RIGGED [against you]
RIGGED [against you]
Gold or Stocks, Which is Better?
Last broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS informed us how China has just been banned a very key weapon ingredient here in the West. This is alarming since we went to globalism, most of what we need in the U.S. comes from other countries -- namely China.
In today's broadcast Terry Sacka, AAMS, a financial analyst and expert on precious metals and commodities, discusses the age-old debate of whether owning physical assets (gold and silver) are better than owning paper assets (stocks and bonds).
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Terry Sacka, AAMS is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.
RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.
I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].
Terry Sacka AAMS:I'm Terry Sacka, and this is RIGGED [against you]. What is better Gold or the stock market? I think you're gonna find this very interesting because I'm gonna show you charts that don't lie and you need to see this because it's not just what has happened in the past, but with what's getting ready to come. If we push the envelope too much and we end up in a , in a war scenario, if China ends up taking Taiwan or if we keep pushing in Ukraine, that stock market of ours could go off 50% and you're going to need gold to protect yourself. Well, mainly silver in my opinion, but you get the idea. But take a look at this for as far as what is really our money, what is it valued at, what we think it is Anyway, we all know that our dollar is at the end of a cycle. We know the inflation is high, but we need to understand where the gold or the dollar started. Here we are from 1913, where the dollar began. Look where we are today. On the right, we are now at 5 cents. Now what I love about this is this chart only shows to 2013. Well , we're 2024, our dollar is now worth 3 cents from its original value. Now how do we know that? Because our buying power isn't the same. We know because houses used to be $70,000 and now they're $500,000. Our inflation is not just now, but over these decades has exponentially grown to the point our dollar bill isn't buying the same. It used to be able to give someone a dollar as a tip and it was considered pretty cool. Even $5 today isn't even that good anymore because the dollar doesn't buy anything. And we all know it because we're going to the store, we're buying things. Well, why is that the case? It's because they're printing currency. They've put over 40% of all the money we've ever created in this new cycle has happened since Covid . So gold or the stock market, what is better? It depends on if you understand inflation or not, because inflation is tied to the US money supply. So the US money supply, this is US money supply in in the stock market, the M two supply is the black line, and then the s and p 500 is the yellow. You notice that the s and p has only been going up since we've been printing money. So while we've been printing this money, the market was decent to go in . But was it, that's what I find interesting because it seems like it was, but was it really? Look at this, the s and p 500 returns. Now we see, wow, it's been since the seventies gone up 5500%, but did it. If you look down to the inflation adjusted rate, it's only gone up 500%. And it's important to understand this because the s and p all these decades has really only seen a return of 500% because inflation. So we may be seeing returns in the stock market, but the returns we're getting isn't buying the same because prices keep rising, rents keep rising, food keeps rising automobiles across the board, everything. I know we've talked about this before, but look at the price of blueberries and you know, simple things at the grocery store, they're expensive. So you think you're making returns in the stock market, but you're really not because you're not accounting for inflation, which is a very important matrix to account for. Now here's another one that we can look at in comparison to the stock market. So the s and p's been up 500% with inflation adjusted numbers. Take a look at gold at the same period since 1970, gold is up two 2000, 400% say 2400%, but 2,400 sounds a little bigger, 2400% and rising gold is just getting started. So we know gold is sound money and it's important to recognize that because gold is up 2400%, which fights the inflation and the s and p has only really been what, 500%. It's just not the same thing. To give you kind of another idea, gold versus the s and p 500. In just the last five years alone, gold is up almost 81% and the s and p 500 is up 76%. So gold continues to outperform the s and p, but the problem that this really gets to is paper. Our dollars and the stocks, they're not calculating the inflation. And so we know the real inflation rate is 12% right now, prices are continuing to be inflated and rise and I contend, I'm sorry, some products will, but most will not ever really come back down. If anything, the economy will slow down, but prices will remain high because the money isn't worth the same. Go back to the very first chart I showed you. It's literally worth 3 cents from its original value. That's why back in the day we could buy 2 cent piece of candy or a candy bar would be, you know , 25 cents. I mean we really had power in our dollar. Where today that same candy bar is like a dollar 75. This is across the board of course. So when you look at currency and the stock market, you're not seeing a value that is actually compared to the inflation. And that's why it was important to show the s and p being really only up 500% over all those years because you have to calculate inflation because the same dollar you're holding in your hand 10 years ago doesn't buy you the same it does today. And gold and silver is the protective hedge against that inflation. What I find interesting is what they're even saying in Main Street now, especially the Yahoo Bank of America, they're even omitting gold prices are set to climb to $3,000 this year. Now that's their version. If the main street's saying 3000 is definitely going higher, but the fact they're even telling you gold is gonna be rising another 30% by years in, it's because the world is forcing it. The money printing is continuing and so you're missing out. If you're not owning gold and you're in paper in the stock market, you're actually missing out on an opportunity to protect and