me to say this or anything. I have no obligation to say anything like this, but , uh, cornerstone's the only company that I trust for, for this kind of thing. Um, just quickly, how, how does Cornerstone work If somebody's interested in doing this, how would they, how would they go about doing it today? Is it like, do they call you and say, I wanna give you some money, turn it into silver and then you guys hold onto it and h how does, how does that , uh, how does the whole process work?

Terry Sacka, AAMS :

There's a few ways you can do it. Um , depends on your company and depends on the amount of money. We've had people in, in strong seven figures come in and people rate down to $50. I mean, we get people sending us $50 a month for years. And it's so, it's such a blessing, Josh, we're so honored. You know, Bible says not to be a respect or a person and we even lose money on some of those small orders, but you better believe if you wanna announce a silver, we're gonna get it to you. 'cause that's just what our mission is. You know, God said he'll take care of us. I know where I'm going with it. I'm not concerned. So to me it's about getting as many people protected and preserved for what's getting ready to come. 'cause this bricks thing's a big deal. So how Cornerstone works is you either go on our website@cornerstoneassetmetals.com and you can register for information or you can call us at the number (888) 747-3309. Talk to a representative. We're all completely on fire. Um, a lot of us even went to Bible school together. So we're a very tight group. We will walk you through your options when it comes to IRAs or retirement accounts. We will walk you through the options and we'll even do it, you know, for your, for your guests . I would tell have them say, we are from Josh Peck's program and we will take care of the setup fees on the IRA for them. So they don't have to be concerned with that. Oh wow. Thank you . And it's a simple transfer. It's only a few pages. It's a simple <inaudible> , and then you purchase physical real silver that goes into a depository in your IRA account. That's one way for retirement accounts. If you just have currency in the bank and you wanna get a chunk of that out. 'cause I would highly recommend not having a lot of currency in the bank. I mean, if you want six months worth to cover emergencies, fine. Anything that's excess, I wouldn't be putting 'em in CDs. I wouldn't be sitting in a money market. A money market is now a government cash reserve account, which is a US treasury. You don't wanna be tied to that. Get that cash out converted to gold and silver. If I had many people say they would rather have gold and silver in a vault than currency in a bank and digits in the cosmos as one older gentleman put it. So you could either put it in a private depository, which are set up around the country, Texas and Maryland and others, or you physically just get it sent home . So if you arrange to buy it physically, we could do checks over the phone, you could do it by wires. Um , we talked to you about what product you're looking for, and then we can literally send it to you insured anonymously. It kind of has a weird name on the box. You'll never know what it is. Uh, we mail it directly to you that's insured. You can bury it in your backyard, stick it in a safe at home, sit it in a private depository or in your retirement accounts. We can shift it over to a private depository as well. But the good part is they're extremely knowledgeable representatives. They've all been doing it for a long time and they, they're very keen on what we're trying to do here, what's going on globally. They're not just order takers. They will walk you through the process with knowledge, compassion, and don't be surprised. If you wanna talk about God and whip it up, they'll whip it up with you too.

Josh Peck:

Oh, that's phenomenal. That's great. Well, that's why I love you guys too. You're all obviously, you know, Christians and you have your heart for , uh, the people of God and you know, we we're always saying as Christians, we gotta build our own thing. We gotta do our own thing. You know, we say that about social media and the internet. Well obviously the banking system too. We, we need to do our own thing. And I think you guys at Cornerstone are doing a fantastic job of that. Uh, and I, I really, really thank you. One last question. Once somebody has their silver, if they then wanted to , uh, you know , uh, transfer some of it back to cash for groceries or something, how , how, how does that process work? How , how do they go about doing that?

Terry Sacka, AAMS :

Well, silver is money and gold. And we know a lot of people that buy the gold, that buy the small ones like one 10,000 because it's little money increments. Silver is one ounce. I call it silver, a future a hundred dollars bill. So a lot of times in the , well, especially in the states up in the north here , um, you know, Idaho and, and North Dakota, you can find little markets that'll actually take silver . They'll just give you the price for the day, give you the credit, you go buy your goods. But obviously that's not most people. If you decide you want to sell silver out of your IRA or that you have at home, you can always ship it back to us. Always buy it back and or go locally. And they'll always take it too, because it's marked very clearly as the finest purity of silver and gold that you can get. So always it , because it's so liquid and it is real money historically going back to the Bible as well as our constitution, gold and silver is always gonna be taken and , and desired. So you can sell it anywhere locally, always send it back to us. We'd more than happy to take it. We produced a really, really awesome Judeo-Christian silver coin that has scriptures on it. Uh, we did that on purpose. Um, it had 12 stars on one side for the disciples and 12 on the other for the tribes of Israel. We did that for a reason because in the end, if they try to take it and say it's bullion , it's not, it's protected under the First Amendment because it's God's money, biblical money, and it's, it says it right there on the coin. And so we make that argument that we never have to turn that in because it's not bullion , it's a biblical first amendment protected , um, uh, piece of money. And so it's a neat little stance we take. I've argued with it , but I'll just stand on the First Amendment. We have a , a right to religious freedom and you know, biblically our money is always supposed to be on scales, which is silver and gold, and it can always be bartered traded or sold. It is the most liquid tangible asset out there.

Josh Peck:

Fantastic. And if people are interested, the links are in the de descrip the de description below to this video. Um, I , is there anything that we haven't covered that you, that you'd like to say before we uh, before we head out?

Terry Sacka, AAMS :

We're doing pretty good. Um, I think just know that a lot of what we're talking about here isn't new Mm-Hmm, <affirmative> this started in 2014 and there's a lot of other stuff going on that's really dark and deep in Ukraine. I think you've gotten into it, Josh , uh, with, with children and such. But this is not new. And being that we've gotten to this point right now that we've pushed it to this level where we are now toe to toe with Russia and the bricks are ready to form on new international audible blockchain backed by gold currency, this is pretty, pretty serious stuff. So it's no longer just kind of theory, it's actually <inaudible> . So if anything, just make sure to know that this isn't something brand new. This has been playing out for quite some time. It just so happens to be this time in history, time and season that we better take seriously enough to protect our assets. And the way I look at it, if there's a forest fire, which it's a forest fire right now, we don't have to say that to anyone because we're all paying the gas prices in the food prices, in the rent and so forth. When there's a forest fire, you get yourself protected, get your assets protected, and when the fires burn , put out, let's see what tree is standing and then we always re resell some of these assets and then re diversify back into the system once we can see what's, what's actually gonna be standing.

Josh Peck:

Amen. We'll , Terry , Terry Saka , thank you so much for coming back on the show and thank you so much for , uh, your service to the church. You know , this is definitely needed. Uh, it's good information and I highly suggest everybody go check out , uh, cornerstone asset metals.com, link in the description , uh, phone numbers down there too. Even if it's just outta curiosity and you have some questions, they'll be happy to to talk with you . Terry , thank you so much again. It's been great talking with you again.

Terry Sacka, AAMS :

God bless you, Josh. Thank you so much.

Josh Peck:

You soon God bless you too. God bless you too. We will see you next time and all of you at home, thank you so much for watching. We will , uh, see you on the next sharpening report. Until then, take care and God bless

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