RIGGED [against you]
RIGGED [against you]
Terry Co-Hosts The Power Hour Radio Program To Discuss Why Buy Silver Now
Last broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS explained how the explosive job numbers just recently run Wall Street and greatly financial decision making, but the biggest shock is that almost 1 million of new jobs created didn't even exist.
In today's broadcast Terry Sacka, AAMS, co-hosts The Power Hour Radio program with Just Jodie to discuss why smart investors should be buying silver right now.
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Terry Sacka, AAMS is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.
RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.
I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you].
Just Jodie:Good day y'all. And welcome back to the Power Hour . I am your guest host today, Just Jodie, the founder of anf Broadcaster from the Patriots Health and Patriots News Network . And I am gonna be co-hosting today with the one and only Mr. Terry Sacka. That's right. He's from The Rigged Against You Podcast in the Cornerstone Asset Metals Company. So if you're listening today, this Power Hour is meant for you. Terry , hi. How you doing this morning?
Terry Sacka AAMS:Wonderful, Jody , this is fun. Donna , co-host idea. I think you and I are gonna have some fun , uh, educating and , uh, bringing people information I think they're not used to hearing.
Just Jodie:This is very true. First, let's tell 'em a little bit about you. I told 'em a little bit about me real quick , uh, about Patriots Health and Patriots Networks, so they know who they're listening to today.
Terry Sacka AAMS:Oh, well, that's, yeah. Thank you. Um, well, I was a, a financial advisor. I'm an accredited asset management specialist and was a financial advisor at AG Edwards. So I have multiple financial licenses in the, the paper world I call it. But then I got out , uh, back in 2008 when we really started seeing a lot going on and got into tangible assets. So I'm mostly in commodities. Uh, I'm in , I'm a chief strategist at Cornerstone Asset Metals, dealing mainly in gold and silver , um, but even other commodities and really are focusing on getting, God made it very clear to me, get people ready for what is coming. And so the mission clearly is to inform people of the real information, because what I've found is it's changed radically that it's rigged against us. Most of the data and information they're telling us just flat out isn't true. So I think the important thing for we the people, and especially here in the kingdom, we better be, I think, armed with knowledge, because what does it say? The truth will set us free. And so I'm on a mission to do just that, and God made it clear to me, get my people ready, and that's what I'm here to do.
Just Jodie:Amen. That is so the truth, you know, the economy or lack there awe of has been faced with such tributes of trials over the last , uh, I'll say six years, but four years, you know, specifically. And I just wanna say, Terry , it is time to take our country back. Right? The truth will prevail. So my question is, who in the heck is running our country right now, Terry? Well,
Terry Sacka AAMS:If you really wanna know, it is actually a council. Um, it's not even, I mean, the president's a puppet, but it is really a council. There's about 12 people that are identified. They're on both sides of the party, so, or both parties. So it's a little, it gets, but this council is legit. The , these are people that are in extremely powerful positions. Some in the Senate, some in Congress, some outside. They are really calling the shots. And so for people to dig deep, that council is what is doing the job of the government, and they control it all. And that's why Biden can be sitting at the beach for two weeks and, you know, enjoying the, the surf , but the country's moving because it's really these deep seated council members. And this is what is a little concerning for we, the people. I think we've had an idea of elected officials and we would do things a certain way. Um , but Congress doesn't really have the ability to do what they think they do. And the Senate really most powerful. Uh , so it's really this council and these group of people. That's what has to get stopped. And so what we need to do is focus on this, is, I know people get into the whole concept, oh, revolution in ideas like this. It just, that's not the way this is going to happen. If we want to change the direction of this country, not just for our financial benefit, but ideological and really secure the true aspect of what America was about. We need to do it legally because there's a great taking coming and it's all been changed in the laws, and we need to understand that, but we need to do it through the law. And so we need people in Congress that actually have the courage that are not blackmailed and actually have the courage to do what is right for we the people and not for this globalist agenda.