preserve yourself from the inflation that's coming. It's hard to visualize. Now we know inflation, we see the prices, we see the food prices, we know prices are going up, but we don't quite understand when we look at our money. So for those that had let's say $400,000 sitting in a bank account over the last four years, you actually lost probably $80,000 if not more, because the dollar isn't buying the same because the inflation has been ferocious The last four years, the first year of Biden it was 18% and today, this year right now it's still 12%. Remember the inflation number they're showing you on mainstream media is just flat out a lie. It's rigged against us. They cherry pick the numbers. Now you have to go back to the 1980s matrix to understand that. But they know. So all this time you're sitting in cash thinking you're being safe, you're losing tremendous amount of buying power. Whereas if you would've been in gold and silver four years ago, you would've maintained that buying power as gold and silver has risen tremendously since then and it will continue to rise. Now we are manipulating the markets. I understand that derivatives are fake and the east know it . The Comex that controls the silver trade literally has two weeks of real eligible physical silver available. They're in trouble. My guess you're going to potentially anyway see a uh , force majeure. You know, if that happens, we're in deep trouble, but that's gonna come on the heels of potentially World War II or something more catastrophic like an economic collapse or another bio weapon of some kind. Something else will trigger. But you're talking about holding onto an asset like paper or stocks at a time. It's losing its ability to buy you something when gold, silver have the ability as it increases in price to maintain. So it seems like, oh, well I'm not getting rich, but you're maintaining. So if you own silver, you're still paying a dollar for gasoline. You see, because the price has gone up. So instead of holding paper dollars, you hold silver in a vault, especially in your IRA accounts. What a great way to go because over time you're holding something which is a true definition of money, which is a storage of value over time. So as gold and silver continue to rise in the paper, in the stock market continue to drop, now you think you're making money in the market. Now mind you, don't get me wrong, if you're in Nvidia or some really wild stock, yes you could probably outperform that statistic, but overall based on the indexes and especially sitting in cash in a bank, you are losing so much buying power as prices rise and goods and services rise, you're not maintaining. And for those that don't believe me, just go back to the 1980s matrix. This is when we were honestly measuring the consumer price index and inflation and it was in 1980. As you can see right now, today we're still at 12%. We are as high as 18%. We're down to 12. So when they say, oh, inflation is coming down, yeah, they're right to some extent, but it's still 12%. And just keep in mind, they can't tell you it's 12% because the government pays out cola , which is a cost of living adjustment to people like Social Security and other welfare and other budgetary programs. They can't afford the 12% increase. So they give us the lie, the CP lie , I call it number, and they give an in increase to social security for instance, based off that number. But the chart I just showed you is the true because it's when we were honest measuring inflation. And you can get that from shadow statistics, that is, these are government stats. So it's the real deal. So when you're in these investments, you have to understand if whatever you made in the stock market, you have to first take off 12% because that's the inflation. And then you look at cash. If you're sitting in cash, you automatically have lost 12%. And so this is how big this is because when it comes down to is gold or the stock market safer or better, I would definitely be going with gold and silver because the stock market number one is paper. You don't own them. You're an unsecured creditor and it's held in title as street name. You don't even own those stocks like we used to in the old days when you used to get stock certificates with numbers. Gold and silver is yours, especially if you do it in a retirement account and stay away from the big gold companies. They're gonna you in price go to a beautiful boutique firm that specializes in customer service and good, honest premiums. That'd be cornerstone asset metals, but just understand between gold and silver and the stock market, there is no comparison to what is safer right now, especially when we're staring on the barrel of the geo policy taking
Speaker 3:Place . With all of the recent changes, changes in the political and financial markets until next , there has never been a better time than right now to invest in silver and gold. When governments simply print billions of dollars in paper money in hopes of solving financial shortfalls, you know that it is time to buy and hold assets of true and lasting value. Free information is available to you right now by calling 8 8 8 7 4 7 3 3 0 9 . Whether you are a new investor or you're interested in preserving the value of your retirement accounts, we make it easy for you to make smart decisions for your financial future. The specialists at Cornerstone are here to serve you, work to satisfy your retirement goals and communicate with respect. Call us right now at (888) 747-3309. That's 8 8 8 7 4 7 3 3 0 9 or visit us online@cornerstoneassetmetals.com. That's cornerstone asset metals.com.
Speaker 4:With record money printing while fluctuations in the stock market and our devalued currency, only one easily accessible investment has stood the test of time. And that is precious metals. Precious metals such as physical, silver and gold are a store of value. Provide stability for your portfolio under the most widely accepted hedge against inflation and market volatility. Fortunes of incalculable wealth have been built throughout history through ownership of these wonderful metals and smart investors still rely on the dependability of silver and gold to protect and preserve their hard earned wealth and prosper in times of economic uncertainty. Cool Cornerstone Asset Metals today at 8 8 8 7 4 7 3 3 0 9 to protect, preserve, and prosper with silver and gold. Cool . 8 8 8 7 4 7 3 3 0 9 or visit cornerstone asset metals.com .