RIGGED [against you]

Two-Thirds of the World Are Going Into the BRICS - Even Our Allies

Terry Sacka, AAMS Season 2 Episode 111

Last broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS  spoke with Josh Peck of The Sharpening Report revealing to us that $1.9 Trillion of American savings are completely gone. Where did it go and is this the sign of a much greater problem? 

In today's broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS speaks to Josh Peck again to show us that a huge sign of de-dollarization and collapse of the American dollar is right in front of our faces.

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Terry Sacka, AAMS
is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.

RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.

RIGGED [against you]:

I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].

Terry Sacka, AAMS:

And two thirds of the world, even our allies are going into the bricks. And two thirds of the world are saying, we don't trust you anymore, and we have 10 trillion that we have to contend with. It literally is just like the Romans, I'm blown away at the parallel of what we're seeing. Just like, I mean, to the point where we look at the illegal immigration coming through Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> and all the problems that are dealing with the gangs, the disease that's coming through the non assimilation language, just like the Romans did. And so we're seeing this play out, and I'll leave you with one last point which kind of explains what's evidence really of why we're at this point, or showing us we're at this point. I don't know if many people recall, but when Biden first took over, we have this thing called the Strategic petroleum reserve. It's a place where we would store oil in the underground caverns in case we had to go to war. You know, we needed to have our own oil in case something happened. How do we run our military? Biden actually drained literally by three quarters of the SPR. He took that oil out and sold it to China. Now, many people don't realize that. They're like, well , why were we giving our oil, our military strategic oil to China? That's because they, we needed to buy their goods and we couldn't pay for it. They didn't want the dollars, they didn't want the treasuries. And so in order for us to pay for the goods that we were getting from China, we'd pay for it in oil so we could pay for it in gold. But I don't even believe the United States has what they think they have. I think their , their gold reserves in the US I think is swapped out, meaning they've sold it to like five people for every ounce they actually have in the vault. That's how serious our government is. Now, what's the answer? I just don't know. I think even if we had the greatest president come in looking after we, the people, we would have to have a controlled demolition to some extent, and then start out with a new foundation and rebuild from there. But in order to do that, they're going to have to have a distraction. Now, I'm talking more of if, if we don't have a good president, let's say, and obviously it's gonna be Trump or , and or Biden or you know, Michelle or whoever they pick on the other side, right? If, if we don't get a decent president in there, which I find unlikely, they'll need a distraction. So I think it's gonna be one of three things. Either they're going to have some form of orchestrated pandemic, whether it be a, a biological weapon released. Again, they even talk about it at the Davos. Oh, there's this, this virus X. And it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when, like they're putting it out, how convenient virus X, right? When they say the biggest threat to the world is, is truth and free speech and x former or Twitter platform is given truth. It's almost like a subconscious way of saying virus X, meaning truth is our enemy, but they're either gonna have some biological weapon released again to, to lock things down, blame the collapse on that. Or as Klaus Schwab said, at the World Economic Forum and the military, our military is even putting out interesting tweets and interesting information on, we're really concerned about a cyber pandemic. Mm-Hmm . We believe the Chinese and the Russians are going to hack our financial system and the shut down the internet in some way to cause such chaos. We won't know what , what direction to go. And there's been plenty of headlines coming out like that too . And then we'll blame them as the boogeyman. There's that one. And or would we be stupid enough to go kinetic in war? They're trying to, they're trying to pass another, what sixties , whatever billion to give to you Ukraine, to push the buttons. They're now sending NATO troops into Ukraine. Russia's not backing down. They're not going to allow us to put weapon systems on their border. We are. So, this is so evil, what we're doing with Ukraine. It's not even funny. But that's a whole nother conversation if we go kinetic