Just Jodie:Oh, that's , is , is so accurate. I've been watching social media , um, posting lately more than usual. And I will have to say, everyone's like, where's Joe Biden? And the, the huge thing is ever since they kicked him out, unconstitutionally, we haven't seen much of 'em . And now we have this ghost candidate running in the 2024 <laugh> election named Kamala. Right. She refuses to talk to any of the media and finally agrees to do a sit down with CNN, the Corrupt News Network. And as long as Tim Waltz is there with her to hold her hand . So I find this to be very strange leadership, or lack thereof in my opinion. And she has this dangerous flip-flop game in every media release is done by some anonymous staffer. I'm like, anonymous staffer, usually you know who this staff is, right? Right,
Terry Sacka AAMS:Right. That
Just Jodie:Surrounds the vice president or the President. Yeah. So , um, I, I have to say, they, they think that we literally are a bunch of sh who cannot see the truth, you know? And , um, or we have more control
Terry Sacka AAMS:Of power to do it too . Like if we, right , I think a lot of people, you know, especially when they see the, the incredible crackdown , uh, against our liberties are our rights. You know, the Constitution, when they can just speak out and use their first amendment. And yet through censorship, now they're trying to throw people in jail just for objecting to something that is absolutely not American . American. That goes into Bolshevik tactics. That gets into communism tyranny. And there's so much irony here. I mean, the irony is so thick, the hypocrisy, the corruption, and the lies. And we've got to stop that. We really need to start getting to truth. And I know the government can't tell the truth for nothing, but come on, we do need to get to a point where we start getting truth. And if the truth will serve every American, that's the point here. Not this big ideological global in this global is real, Jody . I mean, when the World Economic Forum says it, the United Nations is trying, this is real. The one world order idea. They want to take us to a digital id, digital currency, totally programmable, tell us what we can and cannot do. They want to take us to this point because then they can control our behavior. And everything falls apart at that point. And if people don't think, and this is the part that's frustrating, I know you are too. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> , we are Americans. We don't believe this can happen. But this is normalcy bias. Intelligent people in denial because they haven't seen it or they can't even believe that it's possible. But we must take back the country through truth and handle things. 'cause remember, justice was supposed to be blind. Right? We're not supposed to have politics in the justice system, and yet we're seeing it abused and law fair abused in ways that if we let it go, we absolutely will be Cuba. We will be Venezuela. And before you know it, you won't be able to do anything about it.
Just Jodie:This is so true. Which is really why we're seeing these countries already invest in the digital currency, ignore the , um, our currency, right, and conform to the bricks nations. So this to me is, you know, everyone's been telling us, protect your assets. You know, do the gold and silver. It's God's money. It'll always spend . And , um, you know, that's why, you know, honestly, I started working with Terry from Cornerstone Metals because of that, you guys , um, there's so many things that , um, are coming our way that will not be able to be financed any longer. So if you wanna buy, you know, something happens and you need to relocate or you need a new vehicle, these finance rates are through the roof . There's no way a possible, a middle class American family can afford it anymore. No . And if you have more than two children, it's now costing a family of four the amount that it would cost a family of eight to survive. So it's a big deal.
Terry Sacka AAMS:Well, and they can't stop it. We're at the end of a currency cycle. I mean, we've done this a few times in our country, so it's not like a surprise. But we are at the end of this Federal Reserve note, which is an IOU. It's an , it's an , you know, contract. But we are at the end of this cycle. And so the interest rates really should be going up, not down. So, right. We can't afford it, even at this level. They will start lowering for politics. But we're done, we're printing literally a trillion dollars into the float every three months. And that's going to get worse because we're paying about 1.6 trillion by the end of the year just in interest on our debt. So instead of being a reserve currency dominant with morals and integrity, 159 countries have now signed on to the Brix unit. That currency is 40% backed by gold. And it started out with just 12 countries. And mainstream media kept saying, oh, that's going to take 10, 20 years. No, 159 countries signed on Saudi Arabia told the Americans take a hike. The petrol dollar is over. It was the petrol dollar because we forced Saudi Arabian to this agreement . We protect you by military. You force all the oil and energy to be purchased in a dollar that is gone. And I know you get the mainstream, some of the mainstream economists saying, oh , that was never a really big deal. Of course it was because they had to own our treasuries. They had to own our currencies, and now they're leaving. We are now a multipolar world where multiple nations, specifically China and Russia, a KY, there's this Ukraine war is so important. They need to break Russia up to stop this. And they have 70 trillion in natural resources. So not a bad idea to get our corporate goons in there, but the world has decided to go a different route. And so the hegemony the United States holds is no longer there. So gold and silver is important. Absolutely. Because the world is going there. The , the bricks , currency is 40% backed by gold. So it's an element of it. I even like certain cryptos because we are going to go digital. We will, and now maybe not full. We do like to keep our currency. We would like to have some flexibility and freedom. I'd like to be able to give a $50 , uh, tip to someone, you know, and have them be able to go home with currency. Amen . Yeah . But at the same time, there are going to be certain cryptos that are going to run the digital peer-to-peer transactions. And that's, that's important too, to being diversified. I think more than anything else, Jody , we need to understand, we're at a time in history when, when Klau Schwab came out and said that you are going to have nothing. And like it, they know the US commercial code five and six has been changed. The laws are very clear in bankruptcy or or what we would call full economic meltdown. Your stocks, your bonds, your currency in the bank is not yours. You're actually an unsecured creditor. And they're titled in Street name only. And the worst part, it's actually collateral by the legal system to the debts of the financial system. So if you don't think they can take it, you don't, you're not reading the laws. And that's why the World Economic Forum is saying this. So the world sees, and right now even in headlines, the Chinese and Russians came out and said they need to prepare for the dollars collapse. I know many just don't believe that's possible. It's so strong right now. They don't , but they don't see the world as pivoting away from Americans. They're tired of our bullion. And if they think we can steal $300 billion in the Russian reserves and there not be a consequence, it's coming. And the consequence may not be kinetic. Maybe they try to push a World War iii , but the consequence is going to be ditching of the dollar de dollarization away at a time. We're printing trillions. And when you study history, that doesn't work. You wanna talk about inflation? We could be seeing hyperinflation soon. Oh,
Just Jodie:Not even kidding you. I, all I can, I can say to anybody listening and the American people that it is the most serious financial time of your life. Yeah . And take it serious, moving forth , you know, to close this little , um, economical portion of the show today. I, it is just very, very serious in , I was one who didn't fall into it very early either. And I am now at a stage where it has become vital for everyone. Mm-Hmm . To have a secure investment and have it on hand. Yeah . And
Terry Sacka AAMS:<crosstalk> Well, and I think the important part too, Jody , is that , that the media's not telling us. They keep telling us we have this boom in economy after the pandemic, yet a million jobs were a total lie. There has not been one job gain in the last three years. Not one to American people. They literally, all the jobs created most were part-time. And they were all for and born, I'm stunned. Nobody says anything. I mean, the Wall Street journalists come out with a poll and said, two thirds of the people don't believe in the American dream. And currently today we have 3000 people being laid off every single day. That's just about a hundred thousand people a month. And you even have Warren Buffett dumping shares in stocks left and right. So that tells you something. And just on that last note, on the inflation, they're so flat out lying to us about inflation. If you take the 1980s way of measuring inflation, which we were honest back then, it currently inflation is 12%. It was as high as 18%. So yes, it did come down when they say it came down, but we're currently at 12%. And so the feds here saying, well, inflation's come down so we can lower rates. They're lying. And that part is disturbing because it's, we the people that have to go buy the groceries, that have the expenses that are outta line, and they're telling us everything's okay. Now, it's , we shouldn't be concerned or have fear. But I think understanding we are going through this fourth turning in history, and we're going one way or the other. We're going either freedom's gone, Marxist, communist, or we, the people will have a chance to rebuild our nation with new laws that empower every individual if we do it the right way, instead of the 0.1% in our nation. Because it's real. These numbers I'm saying are real. Yeah. But it's rigged against us because they need to keep the system going. But the bigger problem, the world knows it. That's why the Chinese, the Russians, and all of these other nations are moving away from the dollar in trade. And what is the most important thing in this world is trade. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> and then energy, of course. Right? Yeah. We're losing the trade. And China controls the routes. It's an old silk road we re incurred. They own the ports, they own the shipping lanes. We can't even control the Red Sea, right ? Right now. Right. And they think we're gonna control these routes down by Malaysia. They control the trade. This is why America is in such a precarious point in history, because we need to get back. But I don't think we can do it if we're gonna be a bully. No . We need to get back with integrity and character and lead almost as a Ronald Reagans kind of authority. Transparency, you know, transparency . Yeah . Bring people in, make inclusive Mm-Hmm . If we wanna talk about inclusive, let's include these nations into the global economy. Do you know what , when Donald Trump, right at the end there, we were getting ready to have the biggest economic boom this world ever saw because of the trillions printed through the pandemic. But instead, of course, this whole thing was rigged. He's out, they come in, they kill our energy, independence, they go to war immediately. And now the world goes, whoa. Instead of a time when we all could have been wealthy, even a waitress could have had opportunity for wealth, we end up going to war. We end up destroying this. And this is just the wrong tack . And you gotta ask the question why accept that they want to take us into this one world control grid, digital id. And if you don't believe it, go look at Ireland. Look at England. They're persecuting their own people instead of the, instead of the immigrants coming in to trying to change the cultures. All I know is it's by design to put us into chaos, Clara Vin , and set us into this third world state of control. And most people just don't wanna have to think about that. It's too scary for 'em. But if we don't, we lose our freedom. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . And it's not just financial. We lose our children. We lose the ability to be neighborly, because now you're gonna have people snitching. We're gonna go into that world where your neighbor cheats on or snitches on you. Oh yeah . So it's a , it's a scary time from that perspective, but we have to change it legally and put people in place that are not paid off or bribed by the chi comms, I call it. Because enough is enough. And we need to do the right thing for we the people and our family if we ever want to have prosperity in the future.
