RIGGED [against you]
RIGGED [against you]
Major Crisis Is Coming
Last broadcast, Terry Sacka, AAMS explained how although we may all think peace is an ideal solution, in fact, war is sometimes necessary.
In today's broadcast Terry Sacka, AAMS discusses a major economic crisis the BIS warns is coming and how we must financially prepare ourselves now more than ever.
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Terry Sacka, AAMS is a Wealth Strategist, Financial Analyst and Founder of Cornerstone Asset Metals, Wealth Transfer News Television, and the RIGGED podcast. He formerly was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and a strategist in commodity options and futures. Using his global travel and U.S. Army military experience, Terry has accumulated a unique perspective of the real global economic framework.
RIGGED [against you] is a wealth and finance podcast designed to help you achieve your financial goals through advanced savings and investment techniques.
I saw a wave, a dark wave, come over our nation. And it's not just the election, of course, but this program is going to be all in the name RIGGED because when I, and we formed RIGGED, it was because of the financial system, but RIGGED is now becoming common in America. And it's all RIGGED [against you]. The system. I'm Terry Sacka, and this is rigged against you. Now, the BIS has come out and said a major crisis is upon us. Now the BIS is the Bank of International Settlements. So before I get into this, I wanna just kind of caveat that. Let's go between the lines on this because we're gonna connect the dots here a little bit. On the big picture, this is all part of the big framework and the setup , uh, as far as what we would call the Great Reset , uh, many have discussed it. There is so much going on out here, it's unbelievable. Um , I'm amazed what I'm hearing going over in , uh, in Lebanon right now, how they're using pagers and things to blow up and very sophisticated stuff. I mean, I really feel strong that what's happening , uh, from the East isn't as strong as they think they are. They do have one thing though. I mean, militarily, there is no doubt Israel, the United States is pretty darn superior. I think Iran would be completely leveled if they even try something and they know that. So I'm not overly concerned of major escalation of a kinetic war per se, but something still has to come. They still have this agenda that they've laid out in the Great Reset, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the World Health Organization on bringing us all under this umbrella. I know the Pandemic Treaty is a big part of it. They know once they get that pandemic treaty signed, which you know, I know Harris will be signing it. I know Trump will not. That's a loan , right? There should be something people should be focusing on. But that would give the United Nations basically through a declaration of emergency, which anything and everything can be declared emergency. We saw how they would do it already through the pandemic. We know what they're going to do. They will declare emergency in every aspect from guns and on , and the United Nations will then have sovereign authority. The World Health Organization mandate vaccines take our guns. You can just see the writing on the wall. Our constitution will be completely gone at that point. I think this is really the ultimate goal and where this is trying to go. But let me get into this. BIS because I found it interesting that the BIS is commenting about this. And to me the BIS commenting is everything most obvious, they say major crisis in the world, history is approaching, but yet few understand it. The BIS is warning. The financial system is prone to repeat e episodes of volatility like the one that rippled across the markets in August during this , uh, it was a popular hedge fund strategy that ended up collapsing. But the fact that the BIS is getting involved, I'm telling you there's dots to connect here. There's more than just the BIS. Now remember, the BIS is the Central Bank of Central Banks. They are the unaccounted for, they have, they're under no country laws. They have their own police force. If anyone were to put the BIS in a category, it would be that they are the one world government or the one world financial body to go along with the council , uh, of foreign relations who's really running the show as far as for , um, destruction of all of these countries in the west and trying to change the , the sovereignty of nations and bring in the pop cloud pavin chaos type of thing. But the fact that the BIS is getting involved in making these comments, I find very, very interesting. So here they go on to say , we should be under no illusion. This is not the first and will not be the last true turbulence in the market. And this is coming from Claudio Borio , which is head of the Monetary and Economic Department at the BIS and and this is in a press conference. He was saying it or Claudio. Yeah , I was thinking that's a guy . It's a girl. I really don't care. But it is part of a bigger picture and it's all about the inevitable withdrawal symptoms that the market has suffering from transitioning away from an extraordinary period of exceptionally low interest rates and ample liquidity. And what they're really trying to say, what the words speak is that the system in the west is done . Europe, nato, the United States, we are so financially just about broke. We're printing a trillion dollars every three months and it's going parabolic, meaning straight up it's, we're losing control of it. And so they're kind of getting ahead of the narrative that this is happening. Let's not have the illusion that this isn't just standard business. And then they go on to say a recession is coming, which we're already in in the United States, and a few rate cuts are not going to prevent it. But yet they're doing the rate cuts. And as I did in my last podcast, I showed how they put almost 700 billion into the market just to prop up the market for the election. But these rate cuts that they just did today , it's not going to change. It's going to keep the markets moving. It's gonna make people think it's okay . But listen to what they're saying . Don't fall for the illusion that everything is okay. Wait till I show you this graph of how disconnected the system is. They go on to say that every single one of us now believe there's a recession and well except the mainstream media, right? And that's exactly the opposite of what the market believes. I'm gonna show you the actual chart for this. Now, this is from Gary Evans. He's a research chief strategist and a global asset allocation of telling the squawk box in Asia. So the world is clearly under understanding that we are at the end of this financial system and cycle. What we're dealing with is this fourth turning event. Are we going into a slave state , Marxist communist type of control, or are we gonna take back freedom and stand on the Constitution here and will Europe have a chance to even take back their farming and maybe still have a culture to live in? But they know this is coming. Everybody knows it's coming. Here is the