and, and make this war. Now , I know I've heard people keep thinking China's invading Taiwan soon. And when that's a chatter, I mean , people say it's anytime now or the next couple years, are we going to escalate to a literal war like a World War iii that's kinetic, meaning using weapons in soldiers. I , there's a distraction because if we go to a world war that collapses the economy. So I think one of three things are coming to play. They need a distraction because I I , unless someone, if anyone emails you or let me know, pass along, I would love to hear anyone who has an opinion on how we're going to reissue 10 trillion in debt to who, where, and how. And , and at these high interest rates, our interest on our debt will go through the roof. I mean, we are in such a weird time and season as a nation, and I do believe we, we may have to go through a controlled demolition and then start from scratch and we rebuild our nation from the ground up. But in order to do that, we're in trouble. So what we're basically seeing is kind of a wrap up . We're in a depression and we just don't realize it that negative 7% GDP growth for the last two, three years, those are real numbers. That's actually a depression. So we literally have been in a depression, but by rigging the numbers, they've been able to let us think we're growing slightly and it's getting better, but it's not. It's, it's been a lie . And they use the CPI consumer price index, like this is how we measure prices going up and down. That that index is a lie. They, they cherry pick certain products and it's just, it's not real. And so all I know is we are literally at the edge for the first time in my life that I've ever seen. We are in serious trouble. And if you study the history of empires, it will show you what we are walking into right now is exactly what the Romans did. And we are now at that point. So I do believe because we are something major, something dramatic has to happen to distract us from this reality. And maybe that's where the pandemic comes in. Maybe they create another pandemic. So we beg the government to give us a solution. And of course, that solution will be digital id, digital currency, central Bank , digital Curr . We would be over game's over at that point. And I don't buy that personally, I don't think Central Bank digital currency fully works because it keeps all the money laundering they would have to , you would no longer be able to money launder, you know, the, the , the drug lords and everyone else couldn't. So I don't really buy goes full digital, but I think enough to allow our currency system to change. And if they try to take us cashless, the very people that would hurt the most would be the middle class , lower class . I mean, we can no longer give a $20 tip to somebody just because we wanna say thank you, you see? And so it's very interesting time we're in, and this is important information. And it could fall right into what I think a lot of the profits have been seeing . And I think they're coming around by saying, you know, oh , well this is gonna happen in the White House and here's where it's going. And, and then Donald Trump's gonna come in. But, you know, remember Donald Trump has a lot of traitors around him . Unfortunately, he doesn't get on the internet. So he can only, you know, take information from his, his counsel and a lot of his counsel were traders . So I don't know. I, I do hope that we can do it, but I know as God says, you know, the truth will set you free. I think we, the people just have to recognize we've gotten to this point. We definitely shouldn't be sending a hundred billion dollars to other countries right now. We should be fixing our bridges, helping our poor building housing. We should not be allowing these illegal aliens in, I mean, what, what good is that accomplishing? And so we shouldn't be doing these things. And this is exactly what Rome did. And we're doing the exact same thing right now. And I think the only way out is we are gonna have to lay down, give up as people, and let the government turn us into this slave state. Or we, the people are gonna rise, say no, have to, you know, endure a little , uh, forced demolition and then rebuild from the ground up. But I do believe that precipice is now. And if anything, I'd love to see how we're getting outta this $10 trillion. And I know we don't have to be afraid of it, because I believe we, you know, we trust in the Lord, right? With all of our heart, lean not on our understanding. And he says, acknowledge me. I will make your crooked path straight. And other areas of the Bible says, trust in me, our pro , you trust in me. I'll keep you safe. We just focus ourselves on the Lord right now, more than anything else. Trust in him. And we will help each other as a kingdom get through this if we do have to go through that demolition or whatever is coming. But we better stay close to one another and be there for one another because that's how we'll pull it off.