Just Jodie:Yeah. So true. It has been such a , you know, a four year , uh, plan of deceit and lies. And yesterday, something really started breaking free late last night, and I wanna hit some of these trending topics before the break, which one of them was this bombshell new video that emerged Okay. Um, during all the deceit of the economy. And , uh, you know, we could go on and on with the voting and, and so many things. There was also the J six , um, incident that was portrayed so horribly. And , um, I just really took note that this bombshell new video that emerged, the top investigative journalist, Julie Kelly, I don't know if you've heard of her, reveals Research. No . That was leading her to conclude that the feds planted a J six bomb, the assassin Thomas Crook had a fed handler and was in communication with the FBI informant , um, as an agent or an asset or something. And it had all the hallmarks of a true setup . So a recently discovered video from J six shows that the individual believed to be a police carrying a bag toward the location where the so-called pipe bomb was found at the DNC Now. Right. And this is about 15 minutes , uh, before another officer actually discovers the device. Right? Mm-Hmm . So we're saying, like , um, officers that are not working for our city per se. Right? So this is another shady moment. This story is about to break free today. And you guys heard it first here on the Power Hour <laugh> . That's
Terry Sacka AAMS:Great. Right ? And, you know, and that we , I think we've all, I don't care about the word salad that, you know, these mainstream people try to use Who's kidding, who rigged. Absolutely. All of this has been rigged. There's even video of Nancy Pelosi knowing she should have had the National Guard there. They opened the doors to the Capitol. It absolutely, I don't understand why we don't see this. Of course, it was a setup . It was a false flag. It was definitely designed to create this narrative so they can then go after to shut down opposition, shut down free people's speech, just like the Cubans, just like communists do. It was absolutely a deep state setup , but I don't know why. Yeah . Most people just don't acknowledge it. Even at the highest of the Republican political levels, they get angry about J six. I'm like, listen, who's kidding? Ho . Right? If you had the National Guard there, that never would've happened. Trump was telling them to be peaceful. They opened the doors and they're walking through peacefully. It was a total setup . I just don't get why those that should be fighting for freedom. Right. Are not willing to acknowledge it, which tells you there's deeper powers here, and it goes to that council in the world order. Really
Just Jodie:Hate to interrupt, but we're about to go to break here in three seconds, and we will be right back here on the power hour. Oh, we have a minute and a half. Great. So I can add that through all of this. We finally are seeing, you know, our voices starting to reoccur and they're trying to submerge before the election and, and bust us up. So my favorite moment of the week was definitely that Zuckerberg is under fire for Facebook. Okay? Mm . They're coming after him. And he finally admits, totally admits that he was part of it, saying, met CEO And Chairman Mark Zuckerberg admits that his social media platform Facebook, was pressured by the Biden Harris government to censor Americans who posted about the COVID-19 pandemic on his website. Right. Additionally, the tech billionaire acknowledged that the Federal Bureau of Investigations had warned them about potential Russian disinformation regarding Bura and the Biden family, which directly resulted in the New York Post about Hunter Biden's laptop story being suppressed that the rest of the world caught onto . So they're coming after Zuckerberg, now he has to admit it. And now we are about ready to go to break. All righty , everyone, welcome back to the Power Hour . I am just Jody and I am hosting today with Terry Saka . We're gonna go ahead and open up the lines for some calls in between our content this morning. And we're gonna start off with Brady from Arizona.
