RIGGED [against you]
RIGGED [against you]
The New Gold Standard is Coming
Last broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS dissected the recent internet outages to unravel the truth on whether the situation with CrowdStrike is just a software glitch or is there more to it that we don't know.
In today's broadcast Terry Sacka, AAMS, tells us about the new gold standard that's approaching as the United States begins to lose its global superiority.
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Terry Sacka, AAMS is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.
RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.
I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].
Terry Sacka AAMS:I'm Terry Sacka, and this is rigged against you. A new gold standard is coming. I know many don't believe it, especially here in the West, but I'm gonna show you how it is happening, what they're doing about it in the East. And at the end of this podcast, you're gonna see why, what I'm saying, the United States and Europe can not ignore it. This is why you're seeing so much chaos. It's why I think the wars are going on. I talk about this a lot and why I believe something bigger maybe false flag is coming because the United States is losing its hegemony because the fact is a new gold standard is coming and it's coming from the east. Now I know a lot of talk is they're gonna use a lot of commodities as well. Uh, but the fact is it's going to be gold backed and that's a big part of it. Now what are they gonna be doing? The bricks will use a gold standard. Now this is going to be a 40%, let me do this. This is gonna be, the bricks will use a gold standard. 40% of the currency value will be gold. The currency will use a unit and technology blockchain called Enbridge , and I've done podcasts about that. It's basically A-C-B-D-C system. Uh, but it's pretty scary because the next one down, the BIS has a role in it. And that's what I don't like about this because you can see where the world is going. The BIS is playing both sides of the fence. They are the central bank of Central banks. They're running the show. And now the Western hegemony, the United States and Europe's dominance, or what we would call the G seven group dominance is failing. Our societies are breaking down. I believe that's probably why they have a lot of mass migration to kind of break apart the cultures, the nationalism, and the societies of the west to bring the world into a one world congruent order. And you have to go back and find the podcast I talked about where it, it got into the Enbridge because it is unbelievable When you see where the BIS is going with this. Eventually all the currencies go away and everybody goes through one central currency. And I know many think, oh, come on, this is conspiracy. They're doing it. They've laid out the white paper . You have to read the white papers. The United Nations is directly involved. So is the World Health Organization and so is the World Economic Forum. Now I'm on the side. I believe every nation should, should stay completely national and completely on their own. When you try to bring the world together with all the different ideologies and philosophies, who's going to be in control? You bet the luciferians, the evil and the one world power, the gold standard that is coming is real. Now, the United States, many say the gold standard, but they're not going to have a choice. You see, the G seven problem is solved with gold and silver. They're going to have to because they will need a storage of value to remain trustworthy. They're going to need to do it because the fiat currencies that are running the world right now, especially the Euro and the US dollar mean nothing. We're printing it into the stratosphere and diluting the buying power. That's why we have what we all know as inflation because they're printing too much currency, chasing too few goods. Wait until you see the inflation that's gonna come and the trillions upon trillions, they will be printing after this election. They will have no choice. We will probably have a substantial market correction after the election. All the data shows it, and then they will print trillions to get things going. And I contend a few years from now, probably the greatest bubble burst of all time and potentially a great depression. But the G seven has a problem and the only way they're going to be able to compete to remain trustworthy with the 60% of the population that is moving towards the bricks, they're going to have to have gold and silver in the backing. And right now we just don't have that. So that's why I think the West is in a big panic. Now, the bricks challenge to the US dollar hegemony is a big factor here. And how they're gonna do it, they're gonna do it in a three plan , uh, a three phase plan. They're going to adopt a gold standard. 40% of the currency is going to be gold. Then they're going to create a unified payment system with advanced technologies, and we've discussed Enbridge . Then they're gonna promote central bank digital currencies. That's right. Central Bank Digital currencies is coming whether we like it or not. Then this brings on the end of the dollar dependency. Once China deep pegs from the dollar, it is over. And I , this is the part that makes me more nervous than anything else because a deep pegging of the dollar means that dollar is crashing. Let me make this a little bit bigger. I'm getting better at this. But the dollar dependency, when they end dollar dependency and the bricks go into having in their own currencies, 60% of the nations in the world and the population are going into the bricks. Even Saudi Arabia has fully committed to Enbridge and the bricks , which means energy will no longer be used , the US dollar, they're using their own currencies. They're not using the dollar anymore in many of these countries. And if you just study his history in the fall of empires, when the loss of confidence of a currency goes down, that's a collapse of an empire. I'm not saying we're there yet, but the problem is a major part of the world is tired of the United States and they're going to do something about it. This is where bricks come in. So Achi to achieve financial independence from the Western systems, bricks is developing its own payment system, strengthening digital currencies. They will get away