RIGGED [against you]

Why the Global Economy Is Over

Terry Sacka, AAMS Season 2 Episode 128

Last broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS was invited onto Patriots Helping Patriots with Just Jodie for a deep-dive explanation of the Rigged System. 

In today's broadcast Terry Sacka, AAMS, explains why the global economy as we know it is over, as the hegemony of the U.S. dollar and unipolar world we once lived in, and the structure of everything has changed.

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Terry Sacka, AAMS
is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.

RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.

RIGGED [against you]:

I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].

Terry Sacka AAMS:

I'm Terry Sacka and this is rigged against you. Today we're gonna discuss why the global economy is over. I know it's not like collapsing. Well could <laugh>, but it's, it's more like that. Our structure of things have changed. We are , we used to be a unipolar world. The dollar was dominant. I know people still think the dollar will be there as the reserve currency. I understand it is a time, it kinda takes time to walk these things out. But I'm gonna outline some points today to show you how radical the world economy has changed and why it's never going to be the same again. Specifically because bricks and all the nations that are 60, 70% of the world's population are going into the new Brix unit. It's going to be a new currency unit ran through Enbridge. It's a going to be a digital platform ran by the Bank of International settlements. But it's a big deal because they're taking over the world's trade and they're going to do it in their own currencies, not using the dollar at a time when the dollar has been printed into the stratosphere. And wait until I show you, I know I've been talking about how we're in contraction and during this contraction phase we get minus 2%. We typically go into a depression and then double digit unemployment. Well now they've reversed and they're now putting a trillion dollars every, what was it, every three months, a trillion dollars into the system printing. And that's nothing. Wait until they try to lower interest rates . So we are definitely a nation in a very, very bad place. No matter who wins the upcoming election, it's going to hurt. We are going to have continued inflation. But more importantly, why the global economy has changed and why it's over. Take a look at this. Start with this one. Here are the five one-offs that won't be coming back. Number one, China's industrialization. I'm gonna go through each one of these in detail, but two growth positive demographics. Three lower interest rates for low debt levels and low inflation. This is all radically changed and we need to see how this is going to evolve so we can kind of understand what to expect. This is why we are preparing ourselves for what is coming, why it's so absolutely important to get gold and silver outside the system, especially in retirement accounts. Because remember, you don't own those stocks. There are held in street name only and they're considered collateral. So the currency in the banks and your stocks are collateral. So let's start with number one. Number one being China's industrialization. China has bailed the world out of the last three recessions, and I think this is why the west has kind of done what they did with the global economy. We needed China because we needed the cheap labor, because we had such inflation on our money, we had to export that inflation. And so we used a lot of these countries, especially China, to still keep goods cheap and yet goods are still getting more and more expensive, right? But if we didn't do this, we wouldn't be here today as an economy. But China has bailed out the last three recessions triggered by credit asset bubbles popping the Asian contagion of 19 set , 97 to 98, the dotcom bubble and the pop of 2000, 2002, and the global financial crisis of 2008 and oh nine. In each case, China's high growth and massive issuance of stimulus and credit, which is the China's credit impulse, acted as the catalyst to restart the global expansion. And this worked now during the pandemic, all nations started printing a lot of money. So it provided a tremendous amount of liquidity into the global economy. Why we're seeing kind of somewhat wealth out there, but yet we, the people, the average people, the hardworking Americans, we're not getting that. Most of the wealth has been transferred to the upper echelon 0.1% and we're getting stuck with still lower wages, tremendous amount of inflation and all the jobs, which is a stunning thing. But all the jobs created over the last few years literally have been illegal aliens coming through. That's right. Foreigners, not Americans, which is pretty astounding. But let's go to the next one here. This is number two. And this is the growth positive demographic where China's workforce was growing during the boost phase. Now the demographic picture has darkened China's workforce is shrinking. The population of elderly retirees is soaring. And so the cost burdens of supporting a burgundy cohort of retirees will have to be funded by a shrinking workforce who have less to spend and invest as a result that's actually going on all over the world. I think to some extent that's why they're trying to bring in immigration through the west. Although I think as far more nefarious, I think the uh , mass, mass immigration into Europe and the United States is truly to destabilize the countries as core , um, idea or nationalism to those nations. Germans are no longer Germans. Swedes are no longer Swedes. America. We're a little different. We've always been a melting pot and I've never really had a problem with that. But I do believe they're bringing in millions and millions who are criminals, mentally insane gangsters, and here to destabilize us goes to cloud vin . And it is a not good situation. But that is a big deal because demographics have now changed even in China and it's going to start costing them a tremendous amount to upkeep at a time when the economy has changed so drastically. Even for China, they're slowing down way more than I think many anticipated they would. Number three, low interest rates. The era of zero interest rate and unlimited government borrowing really is coming to an end, although we're still doing it, it's coming to an end. And Japan is a great example. They've shown even at ludicrously, low rates of 1% interest payments are skyrocketing. Government debt eventually are going to consume virtually all the tax revenues. Higher rates will accelerate the dynamic pushing government finances to the wall as interest on sovereign debt, crowds out all other spending. So as taxes rise, households are left with less disposable income to spend on the consumption and leading to stagnation. But what's even worse about this is in that borrowing phase, we're who's going to lend us the money? We're at a point now where people we're buying our debt. Now the world is dumping US treasuries at a time when we have to literally reissue about 10 trillion in treasuries at a much higher interest rate. That's why now we are seeing the interest on our debt is now going to be about 1.6 trillion at the end of this year. You put that with Medicare and the military. There's our budget. So we can't even