Speaker 4:Yeah. Good morning. I was just gonna , I was gonna bring up the , the topic of , uh, you know, right now a lot of people don't even realize we're living under a military coup. You know, it happened with the stolen election back in 2020 under Donald Trump, you know, and we , we've been going on for three years now and said , oh , even if you bring up anything with election fraud, you're a a right winger. But we all know that , uh, Joe Biden did not get 80 million votes . That is correct . It means , uh, what, what's happening right now is so you're living , living under a coup. And this government that we're under in our CIA look across the world, how many crews in the last 10 years that they've orchestrated, and the one that they got going right now in Ukraine, you got the one that's gonna happen in the next two months is in Georgia, and that's in Georgia of Russia. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> they're setting up in October to do the same thing they did with Ukraine. And if you follow what they're doing over in Europe, that hole where you're supposed to support Ukraine and the Ecro Nazis , uh, it is not going too well across the world because the people that are under Zelensky, most of them are neo-Nazis. It's just taken the world probably 10 years now to figure out this government is arming neo-Nazis aligned with the German rights.
Just Jodie:Right. I'm just gonna jump in here for a minute. Brady and I, I couldn't agree with you more. It is a coup we have them living through, and there's also a coup stacked on top of a coup right now, if you notice what they actually even did to Joe Biden. So like, he was under a coup. Right. They just kind of swiped him aside. Regardless of how we feel about that, it was still unconstitutional. And we continue to see that. What do you think, Terry ?
Terry Sacka AAMS:Well, you know, Brady's interested point is in the military, you know, I'm an army wartime veteran. And you know, back when I was in military, were military. I mean, I'll just say we were, we were serious alphas. Like we were warriors in our mindset. We were trained to be warriors. Now today, the scary part about having a military coup is they've done a systematic job of, of de masculinizing. That was a word there, <laugh> , the military, they're taking away the, the, the warrior nature of the military. And they're downing it. They're, they're almost not just dumbing it down, but they're taking away our ability to be true warriors. That's when it gets scary, because the military is in control, but they're with people that are not patriots. If you noticed what happened through the pandemic, they tried everything they could to take out Patriots out of the military. They were even eliminating special force Patriots. And I've, I've known a lot of brothers that had to get out. They, they're like, man, I'm, I can't deal with this. Especially as Christian, you know, they're even coming after the Christians now. And back at my time, we were a Christian fighting nation for the most part. And that's the part that's a concern because our military is supposed to be our friend, the last resort. Now, good news, there are a lot of good, still solid patriots in the military, even some of my family, and I know some hardcore warriors that are still in there. So it's, it's still viable that we can have a military backing us up. But if we continue to allow this type of administration to get reelected , they will destroy that military forever where a coup absolutely will be happening. Because they won't care about the constitution, they won't care about our individual liberties and rights. They will enforce. And that's why they need our guns, because they know the Americans, especially where I'm from, it's not happening. Like you just, you know, we carry guns on our hips, so Right . You just don't want to go there. So they need to take the guns, then bring in the military, and then we're Cuba at that point.
Just Jodie:I appreciate it, Brady, thank you for calling in today. We really do appreciate it from Arizona. God bless you. Um, I wanted to get moving on over into what I saw popping up , um, recently in late evening last night about Jim Jordan in Ohio. You know, he , um, is on the house judiciary committee. So this whole case with Trump, that has been so <laugh> part of the coup as per se, right. Um, with all of these fake charges, in my opinion. He finally issued a subpoena yesterday for information on the political work conducted by the daughter of the New York State Supreme Court Judge Merchant . And Jordan sent this letter out, Terry , to Michael Nellis, the founder and the CEO of Authentic campaigns. Right . This is a company that has done political work for the top democratic clients like Biden and Kamala Harris. And , um, they're accusing him of failing to comply with the house investigators demands. So here with Jim Jordan getting involved, they're basically finding out that the committee wrote to Lauren Merchant, okay? That's the daughter of the judge earlier in the month, requesting these documents in this probe, which they later relate back to her working for these Democrat democratic campaigns across the nation over time, and is currently still listed on the Biden Harris campaign, which is now the Harris campaign. Right. So she's one of the workers, and that would cause a big problem. So , um, Jordan wrote Pop popularly, whatever that means. I'm not sure elected. I, I think it just means popular and it's spelled wrong. Elected prosecutors such as Manhattan DA attorney Alvin Bragg, engaged in an unprecedented abuse of authority by prosecuting the former president of the United States and current nominee for that office of relevance to the committee's oversight, the impartiality of the Judge Juan Merchant, the presiding trial judge, due to his refusal to recuse him from the case in the light of his apparent conflicts and interest. So the , the whole case ends up screaming election interference. And this is a big deal this week and next week as we trial through this, because not only is it election interference, Trump is requesting for this trial date to be after the election because of the election interference that it's involving. So this conflict is now the daughter of the judge and the president of the is also the president of the authentic campaigns. They are working on behalf to take down President Trump for the judge. So Jordan's pointing this out, and he has given them until September 11th to reply on the subpoena and do whatever it is he's asking legally or she, and he can actually be held accountable in the court of law. Hmm . So this happened yesterday. And , um, I'll have to say that Merchant's Employment with Harris, that campaign, it received over 7 million in compensation, compensation for its services. That is not part of the campaign money. Right. Um, they were actually being compensated for this is what it is starting to look like. So , uh, yeah, she has actually September 13th, I said, oh yeah , here's