Speaker 4:

Amen. That's what it's all about. And you know, with these, I've noticed with these kinds of conversations, it's always , uh, usually , we'll , we'll get like a few people that'll really take it seriously when really everybody needs to. But a lot of times just general people think in their lives, well, you know, I've been living my life. I've been going to work, I've been paying my bills. And yeah, money's a little tight. But you know, there are times where it's a little tight and times that it's not. And then they don't, they don't really see the, the , the gravity of what we're really living through right now. 'cause they think, you know, well, I mean, this is even a biblical thing. You know, people think that just things are gonna be as they always are. But that's not, that's not always the case. And with something that's this important, it's like, if you're not prepared , uh, this , this, you could wake up tomorrow and literally everything could be different. And you've lost all yours assets. Everything's gone. And what you gonna do? You won't be able to do anything because you , you haven't done anything , uh, to prepare. And, and it , it's, I mean, it is a biblical principle. It's a biblical command , uh, to be prepared. Uh, and and in light of that, can you tell us

Terry Sacka, AAMS:

About Well , and especially with that, and Josh, that's where that bankruptcy law comes in. Yeah. People just don't realize, I have people all day long. Oh , they can't do that. I said, no, the laws are changed. You don't realize that if a bank goes down or a brokerage firm goes down, they will take all of your stocks, they will take your bonds, they will take your retirement. They will take your cash. I'm sorry, it's in the laws. And that's why I believe Klaus Schwab is saying, you'll have nothing and like it, they can take it. And that's very concerning because it was never like that before. But they've been secretly changing these laws. So all of a sudden we, like you just said, well , wake up, it's gone, it's over. And you'd be like , you can't do that. Well, no, they can. 'cause it's in the law and it's gonna go to the international banks because of all the debt we're in. That's why this debt is so important. And what are we gonna do at that point? That's why we have to be outside the system, at least with a substantial portion of our portfolio just to be prepared, because those who do have assets protected outside will then have resources to be able to help one another. And I remember when I first got into all of this back in the day, you know, God made it very clear to me, I had no choice. Get my people ready for what's coming. And that's been my mission here. But it was because of, not that we would become rich , although it probably will happen for certain people , uh, by being outside the system like this, but it's will have the resources to help one another. And with those resources, can you imagine you can pay someone's electric bill. You can buy food for a family for a month, or you can do all these things for people. And the nice part is they're gonna be like, how are you so happy? Or how are what's going on in your life that you can be like this? And it opens the door for us to spread that gospel too. So I think there's a lot more to this than just, you know, individually our wealth, you know, and individually about me, me, we better collectively as a kingdom understand this principle because I do believe as we do it together, we can be successful, but we better be together and not divided.

Speaker 4:

Amen. That , and that's what it's all about in , in light of that preparedness. And you know, I know that there's a lot of companies out there that are, that are like this. Uh, but your , yours is the only one that I know runs like a ministry. And , um, and I'm, I'm really, really , uh, picky about , uh, what kinds of things that I'll, I'll , um, you know, like I, I , I almost hate to use the word advertise . It's not advertised . It's a way out. It's a , it, it's an option for Christians to, to , uh, not only help themselves, but help each other and what, what you provide. I , I think it , it's more of a ministry effort. Uh, you know, I'm sure not on paper, but it just, it the way, the way that the effect it has on the church, it's more of a ministry effort than anything. Uh, and again, that preparedness that , that's a biblical , uh, principle and command. So, in light of that, can you tell us about Cornerstone and how , uh, you are helping our brothers and sisters and Christ prepare for the economic turmoil ahead? How , how does, how does Cornerstone work?

Terry Sacka, AAMS:

You know, Cornerstone's had a difficult road. I mean, we're, we're okay. We do, well, we're a successful company, but nine out of 10 of these companies, if a , if a, if a company's got the word gold in their name, you better watch out. Yeah . Because what they're doing is, and I, I can't use the word I really want to say, because I think it'd probably be not very good for people who've gone through it, but they are taking advantage of you. They are ripping off people in the name of collectibles, or they make all these stories. They're selling a story. So they will sell you silver or gold at 90% premium. You'll pay twice the amount that you should. And so let's say you go for most of these, and they're all the same. That's why they have the money to advertise on Fox News. These big companies, unfortunately, that are supporting a lot of conservatives, they just don't realize that they're ripping their own, you know , audience off. These companies are charging so much fees and commissions and, and then when you sell it, it's the same thing. They're just ripping people off. And I, and we at Cornerstone absolutely cannot do that. I've asked my crew, I said, enough enough. If they're all gonna rip 'em off and no one seems to care, why don't we do it too? And my whole entire team just flat out, no , we are gonna be here with the Lord. So be very cautious. Most of these companies, and I mean most, nine out of 10 times, if they've got gold in their name, they're probably bad. So let's say you go buy a thousand ounces from them of silver, you would probably get 2000 ounces of silver from us. That's a really big deal. Yeah. So don't get caught up in the stories. Really do your homework. Don't get caught up thinking, oh, they're a successful company. We've been around a long time. We've done quite well. But because we don't create this story, we're not lying. We're not taking advantage of, we're not cheating and corrupt towards the people, which I find this, it's legal because if you wanna pay for it, you can. But why are you paying , uh, for $90 specialty silver coin when you can buy one for 28 mm-Hmm. <affirmative> , it makes no sense, right? We, the people need to get as much as we can right now. So when gold and silver exponentially go up, because what I just said today, when they start printing those trillions of dollars in this crisis, and this is not a , a guess like you, anyone can help me out. You know, I got five financial licenses. I would love to have someone show me how they're gonna reissue $10 trillion without a crisis. We will print money in doing so, our inflation will go higher, that gold and silver will be protecting us. So we want as many ounces as we can get. And the vast majority of them only care about profit . And God made it very clear to me, put me first and everything else will come. And so we at Cornerstone are here to truly be here for we the people do what's right to give you a reasonable fair premium. Uh, so when you buy a product, you know, you're getting as many ounces as it's possible to get. And then alone, you're gonna have great conversation. 'cause our entire team is just on fire for the Lord. So we are in a different track. And I've even seen, you know, there's even the companies out there, they try to run, you know, we're faith-based and we're doing this for, I'm like, they have minimums. You , you better have certain amount of money. It's respect our persons. I'm like, man, don't go out and talk about faith, and then you're gonna be respect a person as a Bible say not to do that. You just should be there for someone who, who wants to issue, wants to buy two coins. You know, we sell so much silver, no kidding, Josh, we will sell two ounces to somebody. And as a company, we're pretty much losing money. When you put in, you know, time, it is to process. Yeah . But very clearly God made it to me is I'm not to be respect to our persons. And we do it anyway. If it's, if you wanna come to us, and if that's all you have, we will be here to be , uh, honorable to that commitment and be here for you. We're not gonna set a minimum just because you don't have the money, because you're not rich or something. We're not here about profits, although we're a business. We're here for the mission because God made it clear to me, get my people ready, and that's what I'm doing. And then we will be here through the process, be here to the end , and we will help explain to you how you use it, how you buy it, how you can store it, how you can sell it, why it's important. And that's what Cornerstone is different about. We're not trying to sell you a story. We're trying to give you the real knowledge. We why gold and silver is real money, how you do it, how you use it, and how you sell it. I've had people ask me, well, what am I gonna do with it when I have it? I'm like, it's money. I said, I don't know . I have someone, I've had people use a hundred ounce silver bars and they trade it to a contractor who does work on their house. It's money. And so there's so many different ways. It's real money, it's real value. But all I know is I would rather have silver and gold outside the banking system than paper in the bank, because yeah , we need a little bit in there. Don't get me wrong. We need to pay bills, but excess savings should be outside the system. Because remember, anything in a bank belongs to the bank. You're an unsecured creditor. And, and the gold and silver outside the system, whether it's in a private depository, safe and insured or buried in your backyard, it's yours. And so we're here for the people to just accomplish the goal. God has made clear to do. And I'm not giving it up, and we're not going that route for profits. We're just not gonna do it. I, I'm sickened that a lot of these Christians and conservatives are taking on these big sponsors and they're paying millions of dollars. There's a big network that just started , um, and I won't name names, but the , the big, it is a brand new network with some really popular conservative Christians. And they're taking on a supposedly Christian company, you know, to do the sponsor. And they're paying millions of dollars to do it. Where do you think they're getting that? When you see ads for $10,000 in free silver, if you come here, there's no such thing as free silver. They're charging you triple, quadruple the prices you should pay. And then they're just giving you something back as a pittance. It's just a , it's a scam. It's dishonest. And I don't really call my brother , that's why I'm not naming names. I don't wanna beat 'em up. Yeah. I just believe it's ignorance. And they just don't know that this what these people are doing. And they're like, okay, yeah, I'll take your millions as a sponsor, but they don't realize that they're actually taking it from their people when you, you know, you should be getting 2000 ounces, not 1000. You know, it's time to get as much as you can. And that's the difference between Cornerstone and just about 90, 95% of the other companies.

