RIGGED [against you]
RIGGED [against you]
Jobs & Employment Numbers are BOOMING...but is IT Really?
Last broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS explained how nations are selling off U.S. debt at records rates, mostly China, what's going on and why are they doing it?
In today's broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS explains how under the guise of booming employment numbers Americans have been led to believe the economy is strong, but if there was ever a definition of something being RIGGED against you...this is it.
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Terry Sacka, AAMS is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.
RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.
I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].
Terry Sacka AAMS:The jobs number came out today, booming number 270,000 jobs added to the economy. But did it, was it wait until you see the real data going back to pre COVI and what's been really going on? And you will know if there's any definition for rigged against you. It is this topic and it is right now. I'm Terry Saka and this is rigged against you. So let me show you. I'm amazed at this actually. I am highly irritated because this type of rigging is why so many Americans are unprepared for what's in front of us and they're just misleading us and they want to get us on misinformation. But this is the real data. So take a look at this because if there's any time for someone to get gold and silver, it's right now they really hammered the gold and silver price because, oh , the jobs were booming, therefore, they're not gonna lower interest rates, which they shouldn't do anyway. But they're probably going to because everybody knows the numbers are rigged and wait until you see the real data, it will just blow you away. And as Americans, you should be absolutely mortified when you see this. Take a look at this for start. This is change in appointment since just before covid foreign born workers. You got it. Visa, holden and illegal aliens, mostly illegal aliens. Thank you. Open borders. Look at the foreign born 3.8 million jobs added since Covid native born workers have lost 180,000 jobs. That is unbelievable. 3.8 million to foreigners. So we, the people who, who are born here, pay the taxes, help the system, help the economy. We're getting shafted now. God bless these people who can get a job that are coming over. I mean really, I mean serious about that. But they're not developing an economy that allow we the people to prosper. They've destroyed the massive economy that was being built up under President Trump. They've just destroyed it. They're, they're taking the jobs away, going overseas. That is an unbelievable figure just before covid. So now we have, as we see since Covid all foreign born workers and the Native Americans, we, the people are actually losing jobs. Now why this is important is because inflation is ripping. And I'm gonna continue to say this and I should have the chart with me. I promise I'll be, I'll be using it all the time so you can see what I mean. Real inflation rate is 12 to 14%. Now remember the CPI, which is the consumer price index is completely rigged. They cherry pick it . So they take out , um, they take out bad numbers, they put in ones that are going down, it's just completely rigged. So the consumer price index, we know inflation is real. We are going to the stores. We see the prices. Commodities are going through the roof. Corn, wheat, nickel, copper, silver, gold will be soon too. They already are of course, but they will continue. But here's the part that's, that's more distressing. Not only are all the jobs going to foreign born and mostly illegal aliens, and you'll see the last chart. I show you what I mean. This isn't right because we're dealing with massive inflation and we're not getting what we need to survive the inflation. So in order for inflation to really work, if we have inflation like this, we need to see our wages rising in order to meet our needs. So all of us are stopping and looking when we used to buy certain things, I'm even shocked at fruit and different things I would buy. I'm like, I'm not buying that anymore. We need wages to rise in order to meet the need. So take a look at this. That's right. Average real weekly earnings going back to covid time. Now let me break this bigger. We were actually doing well since Covid earnings started to rise and then they really boomed during COVID . They really needed it. Most people weren't going back to work. So you can see all that green, that is a boom in wages. And I know personally because a lot of my employees even got a boost in wage. And so we know wages have changed, but then look what happened since then. That's right. Average weekly earnings are collapsing. Now we did get a little better here on the right, I see that, but it's collapsing back again. So here we have raging inflation at a time. Wages are actually going down. So we're able to afford a lot less. Thank you for open borders. Thank you for bringing all of these unvetted illegal aliens. And I, I can go on a long rant on that one of what that's doing to our culture, to on to our cities, to our schools, to our hospitals, to our communities, to crime. But beyond that, if we had plenty of work for we the people and we needed extra labor, then yeah, bring 'em in. God bless 'em , let's go. But if we, the people cannot be employed properly and we know because the tech world and everyone else is laying off, then what are we doing? Why? Because corporations want the cheaper labor. Well that's not good because we, the people need to survive, but we need higher wages and we're not getting them. They're actually lowering wages. So look at this one right before Covid. This is unbelievable. Right before Covid here, that big gold arrow in the middle, that was before C hit, and you see the big collapse in the middle. Everything foreign born and native jobs just collapsed. Now we've started to bring jobs back. Obviously we all started to go back to work 'cause all the stimulus payments wore off. But look at where we're at for native. We the people, that's right, we are actually negative from where we were before. Covid and yet foreign born are booming, unbelievable. So a lot of it was the stimulus. So a lot of stimulus checks went out. People didn't go back to work. We did have labor issues. I even noticed in my community, I'm sure many of you have, that a lot of people just flat out didn't go back to work. And I'm like, well, how are they eating? So I don't know, maybe some of that is our issue. I just don't know. Uh , maybe people have become lazy. Uh, but the point is all the jobs are going to foreigners, not Americans. So when you see this jobs number, you know it's rigged and it's as serious because it , like I said, it's at the time of high inflation and it's going to continue to rise. Our wages are going down. We've got to stop this insanity of the open borders right now. So take a look at this because here's actually where all the jobs are. Now when we talk about they're showing 3.8 million jobs added. Take a look at this one. Since February of 23, 870,000 jobs are added. All this is great, right? But look at the headline part-time workers look at native born . That's right. Losing jobs. All of the jobs since February of 23 have been part-time. So a lot of people are actually picking up two and three jobs. They're not full-time, high paying wages, they're part-time just to survive at a time. We have extreme inflation and then to really kick it in, the boot foreigners are taking all the jobs. The American people are actually losing jobs right now. And this is a direct product of open borders. Congratulations. I get the greed in corporations. But all due respect, I believe America can be American , can be excellent. We can pay higher wages. Yes, we'll have a little inflation, but we, the people can rebuild, do manufacturing here. We can really build amazing nation here. And we are, we can be efficient workers, but the problem is our dollar is no good. Our dollar is lost like it is in the toilet as far as the cycle of currencies. And you have to go back to see the job or the, the program about the depression. You have to see the chart at the end of that program. And it shows how they're contracting the currency if they don't handle it right, which honestly I don't believe they will if they don't handle it. We are looking at double digit unemployment at a time. Inflation is raging, not a good scenario. And if they don't handle it right, you're also gonna start to see the banking system collapse. I think we're at a precipice and we just need to properly prepare. So I know this is probably not the best topic for our Friday, but you know, we have to remain positive. But we need to wake up to what's really happening. Know the system is rigged against we the people. If we wanna conquer, we wanna maintain our freedom and we want prosperity. Have a wonderful weekend. Talk to you soon.
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