Terry Sacka AAMS:What's concerning, Jody is we knew this a year ago. Yeah. So all due respect, Jordan, where were you? 12. I mean, why is this process take so long? Justice is supposed to be blind. We knew immediately this was a political witch hunt. We knew immediately that this was designed to tie him up, try everything we can to throw him in jail. They can make up charges on every single one of us in the country if they really want to, right? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> . But we knew immediately where's all of the other congressmen? Where are the senators? Where were people 12 months ago when we knew this to be the case? We knew it was a political hit job. We knew he should have recused himself. This should have never even gone. Where's the Supreme Court? Yeah . So that's the part where we have to be concerned, is when our judges start showing this bias, when we, the people put our faith into the institution to govern and have law over us once they start failing and showing this level of political hit, that's where your nation falls. This goes into the stages of an empire collapsing. All we need is a faith in the loss of our currency, which is happening. And that in history shows empires collapse. That is what gets me . Where were we 12 months ago when we knew it right away. It was already true. Go at it, but nobody did. And so now you send a letter, two months know before the election, well, thank you Jordan, but you know, a little late to the party,
Just Jodie:I'm like, who's holding this house judiciary committee back? What is the problem here? And where is our speaker of the house? Like he has yet to invoke all of his authority and powers. So I've been rather upset as well with Speaker Johnson for not invoking all of his authorities. You know, not ,
Terry Sacka AAMS:I know. 'cause look at Nancy Pelosi. You gotta give her credit whether she's a total sociopath. Right. She was good at what she did. She was, she at least , at least used her power. Yeah . She was good power .
Just Jodie:And he used her wrongly
Terry Sacka AAMS:<laugh> . Yes. But she was good at how to do it. And Republicans, I don't get it. It's like they're kindergartners or elementary school when it comes to politics. I don't quite understand. And that's what, you know, gets me with Republicans. They're literally like elementary school tactics. They, they just don't have the bravado and the grit to really, truly hold and take and, and leverage power like the Democrats do. That's one thing I respect about Democrats. We may disagree, but boy do they sure know how to use it. And Republicans are literally as flat as it gets. I mean, they, they're just school , school boys compared to it. And that is the part that, you know , I think is , uh, more concerning than anything else is we don't really have a team on our side. Right. We have a country that has one side, very powerful bent on destroying the constitution, bent on taking we the people into a slave state with digital id, digital currency. And the other side just seems that well, we're going to investigate, we're going to do , and what investigating,
Just Jodie:Investigating
Terry Sacka AAMS:Against Pelosi would've had you already impeached in, you know, a month. So, come on,
Just Jodie:Here's my thing. We, the people did the heavy lifting. We have the work , we have all the proof of everything. It's out there. So you know, they have it. Yes. You know, and , um, we've been fighting so hard so long that it's ridiculous as we watch the rhinos just, you know, pale on their backs like that
Terry Sacka AAMS:<crosstalk> . Well , and doesn't not go back , back to Lincoln when you think about it. Even Lincoln had the rhino. I mean, he had to lie to them, which had made it , it is a pretty, you know, famous history. But he had to lie to them about passing that . I think it was the 13th amendment. And you know, we always had that issue in Republicans, Democrats, they stay in line or they get, they get obliterated. But Republicans, we've always had this, and I get it. Uh, but we're definitely not very good at wielding our power. And that's why we're probably not going to survive as a nation because we don't have one side truly fighting. But you're right, there are people willing to fight, you know, for the constitution in patriotism. But where are they? Why haven't they been, been wielding that power and taking charge even in the Senate? Who says anything? I mean, Rand Paul was the only one that pointed out the corruption of the pandemic. Where was everybody else? And so when you see that level of breakdown in the very people we're supposed to have faith in, it's a very , um, difficult position to think that we're going to be able to fight back and come back. 'cause Trump will have his, his, you know, he'll have a tough day if Trump were to even get in . 'cause I think they're gonna steal it flat out. I mean, here's the thing with the election. Okay, we know it was rigged. I don't care. You know, gimme a break. All right ? The laws were broken. Laws were broken in Pennsylvania, laws were broken in Arizona. The point was simple laws were broken and they allowed them to be broken. That was the basis, that was what Pence was there to do. Pence wasn't there to, you know, here it is. He was there to recognize laws were broken , send them back to the states to rectify these broken laws and then certify properly. But they allowed laws to be broken. And to me that we all know that, and based on that alone, this election would've been different.