tax our way to fix this because the debt levels are too high and they can't go anywhere but up. Why it is so important, we understand the whole great taking. Wait until I get into that series here in the future. I definitely, you know, I should probably be saying this more. Please subscribe to this channel, even pass it along. Let's get this going in momentum because this information is really direct and I think it's very important for many to see it. Not that we have fear, but that we understand how important it is to prepare, watch our spending and start planning things just a little bit different while we're working through this great change that the world is going through. Now. Number four, low debt levels. Now at the start of the cycle, global debt levels, government and a private sector were pretty low. I mean, I remember Ronald Reagan, there was only a few hundred billion and now we're here 30, 40 trillion and our unfunded liabilities are up to 120 trillion unsustainable. The boost phase of the debt expansion and debt funded spending is really over. And we're in the stagnation decline phase now. We're adding debt generates tremendous diminishing returns. When we used to issue a dollar of debt, we could get a dollar of economic return. Today we're issuing like $5 in debt to even get a dollar return and it gets worse on a weekly basis. It is unbelievable and unsustainable. If we study history, you'll understand how unsustainable this really is. It's just not going to work. And then on the fifth point here I think is very interesting. Let's go here. Low inflation. Now we did measure inflation. We used to measure inflation anyway on well, as the Federal Reserve would do is we would have this target rate. You know, we want to keep it like 2%, maybe 3% keep inflation low. The world is now entering into a not only high inflation, some areas in the world are starting to experience hyperinflation. There's too much currency printed over, especially since the pandemic and the era of low inflation is absolutely over. And there's really multiple reasons. Exporting nations like the United States, China and others. Wages have risen sharply, pushing the cost higher and skilled labor and develop, develop developed economies can demand higher wages as this labor cannot be automated or off shored . Offshoring is really a reverse to onshoring raising production costs and diverting investment from asset bubbles to the real world. Now this is kind of an issue here because labor can't go away. We need X amount of real physical labor. But here's where this gets a little tricky. Automation, robotics and artificial intelligence. So we do need the labor. We are trying to send a lot of the manufacturing. It's why we sent it to China, it's why we sent it to India and other nations. We're trying to get to a point where we can produce the same product, keep the price down because of labor. But all of this is changing and it's changing all over the world. Mind you, that's why the brick nations are going into a new currency unit and it's coming soon. And I say , uh, when it comes, when China deep pegs from the dollar, it is all over. I know many don't think that's happening, but this stuff, as many told me, oh, it's gonna take 10 years, 20 years, it's accelerating. This is happening unbelievably faster than anyone has ever, you know , uh, predicted. And they can't stop it. And how do we know? They know. Take a look at this. Central banks increasingly view gold as a strategic asset since the pandemic. Look at that increase since the pandemic of 19. It was about , uh, 12% accumulation of gold by central banks 2023 upwards to 71%. Now, a lot of this does have to do with the new bricks currency unit is going to be gold backed and that's a big deal. But what they're not telling us is they know that the currencies are going down, they're going to get revalued. That's why they're trying to push us to CBDC and other currency, digital id, digital currency units. So they can try to kind of print but in a digital form and it's not working. So as I was explaining how we were taking currency out of the system, that goes to this chart here and I like to show it because it's a big deal where you can see on the right we were down to minus 2%. That is when we entered depressions and is when we, we start to have double digit unemployment. But the reason, and I wanted to explain this part, the reason they have to do that is in order to fight inflation, inflation was raging. It was up to 18% when Biden came in and started those massive trillion dollar stimulus packages, which I'm still not sure where that money went, but unfortunately to pull the currency out of the system raising rates and lowering credit access is because inflation was ripping. Well, now we're adding a trillion dollars every three months we're going right back up. So if we go, let's go back into that. If we go to this and see what I mean, they're now on the right side. They're now heading right back up again on the money supply growth. That is dangerous because the money supply growth is going to just exacerbate inflation. So we think inflation was getting better. Unfortunately it's going to rip from here because they have to do this. And if they try to lower interest rates, you will see probably a little stimulus into the stock market. So don't be fooled, it's going to probably run a little bit off of this. I call it like a parabolic blow off , kind of , uh, blowing off the top. But following that, we are going to enter a commodity supercycle like you've never seen. I will not be surprised to see gold at $15,000 an ounce. Silver will be hundreds of dollars an ounce. And it's because the United States is no longer controlling it. This is being done by the east. They control the trade routes, they control the trade, they control the manufacturing because we've exported all of our manufacturing and talent to them. So I do like the idea, bring it back to America. I know it's going to be a little bit expensive, but let's start putting our people back to work. Let's make America financially great. If we do not, we will have a 90 10, a 90%, we will be in poverty, middle class will be gone, and there'll be that power elite at the top. The world knows this. Are we paying attention? And as they're printing that money into the trillions every so many months, this is going to be what we see. This is the chart show in 1980s based shadow stats. This is the real deal. This is real inflation. So no matter what you hear on mainstream media, I don't care what they tell you, real inflation rate is 12%, around 12% right now. And this is a government stat number. Mind you, when they start printing those trillions, if they lower those interest rates, that number, that blue line is shooting right back up. And so real inflation will be a lot higher and they're just going to kind of whitewash the numbers so we don't understand it. But they have to keep inflation on the government side rigged against us like this showing us, oh, it's 4% or 3% because they can't afford to pay the cost of living adjustment for things like social security. So this is a really big deal and I do believe that the world economy is over as we know it. The question is what's going to be next. So it's important to stay focused and stay tuned. God bless you.

Cornerstone Asset Metals:

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