from Swift. Swift is how we know. Well, basically we controlled Swift, the United States, it was how countries and banks would do purchases. So to do bank to bank transfers around the world. They used the SWIFT system. The United States controlled swift. So if a country didn't do what we said, we always threatened to take 'em off of Swift. We will put sanctions on you. We said, right, well we're losing that authority and we're losing that power. So once the bricks end the dependency of the dollar, that dollar is in deep trouble. Why you would wanna have gold and silver? Why I'd be given cornerstone asset metals a call. Take it seriously and be properly diversified and don't go to the big gold companies. Please. You can get twice as much silver and gold with Cornerstone than you can with these companies that are outrageously charging and getting you into gold and silver. Numismatic . You just don't need to do. But the the bottom line for them, and I noticed China's making this move, they want national approach to internationalism. Basically, they're taken on the role that the United States used to do. The United States basically dictated morality, I guess if you can call that now, right? But they dictated this to the world and the United States was controlling the direction of the world for quite some time. But China, I've seen them in speeches, make it very clear they're ready. They want a new global order. And remember Chinese, they're communists. So there's nothing good about a communist period. I don't care. Anybody says there's uh , one thing good. That means 90% of us will be poor, 10% live on the hog and we become slaves. So I just disagree. But the payment system is huge. The bricks payment system is extremely real. Being developed and right at this moment is in a phase of creativity, given the following realities, the bricks and those, the wish to trade with them must go on a gold standard in part or in whole . This is why I'm contending the west is gonna have to comply. Why? It's all about supply chains and payment chains . The US must rebuild supply chains to remain self-sufficient in certain commodities, or it must trade with the bricks and the bricks terms. Let's maybe do it this way. It must trade with the bricks on the brick terms, and that means with gold in hand, if they don't rebuild the supply chain, we don't control the commodities. Our military doesn't even have the ability to build things without commodities that come from the east. Why? The bricks in turn will build this payment system, build the payment chains, enbridge and value added portions of the supply chain. It will replace the swift system that the United States runs the world on right now. Either that or they must then remain independent on the US and that means the US dollar in the hand, and that's not what they're going to do. The alternative to ignoring these choices between economic self-sufficiency and a gold standard for continuing international trade is isolation, misallocation and real deep trouble. And so we won't have a choice. We wanna maintain the ability to trade with these nations. They're not going to accept the dollar. We're going to have to come into their system and we're going to have to have gold and silver to back that up. So the world is definitely moving towards a gold standard. Now, I don't, I understand it doesn't seem like it's happening. The gold price is still pretty low. It's only about $2,400. I contend it's going a lot higher. Wait till you see where silver goes just because of supply and demand. But I do know that the Chinese are putting it to JP Morgan and others in the West, and they are taking physical possession of gold and silver and bringing it to the Shanghai and to the East. Now many people think, well, you know, will the United States put up with this? Do you think they will? What are the United States gonna do? We used to control the world and now the world is basically telling us, eh , take a hike. We have the power. People say, right, I mean, we're in control. We have the power. But do we, I wanna show you this video first before I show you that last slide because if you think that the G seven, which is basically United States, Europe, Japan, and such, if you think that we're still in charge, take a look at this video. See what I mean? Already right now, the bricks are in charge. And here's the problem with the United States. Now, Europe is very much the same way the LBMA, but take a look at this. Here's where the American Comex Exchange sits right now when it comes to silver. This is unbelievable. Look at this silver historical stock of eligible available silver. Look at that black line. It is completely gone down to almost nothing. We in the United States do not have, we basically don't have the gold and we don't have the silver to compete into this system. So many will say, well, what's going to happen? Exactly That dollar's gonna lose tremendous value. We're gonna lose prominence in the world stage, and that gold and price and silver price will go through the roof because they're going to use that to back up the new system. That's why there's this urgency to go into digital id, digital currency so they can regulate our behavior, slow down our consumption, and start dictating to us what we can and cannot do. Right down to sloppy Joe even trying to tell us, well, we shouldn't have gas stoves . I'm like, okay, and maybe we ought to kill off all the cows because they fart. Alright . Really? Do you guys really believe that stuff? I mean, climate change is such a joke. Now here's my take. Is climate change real? Yeah, sure. Obviously it is. Just look at the northwest. It's just burning down right now. But it's been going on for thousands of years from Montana down to Texas. Just thousands of years ago, it was a huge water , uh, region. It was all pure water. Iraq used to be a tropical paradise. We've had climate change since the beginning of time as humans walked. It's always been drying up and going backwards, and we think we are going to do something about it. As humans, I highly doubt it. The gold standard is coming. It's coming because the east is gonna demand it. And the east is in control because they control the population, the supply chain, and the routes. Unbelievable stuff. So until next time, God bless you.
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