Just Jodie:Right. I wanna remind everyone also that the phone lines are open. If you guys wanna call in at (844) 769-2944 , and you press one and the producer will bring you into the back. So speaking of what you're talking about here, I noticed a lot of things. One of 'em totally irritated about this election , um, already in Michigan. So we have such a corrupt Secretary of State in my home state here ,
Terry Sacka AAMS:Ben . Here ,
Just Jodie:Ben , you know. Yeah. Benson, she's horrible. She, yesterday, I have a note on it here, issued a threat to any local election official who chooses to withhold the certification of election results in the event of fraud. She says, we will come for you even if there's fraud, and you hold back the election results .
Terry Sacka AAMS:Now why aren't, why isn't she? Yeah . Under investigation for even making that comment. Thank you. Why are we not going after her for tyrannical statements of violating the first amendment of the Constitution? Yes. Why are we even allowing them to even say that? They can do something like that. That's unacceptable
Just Jodie:Behavior. It's unacceptable. In other words, this woman is pla saying, we plan on cheating again. And she's gonna go ahead and get a hor uh , you know, a little bit ahead of this story by forcing the counties to certify whatever fraudulent results we have. Yes. Yeah . So it is so irritating. And I love that General Flynn re-quote truth her and says, you could tell the e always tell the evil ones by their eyes. And
Terry Sacka AAMS:I'm like, sure it's true. She's
Just Jodie:Got wicked eyes. Right?
Terry Sacka AAMS:Yeah , you can. And you know, that's where it gets spooky. I mean, I'm being a Detroit boy, you know, I'm with you with Michigan. Yeah . And , um, but that's, I'm, you know, Detroit back in the day, boy, we were just such a great state. And you know, most of Michigan is Republican. Yeah. But they control the cities. They're manipulating. I have no idea why they voted in what they have now. So Michigan seemed out of out to lunch, but why are they allowed to make statements that are obviously tyrannical, obviously corrupt and illegal to even make those comments? Because you're basically bullying . Isn't that a Soviet tactic? Yeah . Isn't that what Bolshevik's kind of do? And yet we , no one's really saying anything. Where is everybody in Michigan, in Detroit and around ? Why aren't they he saying
Just Jodie:It ? Oh man , it's getting really crazy here. You know, we're involved on that level and it's getting crazy. We've been fighting it for a while , but what I can say is people are not just sitting there anymore. Good. And it's not as overran as you think. Like even Wayne County, we're seeing, you know, the corrupt county. Uh, we are seeing the support for MAGA that you've never seen here. Our biggest concern is always Wash Chana County. I have a quick story and then we're gonna get to our caller Kevin in Ohio. Thank you Kevin. One moment. So I interviewed someone recently, and I'll make this quick, who said to me, I'm on the election , uh, security team. I do this, this, this and that. And I was investigating, I'm part of the lawsuits that went on with the 2020 election. And I want you to know Wash Genau is more corrupt than Wayne due to the college area and how they actually stored the ballots. I said, okay, what's going on? He's like, so they had over 30,000 ballots taken to a fac . Uh , it wasn't a facility, it is a trailer park , uh, like a whole park with a bunch of what they, so-called, would say they're for like kids who are gonna go to school there that can rent them. However they're abandoned and there's illegals living there. And they were filling them out , um, rapidly for months and months inside. And I don't know how they get these ballots early as well as an apartment complex. So out of that county alone came close to, was it 80 or 70,000? Don't mark my words on that, but it was high number of fraudulent balance . So yeah ,
Terry Sacka AAMS:Before we get to Kevin, let me just throw this in. Yeah. If the Democrats, if the Republicans were doing what the Democrats are doing, this would never be allowed. So I don't quite get why we don't stop it when, if Democrats saw Republicans doing this, it would be volcano fire through this nation and other parts of the, the Asian rim. And so unfortunately there's just not enough and we're not able to mine it because I'm in the mining side of things in the , in the refining side of things. It's not there. We can open pit mine and we're still getting like a quarter ounce per ton and a half of Earth. So it's not there. So the prices are gonna have to go , uh, uh, increasingly higher in order to force it out of private hands. Uh, but it is, it's a revolutionary technology change. And there could be hope because right now these EVs are terrible and those batteries are so toxic that where , what are we gonna do ? 'em ? It's like , it's like nuclear waste.