chart that explains the breakdown of what we, the people believe is going on, what the market says and what the Federal Reserve is saying. Look at this. The dark blue line is what the s and p 500, what the market is saying that the federal fund rate should be, they're talking about 2.5%. So you want to talk about lowering rates. They lowered a half a basis point 50 basis points today, but the market's saying no , it's going down to about two point a 5% on interest. Now, that would be good for a lot of people if you wanna refinance or move housing for the last time, but talk about inflation. But look at the white blue line below that is the implied fed fund rate, which right now we're at the around 5% range and they did lower 50 basis points. This is a big deal. The markets are standing firm that there is a lot of interest rates coming. One problem we're printing a trillion dollars every three months they pulled liquidity out, almost got us to a double digit unemployment, great depression. And now they're just skyrocketing liquidity back into the system, which could fake it out. But the bottom line is we're at a bubble of all bubbles of epic proportion. And the fact that the bi IS is saying it on the other end in the United Nations, you have them discussing the pandemic treaty, which will take over sovereignty, destroy our rights as constitutional rights that we supposedly have pretty amazing stuff. And let's not forget this quote. Now this is where we're connecting the dots. We have the BIS telling us a major crisis is coming. These interest rates, lowering them will not stop it. And let's not forget what this guy said. Yeah, that's right. Klau Schwab at the Economic Forum. The pandemic represented a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world, their worldview and what they want. Downright luciferians is not what the people want. They're talking about digital id, digital currency, forced vaccination, complete slave state telling us what we can and cannot buy when we can and cannot do it. And that is going to be an epic battle to reach. But they're doing it. They're laying out the groundwork and they're telling us, so what took place today was the rate cut, the fed rate cut was a 50 basis point cut and we all know that are in finance that that is a red flag. They're cutting the rates because they know we're in recession. They're just rigging the numbers. They're telling us inflation is low enough so they can do it. But is it, we show this often when we use the real measuring of inflation, the real economic data, and you take it from shadow stats, which is a government statistical site. You get 12% inflation currently. Now most of your financial talk is that's the blue line there. Above that is the actual 1980 basis of how we measure inflation. That is the real inflation right now, right now. And then they're going in and adding a hundred hundred . These numbers are getting astronomical, right? A trillion every three months and now they're going to lower interest rates. That is the biggest picture of what's coming when you connect the dots with the Bank of International settlements telling us a major crisis is coming. You know, the World Economic Forum, the the uh, council formulations, what their goal is in destroying the entire Western civilization and culture so they could bring us into a slave state. This is the ultimate goal. Now, they tried the pandemic that failed, but believe you, they learned what worked and didn't. So you can't count that out because they're coming back at us, they're setting it up. Something is coming because 12% real inflation, you have all the major talking heads telling you that the inflation rate now is down to like three or 4% and everything's much better so they can lower the interest rates unbelievably rigged against us like you can't believe. Now, I would recommend taking advantage of them if they do lower down to 2.5% and refinancing or moving homes, get it done because it's not going to last. Everyone in the world knows we are walking into not only a major recession, but a worldwide potential depression. Why you're seeing increased activity towards a kinetic World War three , why we're walking into all of this trouble with Israel and all the other stuff being set up in the United Nations because make it real clear and know it's this right here and why gold and silver is so valuable, why? You know the amount of money printing that's coming, because you're going to see this cycle change quickly. This is the s and p index, commodity index versus the s and p 500. Look how low on the right we are today, we are lower than in 1970 on commodities. Now commodities are cheap right now, but yet everything is so expensive, isn't it? Think about that gas is almost double where it was when Trump took over food prices. Everything is expensive because the currency has been printed into the stratosphere and doesn't buy the same and never will. It cannot be fixed. It has to be, I'd say controlled, demolition and recreated into something new. And the powers to be know that. That's why they're walking us into this. They're why they're warning us. They're just setting up the psychology to get us ready for whatever that shoe is dropped Now, right now on that chart, it is amazing to me. We are literally below 1970 on the commodities index compared to the value of the s and p that is going up. As you can see, the three periods we they had there in the seventies and back in 2008 and then the 1990s in the middle, we are walking into a commodity super cycle . It's going to last for years. Things like copper are gonna be good investments, obviously gold and silver. There's no doubt within the next three or four years, gold will easily be seen $5,000 or more and silver will easily be well over a hundred to $200. But it's all the other commodities that are gonna be the issue and why you need to reallocate and pay attention to. Now, this is not taken into account any systemic issue taking place, meaning an increase in a potential World War III or another biological weapon release and a pandemic has started, or some major cyber pandemic that shuts down the internet. You tack that into this equation and you wanna talk about escalating prices, why it is so important to be properly diversified and be hedging against what's coming and not be so all into this market system. Because even the BIS is telling you, don't be fooled. We know we're in recession, we know where we're at, and if we're gonna have any chance of changing this, we better get smart business people in that White House. And currently right now, that is the farthest thing that is in there. And I don't know, do the American people really see it? I just hope so because the BIS is telling us, well economic forum is planning it and they're escalating potential long range missiles into Moscow. How do you think this is going to turn out? So continue to get prepared, do it with peace, but continue to prepare and pray for sure. But the way I look at it is preparing is never going to hurt you and let's just hope for the best. So until next time, God bless you.
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