Speaker 4:

Amen. Well, if people , uh, wanna get involved and people , uh, at least wanna get some free information , uh, and, and again, for everybody out there, a lot of my audience is retirement age. Um, this , this is , this is for your retirements, your savings, your assets, things that you, you wanna leave down to your kids and grandkids, which is , which is another , uh, biblical good thing to do, you know? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> . Um, and you , you wanna , you wanna be able to protect that. Um, uh, what , what's the best first step? Where , where do people go? How do they get , get in touch with Cornerstone or with you, even if it's just for some free information. Uh, and , and again, guys, these aren't salespeople. They're not gonna be hounding you. Oh , you can't, you can actually just get some free information from them. And if you never talk to 'em again, that's fine. They're not, there's not, they're not gonna be pressuring you. But where, where can people , uh, get some more information on this?

Terry Sacka, AAMS:

Yeah, I would definitely go to cornerstone asset metals.com. You can always register for information right there on the homepage and we'll, we'll contact you. You can always call us as well, (888) 747-3309 . Start a conversation, because you're right, we won't hound, I even me, I , I actually deal with a higher net worth. I deal with larger , complicated situations because of my financial background. But I don't hound people. <laugh> . I don't like call you every week or call . I mean , listen, if you don't get it, then you're gonna find out down the road why you should have . But maybe I should be a little more aggressive. But we're just not. We're here to provide a service, provide education, but you should contact us by email. Give us a phone call , um, talk to people around you. Say, Hey, call these people because we will educate you in a way others just can't. And why can't they? Because they're motives. Their arterial motive is completely different than ours. And we're here to truly get the people ready for what is coming. So we in the kingdom, can preserve and protect our assets to actually have something to fight with, to get through the next phase. And I still believe we can, Josh, I do, I believe we can succeed. But I'll leave this one on the table. Eric Botax , he's a wonderful conservative guy in New York , uh, radio, he put a book out, you know, letter to the church, American Church, and he talked about it. We Christians are doing in America are doing the exact same thing that the Christians in Germany did before , um, Adolf Hitler. Mm-Hmm . We are giving up the , we're putting the blinders on. We're not paying attention. We're allowing them to destroy our culture, destroy our system, destroy our family, destroy our children. We are the ones responsible. The church is the one letting our country go down, just like the Christians did in Germany. And then look what happened when, when Hitler took over. And that is so true. I can't even believe it. And I blame the leaders of our, of the kingdom of the, of, you know, Jesus Christ in the church, because they're more focused on money than they are telling people the truth. And I believe if we in the kingdom do not become more proactive in saying no, then we will fall the way of Germany and it's going to happen. And people say, oh, that's ridiculous. It's already happening. Just look around you, look at our schools. Look what they're doing. Look what they're jamming down our throat. Do you think we're foolish? No. We see it's coming, but we've got to say no as a kingdom, or we will not survive this.

Speaker 4:

Amen. Amen. What , what a great note to end on. And , uh, for, for the audience out there, that number and that website is in the description below. Uh, I ran the commercial at the beginning of this episode. I'm gonna run it again at the end , uh, so you guys can get all the information , uh, in case you missed it at the beginning. Also, most episodes, I'll, I split up into two parts. One for free on one , uh, on YouTube and one, and then the entire video on , uh, the Daily Renegade website. I'm gonna put this whole video up on YouTube Rumble , uh, and anywhere else that I can. And , uh, and of course, the whole video's gonna go up on daily renegade.com. So , uh, but for those of you who are watching this on YouTube , uh, just know that the people, the the members@dailyrenegade.com actually got this , uh, two weeks in advance. So , um, if you're just seeing this now on YouTube, you could have saw it , uh, two weeks ago, and all you gotta do is come be a member@dailyrenegade.com, come join the family, and we'd love to have you there. Uh , so ,

Terry Sacka, AAMS:

And that , on that note too, Josh, you know, I would say to a lot of people that are not, if they sketch it on YouTube, you, you may wanna get into the Daily Renegade subscription because there's, there's information there. Like, there's, there's programs and videos in there. You're not getting in in YouTube. Yeah . And I think you would really dig it. Like I was talking to Josh, you know, before the program and turned out he's worked, you know, directly and had someone even endorse his book , um, that I just start finding fascinating. This guy was like, amazing. And I realized there's so much good content that's behind the scene . And the reason we have to do that mm-Hmm . Is because YouTube will just, you know, nix us Yeah. Behind this video

Speaker 4:

Might even get deleted behind

Terry Sacka, AAMS:

<laugh> . Yeah. And so what's, what's in the renegade, you know, subscription or a part of that is content that we, the people really need to hear, but we just can't say because of the censorship. So I, I find it interesting. I , you know, I love, you know, your stuff. It's, is deep and intriguing and you're definitely a warrior for Christ, and I appreciate you for that.

Speaker 4:

Oh, thank you. You too , brother. And , uh, oh, also, if people do sign up for , uh, cornerstone, make sure you click that little thing that says that you heard about it , uh, here , uh, at Daily Renegade , uh, Josh Peck , uh, we'd really appreciate if you did that. But yeah, daily renegade.com you'll find, and, and like what Terry said, that really is what it is. You know, even Daily Renegade, we, we have , we have to cover our overhead. So we have to do a subscription base. Uh, it has to be an LLC , I don't wanna go the 5 0 1 C3 route and have the government tell me what I can and can't say. It's just too much risk. Um, and for not enough benefit for what we do. So it , it is technically on paper or business, but we, we do run it like a ministry , uh, daily renegade do com . So it is subscription based , but it's cover overhead, so we can protect the videos that we have on there because most of the videos that we have on Daily Renegade are not available , uh, on YouTube because they'll just delete them. Like I said, even this video, I don't know for sure if they're gonna keep this video on. Um, we'll see. No ,

Terry Sacka, AAMS:

We say that , but we said, okay, I noticed , I was thinking about when we were speaking <laugh> , I'm like, we were Okay. Yeah. Like , I didn't say anything. I , I realized we didn't say anything negative. I didn't talk about the, you know, or , you know what I mean, <laugh> like we, we , we kept clean, you know? Yeah . We didn't say anything. I didn't go after any community or, so I really think this one will probably stay up. Should be right . 'cause we have to be like that, which is shocking to me, you know, as an Army veteran. I'm like, come on censorship, man, what are you so afraid of? Chumps? I mean, come on. You know?

Speaker 4:

Yeah . <laugh> , I'm, I'm right with you . So, yeah. That, that's why we've had to do it this way. Um, but , uh, Terry , I can't, I can't thank you enough for coming on the show, and it is always so good talking to you. This was , uh, certainly really enlightening and definitely sobering, definitely important. And , uh, of course, as you know, you always have an open invitation to be on the show. I'd love to have you back on again sometime soon.

Terry Sacka, AAMS:

Uh , thank you, Josh. Well, God bless you and, and all the people in your audience, we stay together, keep the Holy Spirit within us and we can prevail.

Speaker 4:

Amen. I absolutely agree. And all right , everyone else, thank you so much for joining me, and until next time, love you all. Take care and God bless. Concerning the economically unstable times that we live in, it is a great idea to convert some of your savings into real money. Now, there is a big difference between real money and what we call money, which is actually just currency. So our dollar is currency, which fluctuates real money. On the other hand, like silver, for example, is a store of value over time. The best way to think of it as like this, if you had saved $1,000 in cash back in the late sixties, the late 1960s, that $1,000 would still be $1,000 technically, but it would buy you significantly less today due to inflation. Now, if you had saved that same $1,000 in silver back in the 1960s, today, it would be worth around $28,000. So one of the best ways to protect your purchasing power is in real money. More specifically silver. You can buy and have the metal shipped discreetly to your door. And what most people don't know is that you can actually convert your IRA or even a 401k into physical silver rather than having all of your life savings tied up in the paper Fiat system, which is subject to hyperinflation. Go to daily renegade.com and click on the Cornerstone Assets Metals banner. This is the only company that I personally trust with this kind of thing. Click on that and sign up to get your free silver report today. One of the financial experts will speak with you to find out the best way to protect your savings going forward in these uncertain times.