Speaker 5:It is . And , and and our our weapons, we , we blow it up in every bomb, every missile Yeah . We do . Has has an in . That's not recovered.
Terry Sacka AAMS:No, no. I mean you say , say goodbye to our bathroom mirrors. We may start getting distortion soon because we won't be able to use silver to make our mirror .
Just Jodie:Right. Right. <laugh> . Well Kevin, thank you so much for calling in today. We've thoroughly enjoyed you.
Speaker 5:God bless.
Just Jodie:God bless you.
Terry Sacka AAMS:God bless you, Kevin.
Just Jodie:Alright , Terry , as I'm paying attention to the clock, I wanna make sure you get anything closing you wanna say in our last like , uh, little less than three minutes in. And , um, I've had such a great time hosting with you today, by the way.
Terry Sacka AAMS:It was, it was wonderful. So fun . And I , I just really think you and I really understand a lot of the depth that we wanna get out to the people and you know, it was an honor. I do think that , you know, the Power Hour , I think this was an honor to, to be a part of it. You know, I would encourage people, if you wanna know, you know, tidbits of information like this, go to my podcast Rigged Against You in YouTube and or , um, uh, rumble. And then you could always go to Cornerstone Asset Metals and uh , register for information. And if you're interested in gold and silver, because we are there to serve the people. We, the people, we're boutique. We've been around a long time, but we're there for the people more than anything else because it's about protecting the people that it is more than the business and
Just Jodie:They are Christian owned and operated.
Terry Sacka AAMS:Oh yeah. We're pretty unfair,
Just Jodie:I have to say. And that's right there, you know, I had a lot of people that I've dealt with through gold and silver before I found Cornerstone Asset Metals and I will not trust anyone else. 'cause I'm very, very concerned about some of the big huge companies , uh, not the product itself, but , uh, the people and , um,
Terry Sacka AAMS:Well, and they gouge you, you know, they'll gouge you five, six times more than you need to pay. Right. If they got gold in the name of the company, it's nine out 10 of them are, are gouging you in ways you just don't want. So,
Just Jodie:No, and I wanna tell everyone today to remember truly, you know, that we are the one and only nation completely under God. Okay? And let's remember that during these times of uncertainty that our faith will carry us. And this is very important. Um, I'm gonna say God always wins and we, the people have the power. So we're gonna see more of that in every state. It's gonna be a rough couple of months to get there, but we're gonna get there together and , um, you know, God is going to be the resource for everyone in my opinion. And yeah . And Jody ,
Terry Sacka AAMS:Real quick before we go, absolutely. The world is counting on America. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> . I've heard it from all over the world. They are counting on America to make sure we don't go down this road because if we go down, the world goes down. So the world is pulling for America, folks, this is how important this is. It's not about just America. Right . The world is counting on us to maintain freedom for all we the people.
Just Jodie:Amen. That's so true. I wanna tell everyone today , um, and especially here at the Power Hour , thank you for having us. Thank you for listening. Um, we truly appreciate it. I will say that the Power Hour is funded mostly by the audience. So if anyone can donate a small amount to this free speech platform, please go on over to the power mall.com . It will be greatly appreciated. You can findTerry@cornerstoneassetmetals.com and on Rumble at , uh, rigged Against You, or it's also on his website. Um, I'm just, Jodie, I'm on True Social as that. Uh, just Jodie, seven on X and the founder of the Patriots Help and Patriots News Network. I host many interviews there along with , uh, some of my other broadcasters who have shows there. Uh, so please give it a checkout if you enjoyed this today we are also on BBS radio and tv. So thank you to everyone who has to tuned in to the Power Hour Today
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